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L&L Corvairs

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Everything posted by L&L Corvairs

  1. Crush the empties. When they are smashed, there is no question as to what they are. Bag the glass. (Not supposed to BE glass out there, but...... )
  2. FWIW…. 1. The fence the RR erected along their property line has openings in it at each wash. So, there’s still a potential for idiots to collect “THEIR SIGN” and improve the gene pool by crossing the RR tracks in front of oncoming trains. 2. The double tracking project has been postponed indefinitely by the RR. Knowing the RR that means that it could be 10 yrs or they start tomorrow. 3.As pointed out, the parents of those 3 young children (15, 14 and 8 (or 10) have not sued the RR. That is admirable. However, there are other idiots, or survivors of idiots who may be suing that we don’t know about. (As an aside, I do have a deep compassion for the parents and their loss. But the driver still knew better. God created crossing gates for a flippin’ reason) 4.The ASA did initially pursue Public Right of Way legal action against the RR. Unfortunately, that required that we show substantial public use on that road PRIOR to 1970, which we were not able to do. So, no go. 5.I’ve got zero knowledge of Dumont’s issues, having only been there once, but I thought the main road in was on and crossed over BLM land. If it does, you don’t have a problem. If it is a private road, is on or crosses privately owned land, you DO have an issue and you need to seriously add it to your ‘TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT” list. 6.BLM has been working over the summer to build us Glamis folks a new Wash Road on BLM land into the Washes as far back as 25. The work is going well and should be ready for use by Halloween, if not sooner. I will be out there myself in a couple of weeks and will try to remember to bring you folks an update. Would like to note that I don't know where BLM found the $$$ for the new road. It is NOT coming from our Fee Parking Tax (pass) money and it s NOT coming from our Green Sticker fees. Go figure. It MAY be due to ASA's infulence in Washington, but I don't know, have to find out. Hope this helps.
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