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Posts posted by nwtdiesel

  1. Yes I agree. My truck is very safe and rated at 25,000 tow capacity but I only pull about 15,000 and I do not go but 40-50mph up steep hills. If I were to get a big line behind me I would pull to the side and let them pass but that's never happened. If I get behind a slow truck I usually just go slow too and im grateful my truck doesn't have to work so hard. If its for a very long time I too get frustrated and ask my self why the guy doesn't have the courtesy to pull over and let everyone pass.

    All in all I think people these days need some patience, that's what I think the big picture issue is. If you cant go 55mph and only go 30mph for about 15 minutes that's going to set you back a whole whopping what 5 mins on the overall trip? I say big deal but that's just me.

  2. We left Thursday night and arrived at about 9pm and came home Sunday after noon. The entrance road was good going 20mph in and 30mph out with hardly zero wash board. My family and friends all had such a blast! I went to bed every night around 4-5am. We cooked steaks for dinner and every morning we had bacon, eggs and potato's. I'm sooooo glad I purchased the toy hauler. We slept 4 adults and 4 kids all weekend with ease. We had huge bon fires and about 15-20 people around the fire every night. Comp hill at night was so fun with all the people being crazy, if it got to out of hand I would just leave and go dune for a bit then come back and sit and watch all the action for a bit then go dune again, we would dune till 2-3am. I never once went up comp at night and tried to be safe as much as possible. I never got passed 2nd gear since I was getting a feel for the new car plus 2nd goes like 50-60mph. One of my friends I took in the rail loved it so much he is purchasing one this week LOL I beat my rail to death so I could find all the weak spots and boy did I! I lost my rear wheel twice due to the studs breaking off and ripping out of the rotor and I broke the front ball joints on the A arm. Other then that it did great and went everywhere I wanted to go. It rides like a dream!!! We saw a ton of carnage out there with new RZRs rolled, sand rails missing wheels and front ends. We had so much fun were thinking of going back next weekend too. It was my future wife's first time and she loved it and it was my boys first time camping and they are already asking when we are going again. If we don't go next weekend we will be out for Thanksgiving.

    Thanks to H town for getting me some bolts and doing some welding for me and thanks GTP for the goggles. We had 3-4 trucks towed into the shop today from Dumont and people seeing our rig. Thanks for the support everyone.





    My 1 year old


    My 1 year old and my 4 year old (with the hat on) having a blast in the sand


    Half way through our Sunday morning cruise I broke some ball joints but still drove it back


    Some random pics





    Loaded up and coming home Sunday


    Oh and here are some vids of me driving back Sunday on 3 wheels. I drove it till the wheels fell off! Had a blast!!!!

    • Like 2
  3. My first thought was no seat belts but I thought someone said the driver belt was cut to get the driver out? It must have been a pretty violent crash/flip and had to be hi speed for so much damage. So horrible. Please everyone be safe!!!!! Im very sorry for the family and friends loss. If there is help needed with anything let me know. I hope they did not have any kids.

  4. Thoughts and prayers to Gina and family, I saw the car and it was bad. I was out at comp hill thurs, fri and sat night. I saw a lot of close calls but no hits. I saw a lot of carnage out there, new RZRs rolled, sand rails losing wheels and front ends. Sat about 5pm when the shadows were bad I saw a 4 wheeler going about 50mph and fly off a dune and over a witches eye and into a bowl, the driver was flying through the air flopping around feet first. I knew he was going to be in bad shape... I hauled but down to him in my rail and when I stopped he was gasping real bad and panicking. I ran to him and my wife grabbed his hand. He hit legs first and he thought he had broke his back cause he couldn't move. One of my friends went to get a ranger while we stayed with him. After 5-10 mins he calmed down and it turned out he just had the air knocked out of him real bad. He was lucky. He told us the shadows made it look like it was just a big hill and he couldn't even see the witches eye or bowl. I took him back to his trailer in my rail and he was ok just sore. Everyone please be careful.

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  5. Yes I too have operated a grader for years and the main thing that needs to be done is have a good operator go in and cut ditches with water drains in the low spots and pull all the gravel into the center of the road then lay it out and keep it out of the fresh ditches. The right operator can separate the gravel from the sand. Most operators these days just run up and down the road and don't make a crown and cant lay gravel the way it needs to be laid out. Should only be a days work to turn it into something nice and maintainable. Somebody have a 140G or 140H delivered and ill do it for free.

    A drag or box will just keep digging a hole and pushing all the gravel out to the edges but will make it smooth. The road needs to be built up with ditches and water bars.

  6. Thanks! It's a Honda 3.5 running about 7-10 psi of boost. It's too bad you couldn't make it out. It was a nice weekend.

    Yes I really wanted to make it! We will have several more months and weekends to do quick trips so its ok. Wow I bet that motor rips! Did you get any vids? I figured you would have vids up by now!!!

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