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Posts posted by raptorgirl

  1. And whats up with you guys all peeing in the same spot?? (or is that just my family) I have a husband and 3 boys and a male dog and if one of them go pee outside then everyone has to go pee, even the dog! But I'm not complaining because at least none of them are peeing in the pool. :dunno:

  2. Oh that was great. The joy of boys. I have three boys and my middle one (Josh) he is 10, isn't afraid of anything and totally digs any kind of creature,bug,insect,animal. In fact we call him Dr. Doolittle. A couple weeks ago he decides he wants to catch a wasp and stick it under the microscope and see what it looks like, so he does just that. But then when he was done looking he decides to rip the wask apart and chase his little brother (Taylor who is 6) who is deathly afraid of anything. So Josh is chasing Taylor around the yard with a wasp body in one hand and the wasp head in the other. Joys of boys!! By the way a dead wasp does look pretty cool under a microscope. :laughing:

  3. I don't recall the name of it but did it have Sean Connery in it? Sorry that's all I can guess. And in case I was somewhat right here's another one:

    "Strange things are afoot at the circle K"

  4. Happy Gilmore...

    " Man , i dont know who it was, you all look the same, and smell like Bologna"

    I'm not sure what this one is...hmm maybe another clue.

    In the mean time, here's another one:

    "All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, And I'm fine." :offtopic:

  5. "You know, I've got one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frikin' laser beams attatched to their heads!"


    Austin Powers: International man of mystery (I think it's that one)

  6. It's about two geeky teenage boys who turn a barbie doll into a real chick. Think of an Oingo Boingo song!!! :mc_smiley:

    I got that one, it was weird science. Not sure of the other one that was mentioned, something about the world would be a better place without kids.

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