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Everything posted by Duneraider

  1. Have to agree, the prices are too high. Good shows, but too pricy.
  2. The Del Rio Bar and Grill Every tab has a story. It's the cheapest part of drinking really. Sunday Morning the kids fire up the golf cart, and we roll over to the Del Rio Bar and Grill for breakfast. Residents and friends of Tony the Del Rio owner are stumbling in to settle their weekend tabs. That is, most the residents are paying up. The 4 girls in this group were in for a big sticker shock from the nite before. They stood at the bar Sunday morning for over a hour arguing the bill and enduring Maynards straw fart band with Tony the owner and the bartenders. All the employees said it was legit charges: They thought they just had a few drinks, their tab was $271. Tony the owner, knocked off $50 after an hour of negotiations. We watched them the nite before when I took the kids over for late Pizza. They just kept on ordering shots and food, and rounds, and more rounds and it adds up quick. In Parker/Havasu and Avalon girls should never buy drinks. If they do they are doing something wrong. Alice and her GF's roll in and the drunk hard-ons always buy, as tradition says they should. We need to run a seminar for chix teaching them the finesse of getting the dopes to buy their drinks. Straw farts at the breakfast bar. Amazing how Maynard draws a crowd and entertains them with such tallents. All kinds of characters slide in and pay their tabs and ALL have a story. Some tip, some have exact cash. One in three suffers sticker shock, and that is always drama. Most just lay down the cash, usually a couple of hundred for the weekend, and it's is the real final weekly payday for Tony.
  3. Travis Tritt - Country Club Hank Jr: Family Tradition (live version) Skynard: Gimmee Three Steps (live version)
  4. Or Nevada works fine. Chix get paid to get high too.
  5. Consider taking a simple electrical class, then apply for this: http://personline.lacity.org/job_list/inde...pec&CC=3870 I just retired at 55, and last year our trainees all made about $130.000 with overtime and meal chex and differential plus tax free zone pay. Pay raises up to 6% per year, and other yearly bonus too. Ya promote to Line Mechanic, and they all made $170.000 to 200.000 k last year. If you ride Dumont then no doubt you have a head for heights and for the desert, so perhaps is the Job for you. I just retired at $106K per year, 4% per year cost of living raises and full medical for me, the wife and kids for life. Just a thought. Best deal going. Ya already live in Vegas, so that's a huge plus. I started when I was your age and don't regret it a bit. Solid career, with solid co-workers, benefits too numberous to list. You work between Las Vegas / Boulder to LA / or maybe Delta Utah to LA if you prefer.
  6. Occasionaly our 2001 8.1 motor will quit for a second or two, then resume. The trucks electrical and instruments still work, just the engine quits. We've heard the Crank position sensors can go bad and cause this problem. Can this be diagnosed when the truck is running fine? Should we just change it out anyway? We're getting ready to take a hot 7000 mile lap around the USA, and would like to avoid any failures on the road,, if we can. Thanks for any imput.
  7. We use the photo sensitive auto tint goggles by Smyth. They're clear at nite, and the brighter the day, the darker the tint.
  8. Any more news on this incident?
  9. The reason she bought it is we are taking one hot lap around America next month. We'll be in alot of back woods, back roads areas finding historical sites. Also, at Glamis, she says she'll feel better riding with a GPS close at hand. --------------------- The main things I want to see are the Hundly Civil War Submarine, and a few historical battlefields, and of course, Sloppy Joes bar in Key West.
  10. The Navman N40i GPS roadtest: Wife used our Amex rewards points to buy the Navman N40i GPS. Took a spell of studying, but she loves electronics and gadgets and mastered it quick. She set course from Simi Valley Ca to Parker Az. Kinda neat, it shows several points of view mapping and verbal instructions. Direct above map, or a terrain looking forward to the horizon map. The route instructed her to Ehrenberg rd, but at the last second she decided to take Rice Rd instead. No problem,, The GPS quickly corrected it's course automagically, and instructed her onward right to the gate of Emerald Cove. She loves it. Pretty cool GPS.
