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Posts posted by steveo

  1. Mitch:

    I use the word "totally" too much. I need to change it up and use a word that is different but has the same meaning. "Mitch, do you like submarine sandwiches?" "All-encompassingly."

  2. even more Mitch:

    I've got a fire alarm at home. But really it's like a 9-volt battery slowly drainer. "Do you want to slowly get rid of your 9-volt batteries? Then buy this circle."

  3. Escelator temporarily out of order, Sorry for the convenience

    I like an escalator because an escalator can never break. It can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator temporarily out-of-order" sign. Just "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience. We apologize for the fact that you can still get up there."

  4. Steveo kills me with his Mitch Hedburg. Wanna frozen banana? Maybe a banana later?

    This guy asked me if I wanted a frozen banana and I said, "No ... but I would like a regular banana later, so ... yeah."

  5. Mitch:

    All McDonalds commercials end the same way

    "prices and participation may vary."

    I want to open my own McDonalds and not participate in anything.

    I want to be a stubborn McDonalds owner. "Cheeseburgers? Nope. We got spaghetti!...And blankets.

    But we are not affiliated with that clown. He attracts too many children."

  6. for those that dont know what i mean,

    Clean up weekend we were listening to music from a stereo system in my toy hauler.

    I went in to change CD's (i put in TOOL)

    Terry (YNOT) stood up from the fire to go to bed and told pete to try to keep it down alittle.

    Right when he said that the new CD started and it was full blast.

    I walked out of the toy hauler not aware it sounded terrible as Pete was running towards me.

    He asked me do you hear that? I was like what are you talking about.

    Pete said can't you hear that pointing to his Ears

    I said no. Pete said it sounds like satin is throwing cups of blood out of your toy hauler.

    turn it down.

    it was funny as hell :thumbsdown:

  7. :thumb::thumbsdown: It's all good Terry. It just sounded like we were being compared. :hello: I understand, however we aren't as loud as we were over the cleanup weekend EVERY weekend. :rockon::flipoff: We just like to have a little fun is all. You know you love it...that's why you always come over to our camp for your fix of night time DDR fun. :idiot:

    Yeah clean up weekend was alittle much, lol

    Satin was throwing cups of blood from the speakers to the outside of my trailer that weekend

    Awesome :no_no:

  8. Not from that movie but for sure funny

    Mitch hedberg::

    You know how on a stop light

    Green means go ahead

    Yellow means Hold on

    and Red means stop

    Well with a banana its just the opposite

    Green means hold on

    Yellow means go ahead

    and red means "Where the fk did you get that Banana"


  9. We had two bags of grass...

    pellets of mescaline...

    five sheets of high-powered blotter acid...

    a salt shakerhalf-full of cocaine...

    a whole galaxy of multicolored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers.

    Also a quart of tequila,a quart of rum, a case of beer...

    - a pint of raw ether...- sh*t !

    two dozen amyls.

    Not that we needed all that for the trip...

    but once you get locked into a serious drug collection...

    the tendency is to push itas far as you can.

    The only thing that really worried me was the ether.

    There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved...

    than a man in the depths of an ether binge...

    and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.

    AWESOME :beercheers:

  10. If any one needs either a alarm for their home or a camera system let me know.

    I will beat any price and your installation will be professional.

    ADT is a trusted name in residential and commercial security monitoring. We at Moore Protection specialize in quick, professional installation of ADT monitored and Non Monitored security systems.

    The ADT Advantage:

    Let us provide you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that the #1 security company in America is helping protect your home and family, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Also keep in mind that with a monitored system we can offer you a:

    Homeowners Insurance Guarantee The Homeowners Insurance Guarantee can help you save up to 20% on your homeowners insurance.*

    If a Moniotred system is not what you are looking for and when i say Monitored i mean a Contract with ADT for the monitoring of the home that the alarm is installed in, Then let me know and we can do something that does not require a contract.

    If you have any questions let me know. Thanks

    Steve McNulty

    Moore Protection (ADT)

    Install Manager (OPS)

    Acct Manager

    702-579-2800 office

    702-302-3134 call

  11. Sobe Bomb sounds dangerous, i dont know if i even want to know what it is. Just give me a camp fire and some cool Aid and iam happy. OH YEAH OH YEAH


    Thaaaaats poopd*ck

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