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Posts posted by SKINNER

  1. dropped off parts at the powder shop today, should have them back in a few days! yeehaaw

    frame, tank, forks, drum cover, chain cover, rear sproket, nerf bars, peg bracket, seat bracket, skid plate, and triple tree cover...its gonna be strange picking them up all clean and shinny!


  2. ok got it, so its the sandy electrical thing, right next to the greasy, coming out from the dirty thing! perfect!

    LOL....."I KIDD" "I KIDD"... i happen to own one of those sandy dirty greasy things myself! :atc:

    but it is no longer sandy dirty and greasy, i donated the dirt to the pressure washer gods today!

    and i got some goodies in the mail too!....love when the mailman brings parts boxes! :lol:

    i was thinkin about connecting my lights to the ignition switch or the battery...... :MBdance::pics::MBdance:

  3. i know you dont want to buy it but there was a guy on craigslist that i was getting firewod from last season, he was out off of racetrack in hendo. he was a landscpaer or something and had a backyard full of different kinds of cut trees, all cut down to perfect size. he would fill up your truck bed for 50 bucks. not free but cheap for sure :xmas2:

  4. if need be i am down to donate to the cause, i would hate to see this get cancelled do to high cost of following the rules. i know its best to play buy the book, but sometimes the "powers that be" forget that the fees outweight the fines!.....lol....its like they say "its better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission".....i dont know who "they" are but i heard that they say alot of stuff.

  5. make em dizzy :beer_bang: :beer_bang: ...spin around in circles type thing...then of course we would all have to ride in full gear to be prepared for the collisions!....maybe that would have been ok last year, i have a feeling there may be some pretty nice 70's comin out this year, probably wouldnt want to trade paint!

    maybe some kind of a trivia question/quiz after each rider switch, rider cant take off until their teammate answers the question,.... goofy dumont trivia or just general knowledge stuff?? the kind of questions that are easy to answer as long as you are not under pressure to answer them!.... before you know it someone gets stumped, and someone catches up.

    just throwin an idea out.

  6. i just picked up my new to me 83 atc 70 BLUE :grin: stole it from a guy this morning. sorry to anyone that didnt get there before me :grin: but it was on my way to work. didnt know it was the factory blue until i got there. here are some raw pics before i start cleaning and working on it. :lol:

    was that the one on craigslist for 150 bucks?!!

  7. Funny you mention it. We were going to announce it this week. Saturday, January 30th is going to be the date so mark your calendars. It should be even better this year so stay tuned for more details to come very soon! :beercheers: :atc:

    sweet! sorry i jumped the gun though! i just got "itchy" typing fingers after you and i were talkin about this years regatta on saturday night, then talkin to OGP about his projects made it worse! so i started lookin through the calendar to see how the dates looked. now off to dratv for some goodies!

  8. So i was lookin at the calender and it looks like Jan. 29 30 31 weekend is a full moon weekend and its a couple weeks before presidents day. i know dunefreak mentioned doin it before instead of after pres. day this year. pros? cons? feedback?.....slap in the back of the head?

    i am the worst about waiting til the last minute, and my 70 is in 70 pieces, so i need a fire under my a$$ to get busy! lol

    just throwing it out there, dont mean to jump the gun, just throwin .02 cents in!


  9. well here are a couple pics from the weekend

    rolled in around 730 friday mornin like ISBB was sayin, he had claimed before we left that "he got dibs on the couch" he was right.


    we got all set up, after a brief "this is the spot" discussion, and headed out to get some sand in our teeth.......after ISBB worked up quite a sweat tryin to start the 500.......he decided to take the xr instead. so off we went. the 500 finally came around after some carb tuning, got a couple shots of him flight testing it.



    got a few picks of the wife (ninjagreengirl) , playin around. her confidence level is increasing, shes getting there!




    we went back to camp to get some lunch and wait for the "freak" and the "monkie" to arrive, and to see how long it would take from the truck into park, to the new toy going into 1st! (didnt take much time!)

    gettin ready to head out for a run on friday sundown.


    of course saturday was the poker run and it was great, Julie, Jodi and Terry were posted up at the registration booth, so after i made the run i headed back and hung out with them for a while. Didnt here any complaints ofr negative comments about anything, which was awesome! only the occasional "where the hell is the mystery spot!!!??" followed by a smile! so it seemed like everyone loved it. :headbang1: to Anna for the mystery checkpoint! it was a hit!

