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Posts posted by 1bad4fiddy

  1. I have to admit...one of the funniest quotes of the night was when Stacey told Chase that she could drink him under the table. He said that's because your only like 5 foot tall...you'll BE drinking under the table!! :yeah_whatever: :freakin_nuts: :stick_smack: :shoot_head:

    Sorry, Stacey. I had to bring that one back up. It was too funny! :banghead:

    Dammit thats good sh*t , glad u remebered that pete good lookin out :coocoo:

  2. It was after he layed down and got the spins did he hurl everywhere.. hahahaha...

    There will be a next time and you WILL loose again!

    Sht i bet i had more drinks then all u guys , bert even gave me the run down and said i started stealin other peeps drinks haha

  3. Wow thats all i can say , hell i dont remeber a thinh i just woke up on my cuz's floor :laughoff::laughoff: Jason dude those shots were killer man , Pete good times bro , Burt , Stacey ,Chris ,Jason, Dan Haha Jays gf , nick , ., Hope yall had a good laugh cuz i dont remeber a thing haha :blury: All i can say is whoever called my cuz and got him to get me thanks peeps , but yeah i woke up in :laughoff: on my cuz's floor and my wallets missing .......But whoever gots it i need it back :pissed: ...Hell im still wated like i said though thanks guys it was good times ....But who got my tab????Whoever it is thanks alot and good lookin out :dunno: I got your tab next week :pissed: And sorry for the long post but thanks alot guys i had a great night , somebody has to post the pics :laughoff: ........Well im gonna catch a couple hours of sleep and go get my truck .........MOTHA BITCHEZZZZZZZZZ last night rocked :laughoff: Thanks again all that showed lol i cant remeber

  4. :rockwoot::laughoff::laughoff:

    i receaved this vintage projection television threw a buddies dad...

    his plans were to make a retro room and well when it fell on his sons bike it made a hole in the screen. but it still works!. the only thing is that there is a 3" X 3" hole in the upper left. but the old remote works and everything. if anyone would like to purchase it for 35 bucks obo let me know?

    the hole can be fixed!

    Hahahahaha thios@$#%^in thing is prob as old as half you guys , prob just as beat up too haha :laughoff::laughoff::laughoff::laughoff::laughoff:

  5. ok so i just got off the phone with the owner of High Maintenance Sports Bar he is willing to work the DDR clan a deal on drinks and what not if we have a decent response ie.. turn out He is willing to setup a car show possibly. As always there is a catch and here it is ...... you must be wearing something DDR or prove your Dumont knowledge this could be a great chance to meet your fellow DDR peeps if you have a suggestion or a question pm me . Let me know and I'll get this rollin any deal on drinks is better than full price . By the way the bar is located at Sahara & Lamb somewhat centrally located instead of just the Henderson crew



    Hell yeah lets get with it :fro: :laughing::laughoff::drinkbeer::slap::slap::beercheers::ninja::dunno::woo_hoo: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :watching::watching::watching: :smoker:

  6. Who's up for drinks this week on Wednesday instead of Thursday? I forgot that Anna & I have tickets to Slightly Stoopid on Thurs at the HOB.

    No TT for me this week. TT will now be WW (Wasted Wednesday) :laughoff::beercheers::laughing:

    Chase, are you up to it for Wed instead?

    For sure as long as you guys are buyin

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