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Posts posted by DUNE SMURF

  1. Damn Gerald! Easy! I wasn't calling you a "druggie". :fro: :headbang: I didn't say I thought any less of you or any other person that admitted to doing that stuff. I was just givin you all sh*t. You all turned out to be cool a$$ peeps! Now let's all have a drink and contribute our "addiction of alcohol" you DRUNKS!!!! :headbang: :laughoff::beerpint::beerpint:

    thats ok pete i admit to doing stuff and i'm ok too :boxer:

    lets have a drink :angry: :D

    i think your pretty cool peep also :beerpint:

  2. pete your right, alot of people today just don't care. i'm with you on giving 200% at what i do. dealing with customers all day, trying to make things right when their cars brake down. my experence with a certain RV dealer in town has put me in a bad place because i know how the business is, they could care less about there service, its not their problem. most people today do not know what customer service is anymore.

  3. What about when you call a company to get some information and they route you to an overseas server. Then some camel jockey gets on the phone thinking they're speaking english and you can't understand a word they are saying. Then they get mad when you ask to speak to someone else. Effin Abub da Bob. If these companies would stay in the USA instead of hiring these ball bag, dot head, carpet flyers we would much better off.

    :beercheers: I AGREE WITH YOU ALSO :rolleyes:

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