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Posts posted by ~JILL~

  1. Good relaxing trip!

    Had the whole family together, that was nice.

    Rode hard all day Sat. I think I covered all of the East side of Dumont.

    Last run of Sat was my first fourth gear pinned the whole run! Definately gets the blood flowing! Mike's famous last words, "We are just going on a cruiser"

    Got in a couple of good runs just me and my kid!

    Got to meet some new peeps at the Meet N Greet, Hello to Special K nice guy, chatted withhim for awhile :think:

    Looked for Jr and Jorge everytime I went out.. no bueno, wanted to run with you guys!

    Also looked for Skinner and Ninjagreengirl missed you guys too wanted to go on a girl run with Julie :(

    Had a relaxing and fun time in camp as usual, got a chance to see some of the usual suspects visiting through.


    Caught some kind of bug and spent all day Sunday :banghead: That sucked, I couldn't even ride on the last day :beer_bang:

    Other then that.. it was a good weekend, good friends, good food, whole family, relaxing weekend!

    Pics later tonight...

    Thoughts go out to Chris and family :(

    GLAMIS WAS AWSOME 10 days worth. Just got in about 30 minutes ago


  2. Here it is "THE BIGGEST LOSER" But it was still $75! No complaints! Just had a great weekend. Thanks everyone. 80grit, was that you standing next to us? Thanks for the picture, now I can rub it into the hubby "who got the money honey" :ahhhhh: :ahhhhh:


  3. I think the poker run was a great success this year. Especially when the best hand won damn near $700 bucks!!!

    Everyone that participated had great feedback this year. There wasnt as many people playing this year but it went very smooth and there were very little complaints. Thanks to everyone that participated.. We sure had a blast putting this event on. The 3rd annual will be even better now that we have most of the kinks worked out.

    I was the BIGGEST loser!!!! Still got $75.00 just because I suck at poker!!! Thanks everyone it was alot of fun.

  4. We always park there unless it's a off weekend. When vendors row moved over there we just moved down farther. If your out far enough you don't get as much of the dust and traffic. Good thing is you get to sit out and watch all the traffic comming and going and a great view of the valley out there as well as the dunes.

    If you have animals though keep them in at night. Down below the bluffs there are Coyotes. Sometimes you can here them, the farther out you go the closer you are to their den.

  5. I found a cell phone on the finger dune by BR#6 Friday morning. It was right on top of the sand so it must have been lost that morning or Thurs evening. Looks like it may have been run over once, part of the antenna is missing, other then that it seems to be in great shape, it was open when I found it, so the battery was dead. If you lost a cell phone PM me to see if its yours! :kissass:

    If it was left on your bike I would know who's it was or a least who did it! :D

  6. post-1439-1256833916_thumb.jpg

    Remember when your Mother said don't take candy from a stranger?



    This is the one she was talking about :beercheers:


    DAMN CHARLIE! I TOLD HIM TO STOP DOING THAT IN PUBLIC. Geez the gold boxers are enough and now he goes and does this!

  7. I usually go out to an area out by sloan on the way to stateline. There are plenty of places out there that I ha e never been harrassed. Even with my long range rifle.

    Oh, so your the one I have heard out here! Sitting here at work once in awhile and start hearing gun shots, don't know whether to duck or go watch.

  8. Charlie, being an operator, offered a couple of years ago to run their blade to help out never heard a word from them. I can run a loader and a water truck but once again the FREE help was never utilized. Then again I don't know what type of liabilities they are up against in these situations.

  9. just a reminder :DDRrocks: ....2 weeks after Halloween!

    We hope to see another great turnout this year! :pumpkin:

    Pete are you going to be giving away more stickers? I'd like to get some more various shapes and sizes if possible. They tend to disapear on our trips, kind of give them to the people we meet from here to Glamis,to Coral and St.Anthonys. Afew places in between too.

    It would be much appreciated.

  10. Well let see. In hiding pretty much. :mex: I've missed you guys tons but with the lifestyle change that was forced on me, a little to personal to talk about in a public forum, I doing good.

    1. Leaved through H1N1. :lol: Not tested for it so let's just call it the flu. My oncologist wasn't taking any chances.

    2. Just got a call from a plastic surgery to get a consultation for reconstructive surgery. :whoop: new tatas. the consultation is on my birthday. OK :lol: but I don't care.

    3. Did this October 10th. This was part of my team. The Pink Paddlers had a overflow boat that I was on and we KICK THEIR AZZ. We got first place and they voted that the trophy go to me. I think I cried all day.

    Training for this competition was killer. I knew I was going to have a cardiac arrest at any moment.

    ( Save Second Base)

    4. I've lost 5 pound. Who cares. :DDRrocks:

    5. Having a 3 house yard sale this weekend. I don't have much. Just some BMX pants, a canopy, books, and a couple of old socks. But hell why not. I might make enough to buy an 18 pack.

    6. I still drink to much.

    7. Pat, I still have that half gallon of Crown.

    8. Found a couple of New books. The Secret ( not so sure about that on) and Stumbling Toward Enlightenment (Love this one)

    9. I love the Halloween Smilies. I have my Halloween Lights up

    10. I still can't type, I'm still a smartazz, I my true friends still love me just like I am. :pics: the rest of them.

    11. Put a new battery in my truck

    12. Had a couple of weeks of random Rhino King sightings. (stop looking a my beer and make your kid behave.) j/k on the kid thing.

    DDR was always the highlight of my day (most of the time). :beercheers:

    ie: skys, go back and do spell check and proof read. :pics: yeah right

    Glad to hear from you. hope things are ok maybe not great? But getting better?

  11. :beercheers::pics::DDRrocks: He eats habanero's raw!!!!

    I don't think he has any taste buds left in his mouth!!! :whoop: The hotter the better!

    Hot Jalepeno chedder popcorn!

    I remember someone having raw habanero's in someone's kitchen a while back, one in particular (Richie) had never done it, his nose was red, running and he had tears flowing! That was funny!! Mike, I think you were laughing pretty hard which made it even funnier. Someone tried sneaking some into Michaels carne too but he found it.

  12. Did that really happen?

    Jill,, tell me it ain't so. At least we hope not.

    Ya don't hit girls.

    I feel sooo bad someone would do that.

    That sux,,,

    I've had girlz push me over the edge,, but I never defaulted to hitting them,,

    Ya just leave,, move on,,

    Yep it happened. I think he is still in trouble over it. They showed pictures of her she is black and the cuts and bruises showed real well in the photos.

  13. Look at that, a pic from when everyone used to get along.

    It weren't me, I only knew 1 person in that crowd, then. Met afew more 2 months later @ Coral and then a few more then a few more----you get the idea. Come to think of it, I didn't know ah never mind.

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