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Posts posted by ash

  1. I keep it at 60mph or under. To me, it's just not a race to get out there...I save the speed for the dunes, plus I know for a fact if 40 feet of trailer decides to get away from me, it's over and I almost always have my kids in the truck with me.

    The only ticket I've ever gotten with the trailer attached was 4 years ago when I was coming up to the stop sign right outside Tecopa and Deputy Dog was hiding under that small cliff to the left. I looked in the mirror and saw the guy behind me wasn't going to get to a full stop so I rolled through the stop sign without coming to a "full stop" (I figure I was in CA). The guy behind me blew right through the sign, but I'm the one that got the ticket.

  2. Although I only got one ride in this weekend, I had a blast on that one. My kids kept me pretty busy so I didn't get to spend as much time with the DDR peeps as I wanted to. Meeting everyone was very cool. The projector was friggn' cool as hell and I FINALLY know how to make a Sobe bomb!!! I can't wait for Halloween so I'm not gonna...we are heading out the weekend of the 20th-22nd and then going back the next weekend.

    See ya in the sand

  3. Here are some of the pics I took. It was nice meeting some of the DDR peeps, even though I didn't get to spend a lot of time in the camp...there's always next time. Thanks for all the hospitality!!!

    Inside the DDR camp





    Dune break at the North Pole





    Joeduner has skillz :thumb:



    I have a lot more of the races that I'll post up later. See ya in the sand.

  4. Another big THANKS to Joeduner for getting my other A/C unit working. If other businesses were run like his, there would be a lot less complaints and more thanks...again, thanks a bunch Joe :laughoff: I owe ya a beer or two this weekend...

  5. It's finally here :D Today I went and grabbed the trailer, cleaned it out, unloaded all the quads, changing all the fluids and getting them running right. After an entire summer of sitting, they all fired right up with no problems. Oh I am ready for some SAND :drinkbeer: Goodbye summer :finger: Hello winter :rockwoot:

    See ya in the sand

  6. Yeah put her in Dons car. He doesnt go fast enuff to scare anyone. On the subject of putting kids in sandrails.......

    I have had a few people ask if I could take there kid in my car. I am very hesitant to do this. First of all because my driving scares most people. Second of all, What happens, if I get in an accident? Either my fault or someone elses fault? I know people are friends and all. But Im sure when there kid gets hurt, Friendship goes out the window. We all have either seen or heard of someone getting hurt in the dunes by some other idiot not paying attention. Jumping blind over a ridge without a spotter, wheeling up the hill thinking they own the hill etc... I personally Do not like to take kids for rides in my car for these reasons. Just my .02 cents worth here.

    I couldn't agree with you more. Last year was the first time I road passenger in a buggy..pretty fun, but really stange not being the driver. She's cool though, gets the cast off Oct. 23 then the doc has her in a brace just for riding her quad.

  7. Yeah it's going to be the weekend of the 7th. I don't know if I'm gonna bring the wifes buggy or not, but if I don't then I'm sure she wouldn't take up too much room in someone's car. She was out on the swing and decided to jump but didn't realize how high she was and landed wrong. She's only 5 so she'll heal up pretty quick.

  8. Wouldn't ya know it, well if you know my kids then it won't come as a shock...my youngest daughter broke her wrist yesterday. The cute thing about it was when I had her in the quick care, she asked if she would be able to ride her quad with her cast on. What a trooper :beercheers:

  9. I really like the body style of the 90's F series. I have an 89 F350 as a work truck and it's a beast. It's getting a new crate motor put in it right now at Ford and then it's off to get painted and lettered up. Get some pics of yours up so we can see

  10. I'm with Terry...only problem I've had with my 02 PSD is the high pressure oil pump, which was defective from Ford when I bought it. That thing pulls and keeps on pulln'

    My wife has a Yukon and she loves it...I guess it's whatever fits you and does what you want.

    I hear that Toyota is coming out with a diesel that's supposed to out pull any American diesel...we shall see

  11. I go the Tecopa route everytime. I usually do the speed limit and I'm fine. I tow a big 5th wheel loaded and have no problems. Mt. Springs is a good climb at about 48mph without pushing the EGT's. It's 96 miles from my door to the flats....I can't wait for that first trip!!!

    As far as dumping, I use the truck stop I-15 and Blue Diamond for $10.00

  12. Something that makes me smile everytime is when one or both of my daughters wake up before me on Saturday morning and come in to wake me up and just sit there staring at me until I open my eyes, then they light up.

    Sitting on the front porch at my cabin listening to the wind come through the trees

    And something that really makes me smile (cause I don't care for my neighbors) is firing up my PSD on a cold morning and letting it warm up for 10 minutes.

    Sitting around the fire after a good ride through the dunes, opening a Bud Light and just BS'n

  13. Well, the opening of the casino has gone so smoothly that they found it in their hearts to let me go early. I am flying out tomorrow (Sept. 11th) and will be back home the same day except 22 hours later..if that makes any sense :mc_smiley:

    It's been a trip I will never forget and it just got popped on me yesterday that I will be returning in February. Lovely, as long as they don't make it over President's Day weekend, we will be fine. I don't see myself giving that weekend up for a month in China....EVER!!!

    Take care everyone....see ya in the sand

  14. Here are some pictures from Hong Kong. Right now we are in the middle of a Typhoon that is supposed to last for a few days. I'm not able to leave my hotel room until it stops, but it's a nice break. I can tell you that I cannot wait to get back on US soil!!!

    Main street in Hong Kong (Nathan Street)


    Dinner (Everything is fresh)


    This is how laundry is done (seriously)


    Ahh a place I can call MINE


    And one good shot of Jager to wash the worries away...


    Take care everyone :laughing:

  15. Yeah I guess I am in the future. I'm 15 hours ahead of Vegas time. Here are some pictures from Mainland China today. Yes, I am here on business with Wynn. It's a totally different world. I spent most of my day in Mainland China. Prostitution is legal here so you have to be careful who you smile at. There are the Russians and the Asians. They both have a side of the street they work so I just walk down the middle. As for the food, well you take your chances on that. Take care everyone. I will send pics from Hong Kong when I get them up.

    Bad day to be a chicken


    These are the Ruins of St. Paul deep in China


    Bad day to be a Pig...they had all kinds of parts hanging around


    People have to work somehow...this guy was making his monkey do tricks


    Behind me just a small part of Macau with Mainland China right beside it


    Some Western style is here, but not much


    These are considered "Great Apartments" to live in...$1,000 US per month


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