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Adelanto Grand Prix

barefoot bob

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last year it was a drunken brawl

this year it was a drunken brawl

next year promises to be a drunken brawl

the only thing missing next year will be me :mischevious: :mischevious:

i did not get into any drama but the law of avereges and my low tolerance for a$$hats im out !!!

on a good note : my son raced 450 begginer and we believe he took first cody kanzig # 321

and in the open class begginer again we believe we got a first # 213

results arnt posted for 2 weeks but dam my boy is getting smooth on a stock 450 r

we wont stop racing but no more camping in that sh*t hole

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last year it was a drunken brawl

this year it was a drunken brawl

next year promises to be a drunken brawl

the only thing missing next year will be me :mischevious: :mischevious:

i did not get into any drama but the law of avereges and my low tolerance for a$$hats im out !!!

on a good note : my son raced 450 begginer and we believe he took first cody kanzig # 321

and in the open class begginer again we believe we got a first # 213

results arnt posted for 2 weeks but dam my boy is getting smooth on a stock 450 r

we wont stop racing but no more camping in that sh*t hole

Bob wiped out on the 125 pit bike.

Crazy people at the spot Bob stayed at.

Morgan had a old 65 or 85 2-stroke that beat us in top end end (4th gear)

We beat Tim's 85cc big bore kit pit bike

We had a great time!

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Where in Adelanto do they have the grand prix? As far as the crowd Bob described, sounds about right for Adelanto. I am a Real Estate Appraiser and live in Hesperia and can tell you Adelanto is the butthole of the high desert. Every neighborhood you go into either has a trashed yard or a for sale sign. Trashed yard for the renters and for sale signs for the owners. I would bet more than 50% of the renters in Adelanto are section 8 and the other half of the renters are there cause they have a relative or homey in the jail.

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