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Posts posted by rocket

  1. Hey Jim, hope you wern't talking about SANDAWG and me. Oh, that's right, we didn't ride with you so I guess we're not the "mellow old guys." Hope everything was ok with your WW when you got back to the bluff. We left at 10:30 Thursday and everything was good. Thanks for the good time at the fire. See you next season, maybe. Rocket & Booster.

  2. :lol: Gran Torino is an awesome movie!

    Matt, I guess you don't know SANDAWG that well. Grass?!?! All he has are rocks and dirt in his yard. He will be camping with me on P-Day and I'm going to try to make him a little happier. Come by and see Pat with his hammock, under our palm tree, next to the blow-up swimming pool with a Carona in hand. He will be much happier on Friday.

    Remember Pat, we put new springs on your RV. We can do it again if needed. See you in the sand, Rocket.

  3. I may have brought this up before but after a couple of weekends with limited riding partners to go out with it sure would be nice to have someone else with a rail like mine, small VW and ride more.

    There are so many larger faster Long Travel Cars around now that I'm outta luck.

    Can't afford a long travel car so a "Plea" for others to ride with.

    I see quite a few other VW rails out at Dumont so hopefully some of those will see this and respond.

    On another point.. it really isn't fun any more on the big weekends after a day or so the sand is so torn up and rutted my rail isbeating me up and that's not much fun.ready to just go on off weekends only or just do the big weekends to drink and relax!


    Gosh Pat, sounds like you need a group hug!! :bar: :hug: Big Rick and I will try and do better on Thanksgiving! :beercheers:

  4. Any one wanting to ride down get in touch with me. here is the agenda for the meeting;

    Agenda for September 21, 2010

    Barstow Field Office

    10:00 am.

    Call To Order



    Approval of the Agenda

    Approval of the Minutes, May, 2010

    Lunch – Bring money for pizza


    Fee Modification update

    Fencing around the dunes - update

    General Dune usage report

    Members Items


    Terry, maybe I missed it, but has anything been posted on the Sub Group meeting? Any updates? Thanks, Bob.

  5. Leaving Friday afternoon and will see the show on Sat. Then find something to do Sunday before heading home, anybody else going down?

    Hi Terry, Carolyn and I will be going Saturday. We live in Cypress, about 12 miles from the show. SANDAWG says if his turbo is ready in Orange, he MIGHT come to the OC, pick up his goodies then go to the show with us. See you there, Bob.

  6. Some of the guys from my work will be doing that run. If you see the Patrol running by say Hi to them for me.

    Last year SANDAWG was wearing his BP hat when your team ran by. They all saw it and gave him a big cheer. I believe your team is #9. Let me know if it's another #. :laughoff:

  7. I see several duners are planning a day or weekend trip the 17th and 18th. Don't forget the annual Challenge Cup Relay Race is scheduled to start Saturday morning and run through the night to Sunday morning. This is a relay race for law enforcement from all over the world. :usa:

    The race starts at 9:a.m. Saturday on 127 about twenty miles north of Baker High School. Runners have follow vehicles as well as transport vehicles for 267 teams who run the 20 leg course. Checkpoints, aid stations and toilets are placed every five to eight miles. The last teams will START the race at 4:p.m. The course runs to Shosone then 178 to Pahrump where the runners take the 160. The end of the race is at the LV Hilton.

    Traffic will be VERY congested at times along the course and sometimes restricted to one lane. Plan ahead and expect some delays. :(

    SANDAWG :atv: and I will be at Little Dumont camped near the entrance road starting Thursday. :laughoff: Stop by and enjoy a brew, or just watch the race. :finger:

  8. "Arnold was spending every penny during the last few good years"

    Was it really Arnold spending the money or the liberal legislature that California is famous for?

    Thank Gawd I left there in 1959. then back for a few years and then for good in 1982.

    Gee Pat, isn't Senate Majority Leader "Dingy" Harry Reid from Nevada??? It would sure help the nation if Nevada voted him out of the senate. We have a problem in Cali with Arnold, but Reid is a concern for the entire country. :(

  9. I haven't seen it on this site yet, but - - - - the Baker to Vegas Challenge Cup Relay Race is March 14th & 15th. Cleanup weekend. Traffic from DD to LV will be a mess with all the runners and support vehicles. :ah:

    If you are planning a day trip on Saturday and driving north on the 127 from Baker, expect a lot of congestion with parked vehicles, RV's and the like north of Baker High School and past the DD turnoff. The race starts about 9:am Saturday and the first runners will be at DD around 10:00. This will continue all night until the runners reach LV Sunday.

