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Everything posted by duniemonkie

  1. duniemonkie

    AM I

    Yea, Pete dosn't realize what a hottie he is. It's funny to watch chicks try to win him over, he's always really polite then turns around hangs on me! That's right, this one's mine chickies. :shocked2: ISBB- it wasn't that you're repulsive (you're NOT!!), Pete was wearing Axe.
  2. Are there even any age laws when it comes to this sport? I think the Grizzley just says no one under 4 should be on...
  3. Holy crap, you can fly a plane!! Mile High Club here I come!! Can Pete and Steve make dashboard sandwiches in the plane??
  4. I will give you $1 to take care of Pete and another $1 to load up the Toyhauler.
  5. FCK uuuuuuu! I told Pete I'd put a sponge on the end of a stick and tape it to the wall. Seriously though, this sucks. Everyone has to bring a beer for the crippled guy this weekend. Or some Gin for his personal nurse!!
  6. Good call Eddie, my buddie was accused of having some guys bike (it wasn't). The cops got involved and it was a huge pain in the a$$. We'll all keep our eyes and ears peeled.
  7. Eddie!! I always wanted to meet your Navy sister :(. Best of luck on your exams! When you get your license you'll have to take Pete and I up so we can join the Mile High Club !!! Have a happy holiday!!
  8. You're getting back from Mexico Sat. morning and leaving w/ me at noon. Meet me at the museum w/ taco's and mayonaise. :shocked2:
  9. Forget going to a bar at all, what the hell is the toyhauler and cooler for??
  10. Holy chit sweetie, you're too good w/ the cut and paste.
  11. Hey Pierced Boy, thanks for the "special delivery", but Mr.Dunefreak keeps me plenty happy! I'd drive that weenie-mobile around though! Beep-beep...
  12. Terrestrial radio is for loosers!! Satellite radio all the way. That way I don't have to listen to any of the retards on 107.5 or any of the other stations. Except today someone at work had on 108 and it rocked but I couldn't get it in the Tahoe. I still rely on a variety of cd's to set the mood, but I usually have Rancid or Social D on by the time I hit the Dumont turnoff. :smiley:
  13. Yea, it was Sunday. And I had filled the Grizz on my way out Fri. night and only rode THAT once. AHH.
  14. I'll go w/ next Tuesday ISBB, but to the one by my place.
  15. Good call Wrench, yours is the only acurrate theory so far. No matter what kind of car or what it had it looked like a good time.
  16. PAULI!! I should have recognized your English immediatly! It sounds like everyone enjoyed last weekend, I'm jealous.
  17. I guess I'm bringing up the rear! I'll be leaving Sat. at 12:30pm whether things are going to hell at work or not. Anyone who needs a last minute ride is welcome...
  18. Thanks guys! It's niceto have a little poo flung my way on my special day. Eddie, you'd kick Studio 54's bootie w/ those glasses. ISBB- there ARE monkies in Mexico, I was just there and Eddie's family said hi.
  19. I owe a belated Thank You to a dude named Lane from I believe Victorville. My dumb-self rode all Halloween weekend without checking my gas and, you guessed it, got myself stranded almost at the North Pole. Lane was cool enough to tow me back to his camp (which was conviently right over the finger dune from our camp). Lane, if you see this, I owe ya!! Saftey first kids! Pack a cooler full and strap it on the back in case you get stranded!
  20. Would if I could, stupid job. See y'all at Thanksgiving... Gobble gobble.
  21. Eddie! I am back from the land of your people! Your boss sounds like the queen of big hairy nasties, lets go have a brew in her honor.
  22. Woo-hoo!!! This time though, no stupid clubs! Just lot's of drinkies!!!
  23. We'll just have to settle for cans of brake cleaner, fix-a flat, starter fluid, etc..... Just remember, DUCK!!!!!! And move the chairs...
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