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Posts posted by bp-guy

  1. I watched you bounce around the campfire at comp. I had no problems with the way you acted that night. You seemed to be having a great time at that to me is all that matters!

    You have a personality that allows you to be very open while others are more reserve, but hey that is what makes us all different......


  2. I'm at a loss for words. All I can say is :freakin_nuts: to all the rangers out there enforcing the rules and then break them.

    The only rule I see them breaking is I didn't see a whip on either ride. The whips only really come into play in the dunes so you can see another vehicle before it's too late.

    I am in no way saying that they are above the law, the should play by the same rules we all do. As someone else stated. They are just having fun like us!!

    If you follow the law you have nothing to worry about :D

  3. I saw the grudge match race as well. I was not offended that they did it. As long as they didn't do something crazy and break something.. Hell I wish I could have brought out my Border Patrol ride and give them a run!! A couple illegals in the back to help push that diesel I would SMOKE EM!!



  4. I think I got introduced to you by Pete on Saturday morning, I was there with my daughter. It was about 9:30 in the morning.

    was your daughter wearing the blue riding outfit? if so yes thats me and nice to have met you... :D

    ok here are some of my pics...













  5. Ok here is my little run down of my first weekend out there...

    300 miles to get there!!

    CELL PHONES SUCK pretty much useless!!

    Thank god for the gay balloon or I would have been lost!!!

    Too many people acting crazy or drunk to drive without always looking out for the next idiot!

    The sausages at the potluck were the best...

    SOBE BOMBS will wake you out of a dead sleep.

    Trash bags like my car!

    My father-in-law can't follow the line and turned left instead of right during the South pole/North pole ride.

    Jeep Drags were cool for a first timer but got old pretty quick.

    Thats just a few things for starters....

    I will post my pictures when I get back home from work

    All in all it was a blast and look forward to next time.... :laughoff:

  6. post-1872-1171502162.jpg Sorry to stick this here but I know it will be seen by alot of you.

    Here is my motorhome and I will have a 24foot white enclosed Haulmark trailer behind it.

    My father-in-law will be in a Blue Dodge 4-door diesel towing a weekend warrior type trailer.

    So if you see 2 rigs looking lost... THATS US!

    we plan on arriving between 2 and 4pm.. If you are arriving before us and don't mind sending me your cell phone in an IM it would be greatly appreciated and I will hand you a cold one upon arrival. :crash:

  7. do you want it embroidered or silkscreened or vinyl? I have a connection here in San Diego if you can get me a jpeg for mat on disk by Presidents weekend I will get it to him when I get back and I will give you the details.

  8. Thats right in my backyard! I gamble there alot!!! I will try to make it there as well and get some pictures.

    If anyone is coming down here and needs hotel info I can help with that. Barona is a very nice hotel, never seen the rooms but they have nice blackjack tables!!

  9. When 70% of the people who get arrested are black, in cities where 70% of the population is black, that is not racial profiling; it is the Law of Probability .

    So true.. we get slammed for profiling the Hispanics at my job... Well MEXICO is right next door!, if was Japan it would be the Japaneese claiming the profiling..

  10. Whenever i get streaks, i just wash them in the washing machine...use alot of bleach..............Oh, wrong streaks, my bad

    I have one of them high speed washing machines also!! Don't even need bleach, super high RPM's and they stick to the wives stuff! lol

    Seriously though, I never thought about washing the roof. Makes good sence.

  11. I did a qiuck search and came up empty..

    My motorhome has the typical streaks that come from water running down the side of it. What do you guys use to take that off that wont harm the wax or clearcoat?




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