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what is up with the more-money-than-sense crowd?

Richard Cheese

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Our close friends just got their new toyhauler. For the shakedown trip, we decided to go to Pismo for the weekend. We get there, I set up camp perimeter with PVC pipe and caution tape. Not too big, just big enough for our two rigs, tow vehicles, toys, and a small kiddy track for my 4 yr old....it was roughly about quadruple the size of just our toyhaulers. we ordered pizza, had some drinks, watched the sun set........

in the middle of the night, i wake up to a turbo spoolin, a lot of cussing, and people hollaring. I step outside to see WTF is going on, and smack dab in the middle of my son's track, with broken caution tape STILL on the grill of his duramax, is this AZZCLOWN with a 36 ft raptor....and he is stuck.

I go to talk to him, inform him that he is in my camp...that there is plenty of spaces further down the beach, and that I would appreciate it if he left my camp, and replace my caution tape that he tore down.

"dude, unless youre gonna pull me out tonight, I'm crashin here, and I will move first thing tomorrow morning"

fair enough, I said.

The next morning, I am up @ 6 am, go fetch all the firewood that the daytrip people left on the beach for our own fire, and come back to camp. DAMMIT....that azzhoe has his 2 stroke blender, hooked up to a throttle on a set of moto handlebars, mixing drinks!!! :freakin_nuts:

I go over to remind him that he was to leave, and that I don't aprreciate him in my camp...."dude, i've been drinking, I can't drive"

I finally had to go to the ranger card, which fully got his attention. all the while him and his buddies are smoking cigarettes :happydrunks: and throwing their butts in the sand. I told him he was littering. the fine is like 260 bucks, and that if he didn't move, I'm calling the ranger (have the # on my cell phone). I thought I was gonna get my azz beat!!!

after they cussed me for awhile, they started packing up, and by about 10am, as they gave me the finger, they got pulled out and went on their merry way.

I have always seen toyhauler owners as responsible people. this, due to the maintenence required on them, and not to mention the price tag too..

no wonder the anti-access crowd wants to shut us down....if people like that represent the duning community....we all have a lot of work to do

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You should un-hooked and pulled the "Flat Biller" :happydrunks: out right then and there. There is no "extended stay" that way. Pull that Mo-Fo all the way back to SLO. :freakin_nuts:

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i probably woulda cracked the guy in the jaw :freakin_nuts:

sounds good :happydrunks:

^ That's real easy for some to say on the internet. I bet if the guy was a big mofo or the fact that there were a few of them you wouldn't have done chit. Besides, Jason (richardcheese) had his family or at least his boy with him too. Any adult would know not to put his family in danger like that. You never know with some people these days.

Jason did the right thing and showed he was more of a man by keepin his cool and I respect that. :freakin_nuts:

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^ That's real easy for some to say on the internet. I bet if the guy was a big mofo or the fact that there were a few of them you wouldn't have done chit. Besides, Jason (richardcheese) had his family or at least his boy with him too. Any adult would know not to put his family in danger like that. You never know with some people these days.

Jason did the right thing and showed he was more of a man by keepin his cool and I respect that. :happydrunks:

I agree with you Pete. As long as you are in the mindset while dealing with azzhats like that, that they may decide to turn the tables and start swinging first, which then I wouldn't blame anyone for boxn' a little. For the most part, the guy with the loudest mouth and biggest rig is usually the one who will fold like a $3 suitcase once confronted by a rational adult with good sense and his witts about him. :freakin_nuts:

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Our close friends just got their new toyhauler. For the shakedown trip, we decided to go to Pismo for the weekend. We get there, I set up camp perimeter with PVC pipe and caution tape. Not too big, just big enough for our two rigs, tow vehicles, toys, and a small kiddy track for my 4 yr old....it was roughly about quadruple the size of just our toyhaulers. we ordered pizza, had some drinks, watched the sun set........

in the middle of the night, i wake up to a turbo spoolin, a lot of cussing, and people hollaring. I step outside to see WTF is going on, and smack dab in the middle of my son's track, with broken caution tape STILL on the grill of his duramax, is this AZZCLOWN with a 36 ft raptor....and he is stuck.

I go to talk to him, inform him that he is in my camp...that there is plenty of spaces further down the beach, and that I would appreciate it if he left my camp, and replace my caution tape that he tore down.

"dude, unless youre gonna pull me out tonight, I'm crashin here, and I will move first thing tomorrow morning"

fair enough, I said.

The next morning, I am up @ 6 am, go fetch all the firewood that the daytrip people left on the beach for our own fire, and come back to camp. DAMMIT....that azzhoe has his 2 stroke blender, hooked up to a throttle on a set of moto handlebars, mixing drinks!!! :beatdeadhorse:

I go over to remind him that he was to leave, and that I don't aprreciate him in my camp...."dude, i've been drinking, I can't drive"

I finally had to go to the ranger card, which fully got his attention. all the while him and his buddies are smoking cigarettes :dunno: and throwing their butts in the sand. I told him he was littering. the fine is like 260 bucks, and that if he didn't move, I'm calling the ranger (have the # on my cell phone). I thought I was gonna get my azz beat!!!

after they cussed me for awhile, they started packing up, and by about 10am, as they gave me the finger, they got pulled out and went on their merry way.

I have always seen toyhauler owners as responsible people. this, due to the maintenence required on them, and not to mention the price tag too..

no wonder the anti-access crowd wants to shut us down....if people like that represent the duning community....we all have a lot of work to do

toyhaulers,quads and motorhomes have ruined the dune experience. now any fool with money can be an instant expert.I spent 25yrs in tents and the back of the pick up riding toys we built before earning the right to be a wuss and get an RV. to many people take the fun away

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^ That's real easy for some to say on the internet. I bet if the guy was a big mofo or the fact that there were a few of them you wouldn't have done chit. Besides, Jason (richardcheese) had his family or at least his boy with him too. Any adult would know not to put his family in danger like that. You never know with some people these days.

Jason did the right thing and showed he was more of a man by keepin his cool and I respect that. :beatdeadhorse:

that was exactly the angle I was taking on that one Pete. My family was there, as well as our friends, with their daughters. they were also having some drama with their trailer on their first trip.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all about boot'n idiots when they need it, and I can hold my own against anyone but a bunch of roid monkeys, and I even carry when on dune trips, because you just don't know what is going to happen, but that isn't a first class ticket to be an azzhoe yourself...

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