  11. Warm weather, everyone is outside. We put the quads away and have rolled out the boat. Twin Engine 430 HP Supercharged Innercooled FI But,, waiting for the first Halloween trip of the season. Hope Yami brings out a new 450 or bigger. Time for a new quad.
  12. Seems The older Harley crowd is starting to buy trikes. Bombardier has released this 106 hp "Y". configuration. I wonder if it'll catch on? I wouldn't buy one, but it has cool features and lots of power.
  13. I have a house full of 12 year old girls for a sleepover tonight. I miss having daughters. I have sons this go a round which is great, but girls are excellent too. Boys do just boys stuff, but girls do boys and girls stuff. That extra feminin touch of having daughters in the home works for me. Anyone of you couples thinking of kids or no kids? What are your thoughts and takes? Girls are cool,, all is not lost.
  14. http://sjl.funnyordie.com/v1/view_video.ph...=&category=
  15. 60 minutes did a piece on the Dutch Harbor fleets and how many people quit the crews first week out. Quite a few couldn't hack it, and if ya don't live up there, it sux just being dropped off on the dock. Now the boats will only hire crew members that actually live full or part time in Dutch Harbor and spent some time in the processing plant first, and the captains have come around to knowing them. After taxes, doesn't seem like the average pay was worth the work. Maybe $12K to $20K for 2 months at sea. Taxes take about half,, not worth it. The cost of living in Alaska is twice or higher than living in 'Vegas. I hate being cold and wet except riding at Dumont.
  16. If anyone is up for an appreciation party at the dunes for those that work to keep the dunes open'd and the hosts we'll throw it and cater it too.
  17. Is the piston and bore kit worth the install? Seems like a lot of $$, is it a value performance mod?
  18. I got on the fan website, and most of the featured boats have their own websites now too. They sell T shirts, mugs, ect. There are real time messaging, blogs and a forum on the TLC site. The mods eventually delete the girls writing in hitting on the Captains. Amazing, most of the Captains are married, and all these chix write to them making moves on them. Too bads the mods erase most of it, best part of the Forums. The guys are like rock-stars. Also, other fans write in and like or dislike some of the crews and boats and talk smack. The most un-popular being the Northwestern and it's Captain Sig Hansen. Damfino why, seems ya gotta be a SOB sometimes if you're in charge, especially in a really tough, crazy situation like they're in. Some dopes write in wanting to work for free, just to be on the show. Anyone watch the show? Any takes?
  19. They live and play on this site: http://www.hotboat.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=18
  20. I was sitting at a friends campsite that had a good view of the camp ground. Off in the near distance, my daughter and her girlfriends were cruising along on her golf cart when a group of boys pulled up next to them at about 5 mph. The girls looked over at the guys, checked them out, then in a few seconds floored it and left the boys in the dust. The boys tried to catch up but the girls had more speed and power,, and that was that. Later: I asked her how long for any girls to decide if they like a guy or not? "About 10 seconds" she said. That really surprised me. What's your take?
  21. The meetings time and places are heavily advertised. You can sit right in in person, and talk up all ya want. Several people even offer to drive others gratis, I did, the Orig Sandemon did too. The BLM gets calls all day long from people griping. They simply refer the gripers to attend the meetings, and of course, none of the complainers show up. In fact, you can even get involved by joining FoDD, that is, friends of Dumont Dunes and help make a difference. The real complaint is the Greenies got control of the Green sticker money, and other funds have been cut too.
  22. Probably sites devoted to that. You got a fair price. Ya just don't see these rigs discounted much. I think the price is excellent on all the S X S's.
  23. Nice looking. A polaris dealer was at Comp one day and said the cheap JC Whitney CJ 5 jeep back seat kit fits BTW.
  24. Premier and Buggies Unlimited suggest changing the cables with every battery change-out: New Costco Golf Cart batteries, half the price of Trojans. Just 4 years old, you can also see I used the red battery corrosion protect stuff too. New Cable set only $14.
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