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Posts posted by raptorgirl

  1. Just wondering which dealership you went to California Ave. or Wible? We have the same truck but '05 and the alarm kept going off constantly so we took it to the Calif. Ave dealer 3 times and kept getting the run around and the service tech finally told my husband "the alarm hasn't gone off since it's been here so your basicaly SOL." and told him we should go buy a new alarm. I was so pissed. We took it to Wible and got a girl named Sandra and she did everything in her power to make sure it got fixed. Including she gave us a rental car while they had the truck overnight, something the other dealer never offered and one time they had the truck for three days. Needless to say they got the alarm fixed, they had to re-wire it. Good luck.

  2. We didn't have a oven in the Carson but we have one now but have never used it, kind of a waste. But always got tons of use out of the micro and stove, especially when your stuck inside the trailer for a day and a half at Dumont when the wind and sand kick up. We also installed a stereo. And we also had two gouchos and one fold up bunk and it worked just fine until the 3rd kid got too big. And something you might consider is changing your battery to golf cart batts so they stay charged longer or even better a inverter but that can be costly. The only other colored Carson I have seen is a red one and a black one at Pismo. Good luck with whatever you choose.

  3. Our first trailer was a Carson 24 ft. w/out microwave or gen. We bought a portable gen. and installed a microwave and we were good to go. We would probably still have had we not outgrown it (3 kids). We bought it used for around $7800. and we sold it a couple years later for $7500. By the way the only time we used our a/c was in our own driveway while cleaning it out. But we normally don't start going to Dumont til Thanksgiving-Presidents Day, most of our summer time is spent at Pismo and we never have to use the a/c there.

  4. No. He hates to be by himself and always wants to do what were doing. So if the kids are swimming he is right there wanting them to splash him, although he doesn't want in the pool. We take him with us camping and we noticed everytime we would get on our bikes and start them he would start barking and trying to chase us so my husband just picked him one time and put him in front of him and he stayed there. And he loves to go for rides in the truck. Everytime he has gotten out he ends up jumping into someones car and they call us due to our # is on his tags. (with the exception for the time going under the truck instead of inside of it). Our Jack is extremely OCD. If you turn on a flashlight or laserlight or anything with a light he will do anything to get at the light. All of our flashlights have teeth marks in them because of him. In fact a couple of weeks ago while at Pismo we had a fire going and he was chasing the sparks coming out of the fire and bured his nose but he still wouldn't stop. He loves to pull my son around while my son is on his skateboard or skates and he pulls hard enough that my son never has to put his feet down.

  5. I caught the ending of the last one and I was sooo glad that guy Highland didn't win. But I didn't see a gun. Man he was a total jacka$$, glad it's over. I wanted to watch it because I thought it might have some good riding but it was more like a reality/drama soap opera type of show.

  6. Crack Russel Terrior :beercheers:

    Exactly, it's like living with a crackhead. Except he's always fun for some laughs though. He will jump on the trampoline with the kids and ride the quad with my husband.

  7. And if yours hasn't been around fire works yet you might want to be prepared. Ours totally freaks out, we have to give him doggie valium when camping or 4th of July & New Years. And by the way, when we leave the house now he is locked on a tie-out outside because he broke through the crate, and he digs under every fence. We even buried chicken wire under the fence to try to prevent digging. We feel bad about the tie-out so a few months ago we decided to "secure" the yard really well (we thought). Because we were going to be gone all day the following day. Well needless to say when we got home we had a message on the machine and 20 minutes after we had left he got out and got hit by a truck. Luckily not killed and the guy took him to the shelter. The shelter called us and when we got there we expected the worse but he was just scraped up. But he didn't learn his lesson, by a few days later he was trying to escape again. I think we need to try a electric fence, maybe shocking the crap outta him will prevent him from escaping.