    Jodi at registration tent saturday mornin.


    this gentleman won a fabulous pink tank top, and apparently Anna had a little "captain in her"


    this is a pick of the turnout just before anouncing the winners


    saturday night pic....vegas style showin off his...........ummm...vegas style!


    all in all it was a great weekend! had a great time.

    thanks to everyone for the hospitality!

    ISBB: thanks for the help, and the leftovers! as usual! lol

    Pete and Anna: thanks for sharing your creepy wind-up trailer monkie with us! thanks for the laughs, and a great weekend! congrats again on the new toy!

    Steve and Jack: thanks for toughin out the sandstorm with me!!

    Jodi and Mike: thanks for the "screen" for the projector! Jodi thanks for the helmet and for puting up with my wife for hours!. you welcome for the tires too! glad i had them, sorry you needed them! lol anytime i have something to help out a fellow duner, i am glad to help!

    Tim: good to see ya, cant wait to see the new 70's!

    Joe: good to see ya, but next time please bring my favorite sand car! lol

    Al: thanks for the great food and the secret "info"!

    once again the weekend was a blast! always love meeting new people and hangin with friends!


    cant wait for thanksgiving weekend now!

  10. damn what a nice weekend! great ridin, great people, great fun at the poker run, and some great food from Al. doesnt get much better!

    unfortunately had to leave earlier than i wanted to, but i had a little work that needed to be done today, and with things as slow as they are, when there is work, i really need to take it! lol

    and that about all i have the energy to say......

    i will chime in tomorow with some more interesting reading for sure, along with some pics of course. as of right now though, its nightnight time.

  11. one thing i have noticed since buying our "starter" hauler is that the saying "the last inch is more important than the first mile" is true among haulers. for the most part, they are all "assembled" with relatively the same parts, fridges, stoves, water heaters, furnaces, a/c units, pretty much are the same or very simillar between manufacturers. when your shopping though, take time to look at the workmanship itself, and look at stuff that cant be hidden by flashy graphics and custom interiors and big stereos. get under it if possible and look around at the assembly and materials used. perfect example is my buddies hauler, on his way home from dumont the fresh water tank decided to fall out, no sh*t, fell out and landed on the axles. we got under it and looked to see what broke and found out that nothing broke, just bad design and assembly. unit had an adjustable tank 'rail" with a set screw type deal to hold it in place. and no center support strap running across the tank. lifted the tank up, slid the "bracket" back in place and tightened it, then got home and fixed it properly. of course I looked at mine after that and was happy to see that my tanks were welded in with 2 full length L-beams, and a full length center support. cant remeber the name of the company that made his hauler, but needless to say, they are out of business. long long long story short, take your time and go over the rig with a fine tooth comb, its a big investment, and buying quality, is better than fixing a discount!


  12. They didn't come because they would not be able to purge 10,000 potential gallons of waste water from the showers onto the dunes.

    All vendors are regulated. We must have self contained rigs and we must NOT dump onto the dunes.

    Quite possibly, Maui Showers didn't want to bear the expense of driving out with all that grey water and then have to pay to dump somewhere.

    i was wondering about that when they first posted up about being there. i use these guys every year at the race track (used them 3 times last weekend as a matter of fact) but they use a large "bladder" for lack of a better term, to catch the waste water, it sits outside the rig and i believe a pumper truck comes and drains it for them. this of course would be much more difficult at the dunes i would imagine.

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