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Just Mike

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Posts posted by Just Mike

  1. :think::lol:

    And we'll be stylin' trailer trash! As long as we move every two weeks at Dumont we should be good and when it gets too hot I guess we can be like gypsies and move to Coral!

    Thanks :laughoff:

    I can see you day dreaming about it right now.

  2. Those are really good! I think we might sneak out there one more time this weekend, i just don't want the season to be over!!

    I like your attitude. The season never ends though. Just have to go to other dunes for the summer.

  3. Guess we will have to make sure we keep the trucks hooked up so we don't try to go in the wrong hauler. Ours has the red/ white light on top. LOL. Congrats. Can't wait to see it, and give you some chairs to sit on! Mudslides your place.

    Mudslides for sure. Johnny has to make them though. Ya it could get confusing with the trailers huh.

  4. How did it do in the sand? Do you have paddles for it? Ever had any problems with it? How old is your son? Anything else you could tell me about it?

    Thanks Malibu.

    It did great in the sand. My son is almost ten but like I said he is big. He has also been riding since he was four. I had been running the Sand Gecko padlles on it but would have been better served with a lighter paddle. I have had a few problems with it. The carb that came with it (24MM) always seemed to not work properly so I went to a 28MM and it made a huge diference. The stock ball joints that were on it also were waty to stiff and made it hard to steer so I put some VW type on it and it worked great. I believe I had to replace the head gasget which is a rubber o ring type as well. I changed the cluth stall speed as well since it wouldn't move untill you were really high in the rpm range. I think the only other thing I have had to do was put a new high perforance belt on it for the cvt. Any more question on these things let me know.

  5. Ya that is my sons Apex for slae here. It is so freakin fast but he is already tiping the scale at 115 and can ride a Z400 already. If you can find one for under 2000 grab it. They are amazing with a few upgrades. It suited him well when in the It would still be the best thing for him in dirt but it's all about the sand for us. I think it would do about 40 on the flats with him at his current weight in the sand and it is fast as hell on the street even with my fat but on it. I might just keep it for his little brother. It does use a Taiwanesse motor.

  6. OK Here it goes.

    Hanging with people from my site

    Hanging with people from DDR. You guys can party.

    Getting Sandchicken to Vegas.

    Learning how to drive a turbo car.

    Driving Richies Devil Driver all da!@ day rocked.

    The fact that my little one Justin digs on being in the rail again.

    Drinking by the camp fire.

    Loosing mulitple wheels. :dunno: :shocked2:

    Night rides with Predu.

    Staying in the Hilton.

    Capt. And Tina's rolling bar.

    Meeting Ronnie. You are a welcome addition to our camp.

    Last but not least. NAPS.

    I am sure I am forgetting some stuff but I will come up with it later.

  7. Yeah I know :banghead: four to five hours is what it used to take me!! But now I have that little trick!! You'll :wub: it!!

    I guess I'll see them when I get back! At least MySpace :ninja: them!! :MBdance::laughing::laughing:

    Yeah I keep mine in a ziploc bag in a ziploc bag in the camera bag and if the wind is blowing even a little I :no_no: take it out!! This is camera #2 for this season! Thats why I only had 5 pages instead of my usual 10! And I wanted to chat with more peeps at the meet n greet since I meet peoples and forget cause I am preoccupied with :pics::pics:

    Enough with the socializing and get back to work. LOL.

  8. This was the best New years ever. I got to spend the outgoing year and the incoming year with my extended family. It's always good times. 1st times are always fun too making someone SCREAM! I also found out that I can lead a pretty fast run and Richie's car really can turn. Leading SUCKS!

    2008 should be the best year ever.


    I will follow you through the dunes any time Don. You picked some bad as lines :lol:

  9. Whats up Richie. I'm glad you, Mike, and your crew made it over. :lol: We had some good times hanging out. Yeah, we didn't get too crazy. We were kinda saving it for New Years Eve. :blury::laughoff:

    :lol: :chug: good ones, Bob. I had an awesome time hanging out w/ you capt and Tina. :thumb:

    We had a blast hanging with you guys. Gotta do it more often. I don't remeber all of it but that means it must have been fun. Thanks for having us over. Still didn't make it on a run with you pete. Maybe next time. We did have a good run with Don and buggy chick though. We couldn't save anything for new years since we both had to take off.

  10. Was there all week from Xmas eve on. Was crazy windy xmas eve but the sand was sooo smooth xmas day.

    Here are some pics





    That first pic of the rail airing it is sweet. It was a blast out there this weekend. We finally got to hang with alot of people from this site and it rocked. :DDRrocks:

  11. Right on, Mike. Hope to finally get some buggy runs in with you guys this weekend. I'll have my car as well. See ya there. If I don't say hi or recognize you say something. I think I only met you at the CORE race that one time right or no? :think:

    Which one?

    Either way, come on out to the south pole on Saturday (2PM) for the meet and greet. There is ALWAYS chatter out there. We have to usually rap it up cause some get antsy to ride after all the :blah: . :laughing::beercheers:

    I was with richie at the last meet and greet in body but I was so freakin hung over I don't think I said a word. I just listened to you tell us about your car breaking. I was just sitting there feeling your pain. :D

  12. Me and all the usualls that I camp with will be there Friday. I am hopeing to drive my car out to the meet and greet. It hasn't made it yet but this could be the one. Maybe I won't drive it untill Sat. Ya Right. See you all out there.

  13. awesome jump, sorry to see the lugs break...a bit humourous watching a 35 inch paddle walk away form ya. glad all is ok with all the peeps though.

    at least it didnt end like this


    That was brutal. I can't believe the guy with camera didn't notice the people in the way. I always try to have spotters. I had 3 spotters on that jump where my car broke. One of them just happened to be filming.

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