    See you at the cleanup. :beercheers:

  10. That's cool and functional.:dunno: the grill is the background gives me an idea. a small grill and I can cook too.......Thinking the small Weber grill might fit on it! :think:

    I'm starting to worry about you DAWG :thumb: You have way too much time on your :lol: hands! What did ya do, cut up an old propane bottle?? :beercheers:

  11. If anyone is going to Dumont From Henderson on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday for the Thanksgiving weekend and wants their gas paid for over and back. returning on Sunday morning??????

    I always see lots of pick up trucks without trailers going to and from Dumont.

    I need somebody to haul my small single axle trailer with my Rhino on it. If you want the gas, for your truck paid for, I will be gald to do it.

    I have the hitch, all you need is the receiver. There will be room on the trailer for extra stuff for you to take also.

    Contact me via PM if your interested, for exchange of information.


    Darn!!! Should have ordered a longbed!! :beercheers::usa: What was I thinking?!?! :moon:

  12. Tim, since you don't know all the facts as to why the president of FoDD was not there and they are of a personal nature and I will let her explain it when she feels like it. I just want to be very clear, this was a joint venture the first of many to come I am sure. But the clean up was a successful event for 5 years before DDR ever hit the internet.

    I am not saying that DDR is not a big help and your right without the DDR members the poker run would not have happened. Thats why I approached Pete about doing it this way.

    I don't think the president or for that many of the DDR members want to get involved in the politics that it takes to be involved in dealing with the federal goverment that the TRT and FoDD are doing. If there any I would love to have them join the FoDD and we will put them to good use.

    There is no reason why FoDD shouldn't be using the web site that has the most contacts and easiest way to get info out to the duning public but that does not take anything away from FoDD it only adds to it's mission to be the liason between the BLM and the users. We will use any means we can to fight the fight.

    Excellent reply Terry!! :censored: This is a joint effort and FODD and DDR worked together to make this poker run happen. I for one appreciate your efforts to fight the good fight and your representing all of us duners with TRT!! Thanks again, Bob. :beercheers:

  13. Pat- - - :?: I don't want to see anything about running out of booze!! You know what I mean?? :dunno:

    Other than that Mr Lincoln, How did you like the play?

    Good news bad news:

    G, several days with friends@Dumont

    B, sucked up by the new quicksand for a short time driving east from the host site damnit

    G, weather, weather, weather, best I've ever seen for that long of a time.

    B, the dust on Friday, that was nasty damnit

    G, ran out of booze

    B, ran out of booze, damnit

    G, Side trip looking for the old Dumont tent city

    B, didn't find it yet damnit, did find a hand forged RR spike though, neat!

    G, Good crowd at comp hill on Friday

    B, Except the punk that thought he wanted to pick a fight with me @ comp hill Friday night, pulled his jeep right in front of me. I was sitting at a small fire way in the back......Damnit, he didn't swing. He " didn't know there ws assigned parking"????????? Real smart a$$.

    G, Met dunefamily halloween weekend, no one but happy hour at the south pole the weekend before

    B, didn't see anyone else in DDR damnit

    G, took the new rail out

    B, Not ready yet, some odd noises damnit

    G, Had the Rhino for backup

    It goes on and on but all in all a good time for the first trip of the year

    did I mention that the only thing the entry road is good for this year is to wash your laundry. It sucked in last week and worse this week out!!


  14. Contrary to mdthlfa, I came in last week and really got beat up by the washboard conditions. I left on Oct 1st and it was a 15 mph trip for me in my truck and 26' toyhauler. I've seen it better. But then mdthlfa has a rig that will smooth out the road to hell!!! :laughing::headbang1:

    I think the grader never saw the road. I think it was there to smooth out the gravel they dropped at the ranger site :DDRrocks:

    Like I said Pat, "lot's see how long it lasts." I left on the 30th and it was an "A", you left after the Halloween rush was coming in. Probably got beat up pretty badly! :blink: You are right about the grader being there for the new ranger pads, at least that's what Don and Ellen said. Thought Don might have sneaked out in the early am with the grader!?!? Oh, that's right!!! BLM won't let him grade the road anymore!! :slap:

  15. Is there an echo in here?

    Tim just had to give us the detailed dork version. :usa::dunno:

    Left the D this am at 9am. Pulling a 40' Toyhouse and doing 25 with no problems. Could have done more but that really screws up the road. Lots of dust!! There was a grader yesterday across from the Ranger Station. They must have graded it late yesterday or this morning. It was in great shape. Let's see how long it lasts. BG

  16. also dont be afraid to leve them leftover food, gas, ect.

    Just saw Don and Ellen this morning. SANDAWG and I were out there for the week. Don got his fence up a few days ago and is looking for a road grader but all BLM will get him at this time is a HD Bobcat. SANDAWG is still there and camped next to Don for the Halloween weekend. They do appreciate any firewood you leave them.

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