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Posts posted by nwtdiesel

  1. Time alone spent on this is costing you a fortune. Hope they take care of you.

    man I really hate being a d*ck, I still kept my cool today. I understand things don't happen as planned but holy cow. I went down and dealt with Bill and picked the wheels up today. Now I'm getting new centers welded in then Bill is going to re cut the lug pattern next week. The owner Steve was there and he was like "ill just let you deal with bill" lol
  2. So I called today before driving up north again to pick up my wheels as we discussed yesterday and the wheels still were not cut yet and Bill said the owner Steve has a change of plans even though he didn't run it by me yet... I told Bill I just want to deal with one person and stick to one plan and cut them out like we planned and he said he has to wait for the owner to call me back... Ok now I'm getting pissed. I'll keep you guys informed.

  3. Went by and talked to Bill at sin city, he is going to machine both wheels out to a larger bore hole and I'm going to get a piece of 1/2 aluminum welded in the center of the wheel then bring the wheels back to Bill so he can cut the lug bolt pattern and center bore back out. We will get it eventually just didn't happen how I would have liked or as fast as I was hoping. Such my luck.

  4. Sorry to hear that, We have been using them at work for years with no problems that I'm aware of. I had them straightened one of my Douglas wheels polished the wheels and the beadlocks and they did a great job. Again sorry to hear that f***** up your s***.

    sh*t happens. I'll get it taken care of and send them out. I was trying to prevent from spending $900 on rear bead locks but I can't even get my wheels any more so I'll have to buy a whole new set if I can't get these fixed. Sin city quoted me $150 each wheel which I was happy with and they seamed they knew what I wanted done but it didn't happen. Nobody's fault but theirs. I'm not bashing them, maybe they are awesome I have no idea. Someone dropped the ball on my wheels though. :(
  5. Ok I'll call them and ship them out there. Thanks! The previous owner of my car didn't have the correct studs or lugs or parts and he egged out the lug holes on the aluminum wheels. The only way to really fix them was to have the old 4 lug pattern cut out an go to the wide 5 lug. Sin city machined the center bore hole too big and now the wide 5 lug pattern doesn't fit outside the center bore so now I need to basically have the whole centers cut out and have the entire center replaced and welded in. I gave them a steel wheel I have with the wide 5 pattern and told them to match it all up and to cut the center bore exactly the same and match it all up. I explained it to the owner and manager but yet I got a call from Bill the machinist that he machined the center too big and now the 5 lug holes don't fit.

  6. Now I'm not sure if I can make it... Sin city wheels didn't do what I asked and I can not use my wheels still. I need to ship them out of state and have them fixed. Damn it.

  7. Ill start... This past trip Oct 23rd one of my batteries was getting low so I put my brand new $500 dollar snap on power charger on the car, I got busy and when I started the car a few mins later I jumped in it to take a quick spin to make sure all was good before the ride. Pulling back into camp I realized I forgot the charger was sitting on the motor!! Yep it was gone! I instantly turned right around to go back and get it since my little warm up run was 100 yards from camp. By the time I got back to where I jumped the car the charger had already grew legs and ran away! I was pissed for a sec but it was my own fault. sh*tty. We saw some foot prints by where it fell off the car and I stopped at a few camps right by where it fell off the car and nobody had seen it. What have you lost?

  8. Thanksgiving weekend is Nov 28 - Dec 1 (the weekend after)

    He's referring to a long time DDR member, barefoot bob, who has been MIA for a while now.

    Yes I know what weekend Thanksgiving is :rockon: I was just saying looks like the weekend before is the one for me since it looks like a lot of guys are going that weekend too.

  9. All Funco sand cars have air bag suspension. It is their key to the great handling in the dunes. I understand there are down sides but I don't know what they are, never ridden in one nor owned one. But I have followed a few through the dunes!

    My stupid phone! I meant to say I imagine the air bags do not handle as good as coil overs. Just my guess though.

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