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90+ PLUS

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Everything posted by 90+ PLUS

  1. i have heard of people doing that and i know of a race rhino w/ a street bike motor in it but i cost big $$$ and alot of fabricating and prolly a fuel cell. but good luck if you are gonna do it
  2. hey travis does your rhino get up comp pretty easy with the supercharger
  3. red sky at night sailors delight, red sky in morning sailors warning
  4. yeah mine exploded when my dad hit a witches eye and we had a class 9 box put in but it was a BIG MISTAKE just go to www.motogrid.com and order a new yamaha rhino one
  5. if that was my car or my friends there would be no little can of whoop a$$ about it, it would be a whole case of whoop a$$
  6. cool dude josh was saying you were gonna get a car. i saw your car out at dumont but i didnt know it was you. do you pre-run your car?
  7. hey got boost what kind of motor do you have
  8. whats up travis. i saw you pres. day weekend on saturday night racing up comp hella blowing peoples doors off
  9. dude i think i know you. do you live down the street from josh? i was the kid talkin to you and my dad bought Brooke's car . is this you?..but anyway that sucks i accidentally ride i in other peoples camps all the time at night thinking they are mine. but those guys
  10. I agree also just because you have a fast car doesnt mean the other people watch out for you isnt it obvious that if people are comming DOWN the way you are RACING UP shouldn't you wait for them to come down so the coast is clear :gayboy:. i mean i am 15 and when i am driving up comp i know better than that :gayboy:
  11. yeah stuff may crack , break, bend a little bit but it shouldn't fold like a tissue like barefoot bob said
  12. i started on a 1992 KTM 50 w/ training wheels
  13. you cant even see the camps under that cloud of dust
  14. i know dude i would never go up any hill with out a cage and all day long u see trucks get stuck in the dunes . i dont even bother to help they know they are gonna get stuck they are not sand cars
  15. no its a white 30ft toy hauler that says SNAFU on the side
  16. i heard head count of 70k ..but on new years the ranger said their was a head count of 110k
  17. yea those were some good runs and i was on the gas alot and i had my head phones on
  18. thanks man but shortly after those pics were taken my dad did a jump and landed on the front right wheel and snapped the lower a-arm, bent the upper, broke the spindle and the break, and put a huge dent and scratches on the side panel.
  19. i had a hella tight weekend the best part was saturday night i got to drive a friends sand car a show my dad what was up
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