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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. who burned your roast? Capt
  2. i didnt mean what i said n that other thread NOT!!!!!!! adios michacha!!! Capt
  3. NP ... there is no topic on this forum... so it is really hard to be on topic here. remember Chef ..... if its to hot ............STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN 450'S SUCK ARSE when we get done racing you will be like Capt
  4. chef i think ur in the wrong kitchen man ur way of topic here bud Capt
  5. smart guy ^ ditto what he said... Capt
  6. i aint skeeeered of no wanna be raptors Capt
  7. you guys are way off topic here!!! back on topic................ :dunce: saturday 9am at the hill my son vs all u drunks Capt
  8. still............. u cant use that as your excuse... crusties lol cmon now.. startin already Capt
  9. if you promise to be the one to give it to me :porn: Capt
  10. you obviously havnt seen my kid.. he always wears his quad belt push capt off his quad and the same thing will happen. you do that and you sir will answer to my wife Capt
  11. date and time ... my 6yr old son wants to run the hill also.. hes bringing his eton 150 so you guys will have some comptition!! he has a big bore kit and a pipe with a rev box. +6 swing arm +2 up front and btw he has a turbo also. so whos up to a race? my son will be there with his game face on he said if he looses he is buying the beer Capt
  12. ur related to pete? UNCLE PETEEEEE Capt
  13. ok i am no genius...so can someone break this down for me TO BE OR NOT TO BE? Capt
  14. man u guys are easy lol :porn: Capt
  15. what are you blind? your mom told you to stop doing that before you went blind and look at you now.....blind as a bat :porn: the 1 on the right ...... damn corporate guys Capt
  16. SEXY TIME!!!! with DDR INC Capt
  17. ahhh my 1st poster. dont worry from what i hear you will fit right in next!!! capt
  18. THINK IM GOING TO START MY OWN DUMONT WEBSITE......Un-corporatedumontduneriders.com Anyone want to sign up? 1st 10 members get free membership and the rest of ya will have to pay upfron a nominal fee of 600,456.58 thats yearly. not only will you be a member of the best uncorporate site on the internet but you fee alows you special privilages in the special area of the site. you can post thing that non members cant read or see. we will be the best site on the internet. you can post pics and talk about special events like ...well like the un-corporate POTLUCK AND among other things. FUN FUN FUN sign up now and you to can be apart of this special ed club ....NOT!!!!! Capt
  19. actually i always bring my own never know if i might need to lend it out or use it lol but you could bring yours and we can hook it up to a piece of plywood and drag DAD around camp ... when i say around i mean AROUND CAMP!! Capt
  20. ur dads fatter than my dad so take that u big bully obtw mine is still faster couse its yellow AND THAT IS MY FINAL ANSWER Capt
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