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Posts posted by Sandpirates2

  1. you can ask everyone around me... wounded dolphins will make you go from zero to derr in 1.5hrs and make you scream stupid things at the top of your lungs across the bar...

    Wounded Dolphin - ISBB WTF is that? I've heard of a Dolphin Fin, but a wounded dolphin... :chev_bowtie:

    Ingredients to use:2.0 tsp clear.gifGrenadine

    0.25 oz clear.gifLemon juice

    1.0 oz clear.gifOrange juice

    0.5 oz clear.gif Sweet Vermouth

    1.0 oz clear.gifVodka

    Directions:Fill a shaker half full with ice cubes. Pour all ingredients into shaker and shake well. Strain drink into a Cocktail glass, garnish with a Maraschino Cherry, and serve.

  2. :rockon: I agree with Gerald and Cheese, Tanner if your having a problem with people poking a little fun and your first reaction is wanting to smack somebody or call one of us out, that should be a clear warning to you......it certainly is to the rest of us.

    As mentioned, the world spins on humor and maybe you'll learn that one of the greatest gifts in life is the ability to laugh at yourself. If you have not noticed by now, maybe you should take the time to read some of the posts here on this site. The peeps here enjoy poking fun of each other, they expect it and it's because most of us are friends.

    Maybe this Web-Site is just to personal for you or maybe your ability to distinguish the difference between having a laugh at you or your friends expense vs. a personal attack seems to have eluded you.

    Were all here because we want to be - it's a gathering place in waiting for the next oppertunity to get together. We dont invite nor do we condon violence.....its not what friends do, but we do poke the hell out of each other, so lighten up and enjoy the site.


  3. Looks like the greenie's are on the roll again in the local area. In yesterday's news paper Las Vegas Review (Wednesday Feb 27.) B Section Page 5.

    Nevada Species - Group seek protection from Amargosa Toad

    Two enviromental groups are seeking federal protection for a species of toad in Nevada. The groups say the Amargosa Toad is threatened by encroaching development and "off-road" vehicles and should be protected under the Endangered Species Act.

    The Amargosa Toad lives in a 10 miles stretch along the Amargosa River in the Oasis Valley near Beatty, NV. The Center for Biological Diversity (CDB) and Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) say they filed a petition Tuesday with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

    So bacicly, they lost their first petition, as the results from Fish and Wildlife report adivised that the toad in question was scattered all over the place and not just there, so there going to try it again....loosers. Too bad we cant counter suit against them for wasting our Tax Dollars on issues already proven. The Fish and Wildlife Service should make these A$$hats :freakin_nuts: provide a full-on non-bias study from 3 independant sources not align with CDB or PEER and at their cost to prove their petition supports another look into this, instead of wasting our tax money on BS claims.

    See prior report http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-SPECIES/19...1/pr-10093.html

  4. I am so so sorry to hear this. Our prayers go out to all involved If there is anything needed PM us... This is getting out of control way to many tragities (sp?) lately. Please please everyonre take extra caution when out at the dunes.....

    Our prayers...............

    I'm just so sorry to hear about this loss, and as mentioned by "indasand", It hard to believe that were seeing so much of this in such a short time frame. One death is too many, but our prayers and thoughts are out to all of you who have gone through this tragic loss.

    Sounds like alot of us will be out this weekend - Take Care and be careful, we've lost too many friends this year already. :freakin_nuts:

  5. :laughoff: Not to mention your sensors - I was told that if I had to hold the tanks for a while that after dumping to rinse and run a cup of liq laundry soap and softner into a 5 gallon bucket, pour the mixture it into each tank and drive the trailer around to mix up on the walls and sensors and let it set for a day drain and rinse again. They make a cleaning solution you can buy from your RV store, but the stuff is basicly the same thing. My father-in-law does this every 4-5 trips and its kept his sensors working great and his tank from becoming nasty. I do the same thing, although my unit is new, living here in vegas the heat can really bake that stuff so im thinking preventive maint cant hurt...


