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Posts posted by SandSoulja

  1. yeah anchorman is one of my favs too...along with every other will ferell movie...

    Talledega nights is a goodin

    "san diego...founded by the germans n 1904...i believe it means whales penus"

    "agree to disagree"

  2. :freakin_nuts: No need to erase it, Sean. This thread wasn't meant to be taken THAT serious. :laughoff::beercheers: Does nobody really know me anymore? :laughoff:

    Wow, I "CHASTISED" you? Is that how you took it? :censored: Come on! :shocked2:

    well i mean you have been a little snappy lately...sometimes i just don't know if your mad or happy or sad or glad...i feel like were losing you a little bit....is there anything we can talk about to make it feel better? :shocked2: ...there does that feel better?

    yeah i'm pretty sure i caused this "rules" thread...don't be afraid to hurt my feelings just tell me to quit being a jackass and read some freakin rules.

    "hey gilligan, did you eat the skipper?!" (tommy boy)

    "you know alot of people go to college for seven years." "yeah...they're called doctors" (tommy boy)

    im out.

  3. :beercheers::lol::lol::lol::lol::DDRrocks::DDRrocks::DDRrocks:

    And in this corner representing STU we have the challenger :blah:

    And in this corner we have :blah:

    Click for your ring card girls in this battle of wits :drinkbeer:

    They're flippin' tires folks, everybody has their personal preference. Personal attacks about something so stupid. Next thing you know somebody is going to start a thread on thumb vs twist throttle and all hell will break loose.

    Watch the ring card girls and chill :beercheers:

    Pfffft...thats stupid...everybody knows twist throttle is better....


  4. been doing some research on them, and found alot of different ones out there, and even some places that have different ones.....hmmm i might just start a fleet of these and sell some ice cream!

    Good for business delivery purpose like:

    water station

    fresh bread


    karaoke rental

    machine shops

    fish dealer

    fruits dealer

    vegetables dealer

    tires & battery


    also: for school service, ambulance


    iam so diggin on this one!.....:drinkbeer:


    hey man we got a new load comin from japan this week!!!

    first come first serve!!

    yeah people do some pretty sick set ups....i like the hunting ones with chairs and gunmounts on top.

  5. No, I put offset wheels on it. (same thing)

    :dunno: No, I didn't miss his joke. I was talking about wider rhinos, ya know? the topic!? :banghead::lol:

    You wanna box now ma facka? :lol::slap:

    gotchya...it was just that you qouted his joke...and then went off on your speil....didn't make sense. :laughing::lol::banghead:

  6. What? Is that too high tech of talk for you? I tried putting it in simple terms for those tard readers out there. :slap::lol::laughing: Should I dumb it down some more for you? :banghead:

    no!!! yes. no!!!

    i thought you missed his joke...i think he was implying some adult humor with the "longer, wider" stuff.

    so somebodies dumb here...i thought it was you :lol: but maybe it was me :banghead:

    but i'm pretty sure it was you :lol: you shut your mouth when your talking to me. :dunno:

  7. dunefreak, what does it take to get a permit, im sure we could drum up enough cash from the guys interested. I know I would be more than happy to throw some money in. what could it be a couple hundred?

    bad idea. i don't mind following rules and paying fees, but lets not just go opening doors for them to take more money...i'd like to think that responsible duners are not rule breakers...just rule BENDERS.

    we shouldn't pay them more money to go hang out at the dunes....just think of it as a really big camp.

  8. Looks awesome warrior. That is the FIRST thing I did with my Raptor. It handles so much better and is much more stable. It's the best thing to do with any sidexside or ATV. :laughing:

    Long travel doesn't make it longer in length. :lol::banghead:

    Long travel ARMS make it wider and more stable. When you offset the wheels like he did (with spacers or offset wheels) essentially you are giving it slightly more travel by making your wheel to suspension pivot point longer while giving it more stablility. :banghead:


  9. is there anything that DOESNT look sweet with aftermarket rims??

    Good Point. I painted the nextdoor neighboors kids radio flyer wagon wheels flat black and that thing was pimpin'!!!

    what do those things top out at?

    it depends most of them will do about 55 and i've had some that go faster.

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