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Posts posted by b370

  1. my post was directed to everyone and just to warn of the changes. So I wouldnt say that it was directed towards anyone in particular. And I'd never dare call the El Presidente a dune newbie :thumb:

    I'm not worthy all great and wise one :bowdown::MBdance: I just hate hearing about anyone coming home via air lift :fro:

    :poop_hittin_the_fan: cya all

  2. Holy crap, Ive never seen the razors that sharp. Woohoo!!!!! Airtime!!!!!

    The top of comp had some BIG rollers.... Out of no where were ripples in the sand big enough to swallow terry's car!! They were stacked on top of each other and steep on both sides. Not fun in a car or a bike if your not paying attention. The razors were deadly since the sand was so soft on both sides and vertical. You cant go slow or fast over them..... Kinda weird and deadly

  3. Ahhh come on Nick........ we only stopped twice for me! Once was a precaution and the second was to feed the wildlife.

    We ate a crapload of sand on that hill... Out of nowhere was a 2-3' drop off. The dunes were Sooooo different......... Id be WAY carefull if any of you do a night run from the hill on the 11th

  4. Ok lets set the facts straight! I only :thumbsdown: 'd once!

    The dunes were deadly! Soft faces and steep drop offs everywhere. There were too many holes and blind spots that were everywhere you looked.



    Then there was the renobs in the 2wd Navagator burried to the axle.


  5. Pete:

    The second run he made on the dyno just after he started tuning was jaw dropping. He had to restrap the car down because it started to spin the tires and it looked like it was about to launch off the rollers. Each time it made more power and still couldnt keep the tires planted, then the clutch started slipping.

    Lets just say its still making power as it hits the rev limiter and is capable of more :thumb:

    I'd love to make it on the 11th but I will be in the middle of a move into our new house. Maybe the next trip

  6. Nahhh no banshee this trip. Just wanna give his car a shake down after being tuned at Danzio this past week.

    We were thinking of leaving around 4-4:30am on saturday morning and leaving around 9-10am when it starts to get warm.

    So Terry.... what do you think?

  7. Nick:

    We will have terry's truck if his car needs a tow or your bike needs to be picked up. I think its just a safe measure to have more people around.

    After seeing what his car did on the dyno.... we may need help getting out of the seats when our buttcheeks are holding the seat cushions like a kid has a death grip on a candy bar

  8. Okkkkkkkkk Let me clarify a few things here......

    I do not :laughoff: everytime I am in the car. Its happened twice and I have been in that :thumb: coots car many many times. I dont stare at the suspension, he does not have a windshield so the lack or or excess air in my face does not bother me. I normally watch what is around us or the line we are taking, cars or bikes in front of us, or just look around at the scenery. I dont know why anyone would watch the suspension when that (to me) would get boring. Rollercoasters dont make me sick either! Now boats on the other hand..... :blink:

    Both times I've gotten sick have been right after eating :laughoff: Terry is just having fun at my expense :laughing::laughing::laughoff::blury: hehehehe

    I wonder if terry is gonna go out all ALONE this saturday morning :flipoff::laughoff:

  9. Looking to see if anyone is up for a quick morning run this weekend? Ynot wants to give his car a quick shakedown this saturday or sunday morning (after its retune)

    Anyone interested in a run to dumont this weekend? We would like to leave around 4:30am and return when ever it get to hot! Or before it gets to hot.

    any takers?? We would rather not dune alone....... anyone??? :beercheers::laughing::slap:

  10. I have way way too many good shots from Idaho and since I can only post one... I may use Terry to post another :)

    They are BIG so Im sorry for those of you on dial up :DDRrocks:


    I took close to 600 pics in Idaho so if you need more let me know :):booty:

  11. I'm a little late on this, but then again its been a busy weekend.

    Friday night wasnt much excitement since we spent the day driving around town lookin at houses (to buy)

    Saturday morning took off to a slow start. Helped the wife clean the house a lil, then off to a friends house to work on Terry's rail.(Your very welcome Terry......) Not sure why but I think I was just as relieved and happy as you when we found the timing was correct. Then the cables were icing on the cake :)

    Sat night was pretty quiet... took the family to dinner and crashed early.

    Sunday morning has been comical to say the least.... We asked our oldest boy to take our new puppy outside and he didnt give him enough time to finish business... So the puppy drops a steamy loaf on the kitchen floor and since the kids arent paying attention.... The oldest steps in it. :happydrunks::beercheers: hehe

    The rest of the day will be spent food shopping and a trip to costco... Yippie~

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