  6. It was nice meeting you Mike! I forgot to tell you last night thanks for those GPS coordinates. :laughoff:

    Next time the drinks are on me :laughoff:

    Sounds good to me - need to talk more about the Fishing stuff and GPS, no problems :freakin_nuts:

    Friggin Pete :boxer: - 10:30??? must have been a good BP we'll do it again real soon im sure. :laughoff:

  7. :whacky101: Well Alaskan and I were there from 6:30 until around 8:30 and then I had to leave and meet the better half for dinner. It was great meeting Ian and I look forward to gettng back together again soon. :beerpint:

  8. Things I seen that worked.

    Getting there early to mark my camp off with CAUTION tape and bright orange CONES on the finger dunes

    spike strips in camp to slow down the camp racers

    sling shots and paintball guns on the turrett on the trailer

    racing my car around camps and kicking rocks on other campers

    siphoning gas outta Bobs car :D

    reving my engine up at 3 am in the morning

    letting my dogs piss and sh!t in others camps

    stealing the left over beer outta the neighbors cooler

    knocking on trailer doors at 2 am after they went to bed and ran from the door before they answered it

    Drinking and driving

    putting up metal stakes and painting them black so they blend in the dark

    listning to polka at 5 am and blasting it over the camp speakers

    Well thats all I have to add.... gotta go lol

    yes I am bored and tired of seeing typed complaints :thumb::D:headbang1::unsure::banghead:


    Hey Capt you forgot about letting our kids run into everyone else's kids over at the rock pile, being a proud member of the haters family and all :poke: :lol: :dance:

  9. (TheAlaskan @ Feb 20 2008, 07:11 PM)"damn....getting an early start eh? i was thinking I'd head out there around 8")

    Yeah got to hook-up later with the wife over at Green Valley for dinner around 8:30-9pm. Come on down dude and I'll buy you a shot...

  10. Hey Dave - Thanks for the update on Raymond and I agree, maybe only his Mom.... :D and yes pls have him keep us up on his recovery - although now he'll have a great scar to impress his friends and his bad boy image with the girls :blink: .

    Ryan, dude I think you deserve the thanks your getting for sure, as anytime there's blood around, some peeps get crazed and panic, you seemed to handle the deal and took the right action for sure, so I'm willing to bet that most of us are grafeful that duners like you are out there especially looking after the younger ones. So again - Thanks for your actions


  11. britincali that's a hell of a video, and from watching this anyone dropping 90ft a min, down to 300 plus feet is history from the start. The guy never had a chance beyond 180 even for 2 minutes if nothing else happen unless he had top support with lots of deco air waiting for him, and to drop to 300ft in less than 3 minutes, the guy was not coming up unless he had tri-mix and support. From the video, it did not appear that he was on tri-mix, as there are tank switches at depth that would have been done. As he was an instructor, that's just one more reason for pushing the limit, getting behind the curve and getting caught.

    As for PADI, NAUI, SSI, or IDEA it's the instructor, student and how the program is taught. I've got both NAUI and PADI, Certs and they've both got excellent records. The issue is all about new or even seasoned divers jumping off into an unknown, like your area, which has its specialized requirements. One of the first rules is know your dive area, if not get someboddy to dive with who does......

  12. Been 130ft on air, and like mentioned, your not there very long otherwise it's deco time, and that's not fun. In this case I dont think they would have been on Nitrox as even with a 31 or 32 mixture, your still looking at 125-135 ft max before your into oxygen toxicity.

    At anything over 130 your doing tech work, and running tri-gas which is a whole different story, which is what Im sure they were doing, and it's so crazed, if you mess up, there no ooops down at that depth. I think I've actually seen Navy tables that have shown diving standard air down to 165-180 was safer if you could afford the deco off-gas time of about 5 hours on standard air, for just 10 minutes if that of bottom time vs using tri-mix, but the hard-cores may differ.

    In another year or two, the B29 will be within RDP limits anyway, but I'm sure you'll still need the Park escort. The Catalina Boat that these guys were diving is open to Tech Divers no escorts required, but 150 is deep for most of us.....

    ISSB - Check out Sports Chalet in Henderson - For the money, training and equipment it's very well priced and they'll have you diving in 4-5 weeks, plus 1 more week to get certified to 130 as an advanved open water. Just dont buy gear until you've got 50 plus dives with you. People get forced by some of these places to buy everything upfront....not. Get the basics, then try out different rentals, see what rig you like best to you. Great Sport....

  13. One of the guys at the National Park Service that I dive with, said that no technical information had been posted yet. But he had heard that the group of divers had what appeared to be the correct gear. That's the problem with these reports, there done by non-divers, they typically dont fully understand the depth issues around diving.

    Advanced Open Water Rec Diving is good to 120ft with limited bottom time on standard air and gear. I've seen people who jump off to depths of over 160 plus on regular gear, but your playing with a loaded gun. Too many things to go bad if your not prepared.

    That depth of diving requires another level of training i.e. "Tech Diver". Not sure but one would think they were using Tri-Gases, but once I hear back, from this friend, I'll post it. It's a real shame....

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