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Posts posted by bp-guy

  1. Dunefreak-

    I see how it is! come to my backyard and no call huh????

    I haven't been to that beach house in years! Been drunk there many a time...

    Campland is awesome, i spent an entire summer on my friends boat docked there. We go once a year there for the Over The Hill car show Mothers Day Weekend.

    Downtown is a cool spot to hang and drink just get a taxi or one of those bike taxis to get around.

    Cool pics glad you had a good time

    Next time CALL!!

  2. If it was only that easy to make then run south!!

    Here is something we did when I worked nights in the mountains and it cracked me up everytime..

    When we had a hard time finding a group in the mountains because they were hiding real well or we just weren't sure where they were at all we would do this. One agent would be the talker and all other agents there would turn up their handheld radios real loud, the agent would then say in a low and scary voice "Chupravacas" (not sure how to spell that). Anyways it is a mythical creature in Mexico that sucks blood from animals. They would jump up screaming and yelling and run right to us!!! AYE AYE AYE Senior Aqui Aqui Ayudemi ..( Sir here here help me!!!)

    Sometimes I miss working nights just for that!! :laughing:

  3. Tim we have met I don't know if you remember you met a lot of people that weekend. your a nice guy and I have nothing personal against you. I wanted you to know that I wasn't getting on you. :dunno:

    its more the whole government has started to turn against the people not for the people. 9/11 seems to have been what it took for people to let the government erode our rights. we are not too far from a national ID card we will have to show every time we move through the country or have to present it to every LEO no matter what you are doing or going. brings to mind the communists checking your papers in the old USSR. that seems so over the top but everything we give up is one step toward something like that. they are already watching library books, the Internet, the mail, and wiretapping. and that's from current news stories. that doesn't seem like the home of the free to me. :MBdance:

    so adding plate scanners that read and record every time you drive by a spot or a LEO seems over the line. LEO's have the ability to call or type in anybody that they are suspicious of and get all the info you need. :thumb:

    next campfire were at tim i will tell you a BP story :worthless_without_pics:

    I know it is not a personal attack towards me. the system has many faults and it will never be perfect.

    And Dunefreak- did I not use articulate in the proper form? lol

  4. sorry tim dosent sway me a bit. in fact it is more of a reason not to have something like that. this is america and i shouldnd be a suspect just because im not from the area. i have my own issues with the BP and the homeland scam. and im not willing to give the man anymore of my rights.

    Vegas Style-

    Thats cool we are all entitled to our opinions here.

    If I may ask what are your issues? you can PM me if you want to on this one.

  5. The hairspray thing will not work on your plates.

    This is a touchy subject and I see both sides on this one but let me vent one thing ok?

    Like others have said- if your not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about. And what about the people that put those things over their plates to fool the camera's? If you don't want a ticket then STOP at the red light! Is it worth the fine to arrive 5 minutes ahead of schedule? Also a possible car crash if you run it.

    Everyone wants better law enforcement but they complain when the laws get enforced against THEM! I know I do! But just because I am in law I don't expect to get let off, sure I let them know who I am but it is their descretion as to what they do from that point on.

    This is a valuable tool and helps way too many to prepared in the event of something bad might happen, i.e. stolen car... I also learn where the car is registered from. So say I work in Tecate,Ca which is 45 minutes east of San Diego in the Mountains and I run a plate that comes back from Sacramento. Is that enough to pull over a car? NO, but it is a building block for me to add to if I see a valid reason to pull it over. Why are you out in the middle of no-where driving a car that can easily hold 10-15 illegals and you live in Sacramento? I have to be able to articulate to the judge why I did what I did or it all get flushed and he walks!!!

    I know that had nothing to do with the scanning of the plates but if that same stolen car enters the United States from Mexico it gets scanned and an alert is immediately put out and we are in the immediate vecinity to look for this car and pull it over. What if it's your car. I bet you would like to get it back and if the scanner helped out you would be for it.

    OK :lol:

    I am going to cut my grass now!

  6. Sorry to agree with everyone else on here but DAMMMMM!

    Ours went out on out new house just after we moved in. We had the insurance for it and it still cost us $600 but we opted for a 75 gallon over the 40 gallon. Plus there were some upgrades that were required by law (so he says)...

  7. It's amazing how your pet becomes so much of the family. I remember how I felt when my dog ran away. That empty feeling is the worst- looking at the toys and where they laid down at night..

    Sorry she passed but in time you will be better and remember all the good times you had with her!!!

  8. Nice car and great build-up thread!

    Dustin is a stand up guy for sure.

    Night ride this weekend at Glamis if your interested.


    Thanks- It was fun building it with Dustin. I am sure I bugged him alot with me running in there and taking pictures and asking tons of questions...but it came out how I wanted it and I am very happy with it.

    I am not sure about the night ride but we are thinking about the 25th of August for a quick trip out and shakedown.

  9. :idiot: Well put Cheese. :thumb:

    I totally agree. That's a sweet trailer. :grin:

    Cracks me up when you guys use the bananas for words. :barf:

    If your name is Tim, and you admit it... :barf: ... You might be a Mutha Bitchezzz :barf:


    ( in a circular group setting)---- Hello my name is Tim and I am a :dope:

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