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Posts posted by SandSoulja

  1. what an awesome thing to do.

    thats so sick...i haven't even listened yet...but i'm just stoked about them straight up giving music away...who does that these days?!?!?!?!

  2. I'm a huge baseball guy...so i watch alot of that..which most people dont understand. I like watching sports in general so right now its playoff basketball time go celtics!!!

    Other than that i like any time the have supercross or mx stuff on....theres a good show on fuel tv. called the great ride open...and a bunch of fmx guys go hit all the cool ride spots...

    and monster jam.

  3. so we went out to / x today...only there for about an hour...but rode about 80 miles from lucerne to apple valley back to lucerne, out to /x on 247...and then rode around the other side back to apple valley...dropped of my step dad and brother...and then rode back to lucerne valley. im smahed

  4. so we went out to / x today...only there for about an hour...but rode about 80 miles from lucerne to apple valley back to lucerne, out to /x on 247...and then rode around the other side back to apple valley...dropped of my step dad and brother...and then rode back to lucerne valley.

  5. haha sweet. try me.

    Just that you said that pumps me up soo much more...

    its not the ridin' part for me its the gettin up at 5:00 am!! or earlier.

    nothin like that brisk summer morning air...i get chills just thinkin about it.

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