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Posts posted by raptorgirl

  1. Mine would be losing one of my kids and being that my 11 yr old had anaphylactic shock at school a few weeks ago kinda compounded that fear (found out he's now allergic to peanuts). And speaking of snakes, my husband just told me today that one of the foreman at this work (oilfields) had a rattlesnake bite his steel toed boot.

  2. Well there wasnt anything sexually going on with her and him, so she says anyway. We split up for a while before and I was seeing someone else but we ended up getting back together. This time she emailed my ex-gf (from when we were split up) and then the ex told her we were still seeing eachother blah blah blah. I think its just an excuse to make me leave so she can get with this other guy.

    The bottom line is an affair is an affair! Whether it be sexual or emotional, especially with women. Sounds like she has stepped away from the marriage either way. My advice would be to get a good attorney and if you have proof such as emails or letters copy them and take them to an attorney. A friend of ours went through this recently and his wife thought she would be set for life, little did she know what she was in for. He got primary custody of the kids and she gets very little child support. Good luck!! But make sure your primary focus is the kid(s) they certainly don't deserve this.

  3. hey, it could have been DUDElover :headbang1:

    sorry i wont be out for Prez day, but i look forward to seeing you and yours again in the dunes, maybe when we are in Vegas again, or on another trip if you guys venture outside of dumont

    ouch...gotta stay away from the fireplace!!

    good times the other night Michelle!! we all have to get together and do that more often..you and Nathan gonna go to the crab feed in may? I guess they all stay at an RV park up there!

    Yeah that was fun. We will definently have to get together more. We just got an email from the Dellanini's about the crab feed and they said something about staying at the fairgrounds so it looks like were going. Just hope that thier fairgrounds isn't in as bad of a neighborhood as ours. They had the sheriff's helicopter shine the light on them while they were here because of a cop getting shot in the area behind the fairgrounds.

  4. Yeah we have one. My sons friend broke his pinkie when they were playing tennis, he swung his hand right into the fireplace mantel. Ouch!! In fact we just ordered Wiiplay off ebay and were trying to get the Simpsons game too. But you're right you will be sore as hell until you've played it a lot or just get in shape, so needless to say we just play a lot. :D

  5. I gotta find one of these in Bakersfield. My husband has to give a bachelor party and I showed him these pics, he thought it was a great idea. Too funny!! Only thing is with one from Bakersfield is she might not have all her teeth and 'she' might just be a midget 'he'. :DDRrocks: :beer_bang:

  6. cool man...nice pic........

    never made it to the zoo, but we have been to sea world and the lamplight district.

    we stayed in our toyhauler while we were down there...there are about 3-4 choice RV parks...one even has its own private lake, while another one is on the bay!!!

    nice town there

    on edit

    sea world has FREE beer by the horse stables ( busweiser owns sea world) :thumbsdown:


    Good to know, we're going to Sea World this spring.

  7. Hey all. New to posting but have been a member for a while. Do you guys have room for a couple groups from Tehachapi? We are always looking for people to ride and hang with.

    Absolutely! Keep checking back as we have several people from the Tulare & Fresno area also trying to make it for the get together.

  8. You Dont?! :laughoff: My toys are cabled and locked up even in my garage! And especially at any camping area, NO MATTER WHAT! INCLUDING THE FUEL! I worked too hard to get what I have and I will do whatever it takes to keep it! :laughoff: :beer_bang:

    Ditto!! We even use locks on the inside of the garage door so that you can't even pop open the garage door. We live in a decent neighborhood but that's the ones that tend to get hit the most because they know you have something that they might want and a theif is a theif and they will take anything, including gas cans. And while camping we not only cable lock everyhting up but at night after lining the bikes up and locking them we pull the truck around and park it right up next to the bikes to block them in.

  9. We have a son that is almost 16 and USED to be a slob. Apparently he doesn't like having everything taken out of his room. So after taking all electronics including phone and cell phone privledges he got the hint. Now he's working toward a car and has to keep a 3.2 gpa or higher, so far it's stayed steady at 3.5. But my friend had somewhat of the sme problem with her daughter and even after taking most of her belongings they even took the bedroom door off the hinges she finally got the hint that they are tired of messing around with her. Good luck though, it seems like boys don't care about material things as much as girls and you may have to put the fear into him some other way. Plenty of times I have had to make it inconveinant for me in order to get my point across to him.

  10. I AM ALL FOR more enforcement of the rules and regs we already have in place, but i disagree with you on the dumpsters

    Oceano is a prime example of the dumpster situation. they have them, and the place is still trashed after every weekend.

    bravo for the LEOS tho....

    Pete had some camp racers hangin out by his area...with the sandpit on the other side :laughoff:

    But could you imagine how bad it would be if the dumpsters weren't there. We were there from Wed.-Sun. and I just didn't see all that much trash. In fact about the only places that I seen trash was up in the camping areas and not in the dunes, and hopefully most of that got picked up on Sat. during the FoOD cleanup. When we left Sun. around 1:30 and we stopped by the dumpsters to drop our trash off they were very full but they had a tractor there smashing the trash down and there wasn't any on the ground.

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