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Everything posted by Duneraider

  1. One of the rigs we were camping with mentioned he didn't have heat in the storage/garage/stacker sleeping bed area of his toyhauler. We held that thought. We're shopping to buy a new hauler, and most the rigs we're interested in didn't have heat or cooling back there. I mean with the fold down, stack down style sleeping units,, people are back there sleeping. The Weekend Warrior rep asked me "why would we want heat or cooling back there?" Really floored me. "We'll,, that's an expensive custom add on". I said : "Because people are sleeping and working in bad weather back there. It was 17 in Dumont last week". "Oh" he said. It stunned us. Is it me? Should I not have been taken back? We like the WW 45 triple slide out,, but the spotty customer service, brutally high price,, and questionable build quality is honestly scareing us. Nice unit, great floorplan,, goofy odds and ends about them though. Just don't feel comfortable and we can't put our finger on why.
  2. It means they have Internet service.
  3. It's a double standard in quads. Quads have age ranges, bikes don't. Developing a new engine has to be very expensive,, a proprietaty engine for a quad would be expensive and I'm sure the quads price would be considerably more. Many motorized rides share engines. The big Honda outboards have Accura motors in them. Polaris watercraft had Fuji tractor motors. Snomobile makers use all kinds of shared engines.
  4. A nice ride is everything to me. The new Raptor special edition has a nice ride if ya back everything out. Should have more power for a 700, but the power is adequate. The mechanics at Alba say 85 hp is dreaming, the head gasket will easily blow in the mid 70's. The brutal engine vibration the plagues the first 2 production years of the 660 is gone, and it's not quite as tipsy. Most quads have crummy stock shocks. Heavy boat anchors with a brutal ride. Putting nice Dune Series Elkas on the Wifes KFX 700 was an eye opener. But it was $2 grand, and that ain't cheap. Ya don't have to get beat to death on the dunes. Good shocks make an incredable difference. A whole different riding experience on the dunes. The Raptor 700 SE gives you that teriffic riding experience.
  5. Crackhead Al has a reputation to screw with your quad at nite when youre sleeping so when you race him the next day he'd beat you.
  6. Glad to read it Pete. Amazing surgery, and it's perfected.
  7. A co-worker of mine, Crackhead Al used to ride Glamis for his whole childhood and early adulthood, then: His Banshees sat on his garage floor for 10 years, flat tires. He and his wife discovered Crystal Meth. He and his wife became obnoxious to be around, users,, arrogant and lost all their friends. Their trust funds taken away by family elders, their kids givin to relatives by the court. Two visits to the Betty Ford clinic, and then all the apologies to everyone,, and the "we're off it for good now,," statements to everyone mean't nothing. They got right back on the stuff. His wife even selling it. When they'd get back on the "junk",, they were total a-holes to be near. I HAD to work with him for time to time,, and after his second Betty Ford attempt to quit he asked if he and his kids could come to Dumont, and if they could camp near us. He seem'd sinceer,, so I said what the heck,, yea, sure. He bought a small toyhauler, replaced the flat tires on their Banshees, cleaned out the carbs and fuel tanks,, bought two kids quads,and made an appearance with his two very nice daughters that were being raised by he and his wifes parents. He and his wifes Meth use was so bad they've blown out their colons, and at 29 years old, both wear depends to soak up the mud. When he or his wife use the restroom in their RV the kids come flying outta it,,, "it turns grey inside" they tell us. It reaks like the monkey cages at the Zoo. Stinks deluxe. One day riding on the dunes, he had to take a dump so bad,, he stopped his Banshee on the side of a dune and left the engine running. He dropped his riding pants and his depends and proceeded to squat down in the sand and take a dump. As he was squirting off a hot stinky liquid loaf,, he lost his ballance, grabbed the ignition wires and got a super high voltage competiton ignition shock that sent him falling back in his puddle of mud, all the while squirting it out like it was carbonated and on fire. He was mad at the world sitting there after splashing into that mud puddle, but too stunned and almost unconscience,, and sat there for a very long five minutes. He eyes were asterisks **. They were unpleasant, arrogant obnoxious,, cutting remarks,,, bad people. I don't roll in the mud with pigs, and I later told him we prefer to camp alone. So now, two years later brings us to this past News Years Dumont Trip.. Crackhead Al and his wife just completed another 90 day Betty Ford stay this time. Betty Ford is over $20K per month BTW. Late one evening at Dumont we were camping alone we heard a Banshee roll up to our camp site. I park our Quads with huge tugboat chains running through them,, and box them in with our trucks to twart thieves, and stop the drunks from banging on the front door of our RV all day and nite long. He saw no way in,, and he got the message we ain't coming out so rode away on his Banshee. My wife mentioned he was probably looking to see if Hells Angel Steve and his wife were camping with us, which they sometimes do. Crackhead Al and Hells Angel Steve have bad blood between them over a big A hole remark Al said to Steve on the job one day, and Al did Steve a horrific bad turn on another project. At my work only 2 things will get you fired: stealing and fighting. Steve is close to early retirement at full pay ($126.000 per year), so a fight at work now is not in his best interest. But if he sees Crackhead Al outside of work,, it'll be a different matter. It'll be another long hospital stay for Crackhead Al. Hells Angel Steve still bench presses 450#, and loves to stop at local boxing Gyms when we travel and challenge the local Golden Gloves heavyweights to 3 round smokers. "He doesn't go down" is the remark most often said by his opponents. He's tough and he can really do damage to someone. Best of all, Hells Angel Steve is a former AAU wrestler. My family and I saw Crackhead Al with another tweeker at Comp hill the next day and he asked if they could ride with us. I said,, "not a good idea Al",,, we saddled up and rode off leaving him there. My son and daughter witnessed the whole drug ordeal they went through, and I hope they learned a lesson from example.
  8. Our Elkas are featherlite. The Dune series are awesome.
  9. Geeze Pete, so demanding,, OK then, here ya go:
  10. 4 stroke wars entry and KFX 700 extremely modified. Everyone did a good job on the set-up and the clean-up. Looked teriffic.
  11. Several noticed the first group camped at the closest south edge of the rockpile, had kids on quads that anytime a child from another camp rode on the rockpile, their kids would then slam their quads into the child, throw rocks at the child, and tell the child it was their riding spot and too leave. Anyone here know who that group might have been? Several of their rigs had DDR stickers on the unloading ramps. This was over the MLK weekend. Totally unsupervised by the parents,, or perhaps encouraged.
  12. Allright then,, everyone be that way. See if I give up anymore secrets.
  13. I opened up all the way on our YFZ 450 resi screws. Front and rear. Thinking of backing off on the pre-load springs too. Where are yours set? Still has a rough ride.
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