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Posts posted by Foxysandchick

  1. I dont have much family here anyway, so I would rather be out duning with friends and having a good time away from all the typical holiday drama. :laughing::laughing::stick_smack::beercheers:

  2. well my wife is....iam not...dont know who she will have kids with...but..


    That was funny..anyway

    Well, I am not a couple...but I personally don't want kids and when I was married he did want kids, so that had some to do with us parting ways. As I see it now, being single, it would have to be discussed and agreed upon before I could take a relationship to the next step.

    Kids are cool, but even cooler when you can give them back :redneck: . I have 4 younger siblings to get rid of any thought I might have about reconsidering :beercheers: .

  3. well i have a small arsenal, and as i said before, iam a weapons instructor, there are alot of things that i will give up, my guns are not one of them, some dummy tries getting into my house...they are getting ventelated...

    Yup :beercheers: I have seen your listing on the gun thread, you have some nice weapons. I have an H&K USPC 40 and a Walther P22 :D .

  4. I couldn't pass the 1st level till I figured out you have to use the brake and going slower than fast through the whole thing, then level 2 starts way easy till you get to the ridiculous drop, which I still can't pass. I play while I am bored at work, so maybe tomorrow I can get past level 2 in a few hours. :stick_smack:

  5. You guys are too much fun, thanks for a great day :laughoff: .

    Pete, you are welcome :D I may be new, but I know enough to be very careful getting in and out of anyones car. I had a great time on the ride :ahhhhh: I still think you guys are amazing drivers. Great pics!

    Berts tracker is cool :dope: put the big horn on it!

    Sucks that Steve's kite strings kept breaking, get the super duty strings next time and we will take it off comp :idea: .

    Got to see Nick's butt crack :laughoff: before I ever met him :laughoff: and how Pete recognized him :angry2: I am not going to ask.

    Joe can haul arse on a utility quad :laughoff: thanks for leading a quad ride, sorry I am so slow :dope: .

    Following Joe and Steve will get me places I have never been to and make me completely lost :ahhhhh: I have never rode so much in one day :laughoff: .

    I had an awesome day :laughoff: .

  6. No problem, Kristin. I didn't hear too much out of you when we were duning. :driver: I wasn't sure if you were scared sh*tless :dope: or could handle more :laughoff: . :angry2: I bet your friend was caught off guard when Joe Duner set the back of his car on the cage with that wheelie. :ahhhhh: :dope:

    Good times. I'm glad you and your friend could make it out for a day of duning. :laughoff:

    I wasn't scared :ahhhhh: , honestly not much can scare me :laughoff::idea: . I just get in and go for the ride, once I get in I know I have given up all control so I just enjoy it B) . My friend said he was filming when Joe hit the wheelie, so I will have to hear from him how that turned out. I had been telling him about those cars for awhile, so he had a great time :laughoff: .

    Great weekend. Great :driver: and :laughoff: (need a quad rider). Glad to be able to meet with everyone there, thanks for being so welcoming.


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