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Dune safety talk to our kids


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We stress to our kids why we ride safely.

Never putting your foot down/off the pegs of your quad to avoid injury, perhaps even a compound fracture.

Most my Harley friends that have laid down their Harleys have leg or arm amputations.

I asked Alice my wife who works in front line, state of the art medicine,, why ALL the amputations?:

"Often with a Compound fracture of the leg, a main artery can get severed, and blood loss to the leg will cause it to be unsalvagable.

Also, and just as common, infection jumps into the bone, and ya can't stop bone infections.

So, they whack the leg or arm." Is her reply.

A few former champ (local, old school now) MX riders are friends of the family.

They all quit riding when their injuries led to hip replacement.

They told our boys:

"They pain of the injury is super bad, but the insertion of the catheter in your weiner by the hospital staff really is the worst thing." Ya say that while holding up a straw from a juice bottle.

"Surgeons hate to give painkillers to their patients" said my wife, "Have never seen a surgeon sympathetic to a patients pain", and the MX riders back her up on that,, and the pain of an hip injury is brutal.

I had eye surgery last year, and now when it starts to get dark at the dunes, or in bright white out conditions, I have to ride really carefull, I just don't see that well anymore.

Friends that ride Dumont love to cross over the razors, it's fun,, but that is a good spot to lay your quad down,, so now I just ride around the long way. I have a family to drive home.

Some of them don't understand my reasoning.

Edited by Duneraider
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I would tell then to NEVER let anyone push them into riding any faster than they feel safe :happydrunks::laughing:

We always remind our kids that! Especially our youngest on the 90. He gets frustrated sometimes 'cause he can't go as fast as the bigger quads. I have to remind him that there is always me or daddy behind him and he will never be left behind! He still surprises me on some hills he can take. :laughoff:

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we stress the safety issue especially with our youngest (7) he also rides a 90. and he likes to try and stay up with dad. but mom is always behind him to make sure he is safe.

he likes to take the hills like the big boys. he also knows that he don't ride if he's not in his full gear.

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I think this thread is "The Best" My friend and I have been out there and have seen Dad coming by a whole bunch of "Baby Ducks" and mom bringing up the rear. I ALWAYS think that is so cool. Teaching the baby ducks the right way. You guys rock! Just my :blink: worth. :laughoff: "Teach your Childern Well" CSNY

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I think this thread is "The Best" My friend and I have been out there and have seen Dad coming by a whole bunch of "Baby Ducks" and mom bringing up the rear. I ALWAYS think that is so cool. Teaching the baby ducks the right way. You guys rock! Just my :laughoff: worth. :laughoff: "Teach your Childern Well" CSNY

:blink: So I see I'm not the only one that refers to the kiddos as the ducklings! I was tempted to create a screename like "caboosemom" since it seems I'm usually the one bringing up the rear! :D

What really pisses me off is when some dweeb decides to cut thru my little row of ducks instead of waiting or going around them!!!! :laughoff: One of these days I'm gonna chase one of 'em down and give them a piece of my mind, or 2 or 3.

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