  8. Oh my can I tell you stories.... We have a 3 1/2 year old Jack Russell. We also tried the crate. He figured out he can bite and bend the bars until they start breaking. The travel cage, he figured out how to unlock (he's like a friggin monkey). And the only fence he hasn't jumped is the 6 ft. wood fence. A chain link he would climb over in no time. He destoyed a chair once because my husband left him in the crate and apparently he rocked the crate close enough to the chair to latch onto it and chewed to the wood. As soon as we come home he is just as happy as can be, his stub of a tail wagging like it's going to just fling right off. I can't bar to get rid of him though, he is so good with the kids and he knows no stranger. He doesn't like other male dogs but is fine with females (figures). They just have so much energy, even with 3 boys to play with him he still needs more. I will put him on the tread mill and he will run non-stop for about 20-30 minutes. All I can say is good luck and try to have lots of patience.

  9. We only go for one day but we get there early and don't leave until it's closing. There are a lot of buildings to go through and a lot of stuff outside of buildings. There are contests and giveaways. And it takes a lot of your time when you keep stopping to talk to someone about thier product. Lots of companies there showing off thier stuff. Check this out: www.sandsportssupershow.com and you can check out who the exhibitors are.

  10. Be prepared, since you're also fom Bakersfield you know what the drunk folks look like at the Kern County Fair :barf: . Well most of the girls at the SSSS wear less and have bigger Ta-Ta's and aren't afraid to show them, especially after knocking back a few. :porn: and maybe your wife should go along with you, there really is tons of stuff to look at and some great deals. When we went a couple years ago we ended up packing our truck down with tons of stuff. And now having said that, have fun and take lots of pictures.

  11. party at houses, dirt fields, or both??? :broke:

    being from Bakersfield, and a ton of Agriculture, with decent weather about 80 % of the time, we rocked the dirt fields mostly, with some houses of some poor parents who went out of town, and had their house trashed.

    i especially liked the houses withthe 2 story dumbwaiter..........a few peeps got pushed down those things :dope:


    We always partied in the river bed, those were fun times.

  12. All of our immediate neighbors are the same way. They drive up,go into the garage, close garage door. Never see them outside. They are like vampires or something. Then when the house across the street went up for sale we thought someone decent has to move in there this time, what are the chances that it will be the same thing. Well.... it got worse! This guy comes over one day while we're doing yard work and wants to start talking. He then points to the sky pointing out the white lines made by airplanes and starts telling us that that is the goverment tryig to kill us an that they are dumping chemicals on us trying to kill off the population. Me and my husband looked at each other and said WTF??? My husband was ready to punch him and finally made him go home. I would have rather had the neighbor that keeps to them self. This guy is a total quack!!

  13. We always try to do for others whenever possible because you never know when you might be the one in need and maybe someone might help you. When coming home from Dumont after Thanksgiving we pulled over east of Kramer Junction for the kids to go pee and a guy pulled over beside us, he was pulling a boat and his trailer tire had a leak and was almost flat so we offered to air him up and he mentioned that he had been in traffic so long that he ws runing low on fuel so we gave him the rest of the fuel we had in one of the cans (about 5 gal.). He was very appreciative and was off on his way.

    And just yesterday my 10 yr old found a wallet in the road and the boy he was with took the money out of it ($25) and gave my son the wallet back and then he took off, so my son brought the wallet home and explained what happened and we went to the boys house and as soon as my husband started walking up to the house the boy came out with the money in hand. Anyway we called the neighborhood school and it belonged to a 6th grade girl there. I'm so glad my son is learning to do the right thing, what comes around goes around.

    It's nice when someone does something just to be kind, restores your faith that there are still some decent people out there.

  14. We wanted to start our own family tradition with our kids. We chose to stop getting together with our families at the holidays to avoid the drama/chaos. There always seemed to be someone drinking/getting high and starting a fight with someone. :finger: :no_no: And also since the kids have more days off it enables to stay longer. Hopefully we are teaching our kids a great tradition that they will want to pass down to thier own children some day. :freakin_nuts:

  15. I personally love having boys. I have 3 boys and I have a couple friends who each have three girls and I would not trade for anything. NO WAY would I want girls. They are fine and cutsie when they're little but when they hit pre-teen and get all hormonal watch out! And then you have to deal with the boyfriends and being emotional and crying over some boy :barf: . Anyway just my opinion. Boys are soooo much easier. And not to mention cheaper.

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