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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1811233136844420765 found ISBB and pete singing a song
  2. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6840808946502759211 id poop my self....
  3. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=67...394444&q=crusty
  4. LOL...i had my speakers down.....LMAO
  5. imigane strapping one of these to a http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6...06&q=jet+engine http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2...58&q=jet+engine
  6. yeah i know, but like i told the guy, i just bought a YZF450 2 weeks ago, they are now corprate and they are all about the all mighty dollar
  7. iam not allowed to use fire, or gas...or run with sissors
  8. So i was off today, and i really want to get rid of the 125 TTR, so i got to talking to the guys at the former sports west, and asked them about putting my TTR on consignment, and they said no, they wouldnt do that, but they would buy it outright. I asked them about how much and that I do have a clear title. they tell me to bring it down. So i drive from there to to my house (18 miles) i live on Durango and 95. get the bike, clean it up with the pressure washer, and load up the bike and go back to sports west. I get there and the salesman offers me 900 for the bike....after i stopped laughing, i said no. He told me thats as much as he could offer me since they already have a used TTR in the back, but he would be willing to call me if someone cam in and bought his other one. so I loaded my daughter bike and left. its just amazing that the would low ball me for 900, and then sell the bike for 1400 the same day. highway friggin robbery. so to you sportswest salesman.......
  9. <------me just stirring the pot
  10. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=56...s+and+diet+coke now i know that some of you guys and gals are gonna try this..... iam going to the store right now
  11. cmon, just pipe it and youll be able to beat Pauly and ISBB youd be a P I M P
  12. Darwinism hard at work
  13. buy that TTR that iam selling,....lol
  14. as i have learned, the pingers are great but they are dinosaurs, they are the way of the past,...come to the dark side....go straight gas.... btw if you need some oils for your pinger let me know, i have almost a gallon of castor 927 and some gear oil.
  15. here is the deal with that bike, Yes i have a hook up, and it was a helluva deal. Sports West was sold to AZ Motorsports group, and it was the salesman that kind of had a last hoorah at the original owners expence. so his loss my gain. it had actually nothing to do with the 07s coming out....those wont even come out till november. and the word around the campfire is that the YZ or the RM might be the only ones that would be coming out with EFI, kinda wish that I would have waited but for the price, iam not gonna complain.
  16. wanna take it for a spin brother?
  17. 6806 otd then i got all the accessories the same day for another 1800.00 i got it from sports west right before they sold out to AZ Motorsports group
  18. btw, i just put the hot cams in yester day and re jeted......HOLY FRIGGIN SHEOT BATMAN 4th gear power wheelies.....whoooo hoooooooooo
  19. i might be able to run with you on that day. it just depends on what I got going on for work. Cole
  20. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo look out sue...you just made my wife mad....lol
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