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Posts posted by aceisback

  1. you guys are all liars. I haven't seen one porn site listed. Or is DDR like porn for most of you sandaholics? :mischevious:

    That, and with all of the debate taking place over the past year I find it really amazing that Stormfront.org wasn't listed at number one by a bunch of folks! :dunno::cry::laughoff::old:

  2. :blonde:

    well yeah im not that blonde

    I was just messin'.

    Pete has done a pretty good Camp Grid Map, maybe this would be a good opportunity to make a similar map that encompasses the entire dune area. Entrance road to the boundry behind the dunes, and the hiway/little dunes to the opposite closure. Could even shade the boundries to make it easier for the inexperinced to understand what's open and what's not.

  3. Hate it that I had to bow out this year but repairs dictated that I tend to them and not enjoy back to back weekends in the dunes. Curious for the trip report also as it rained constantly here all day. Looked like some rain moved through the Dumont area too going by the weather.com radar.

    How was it Cheese?

  4. REACH Air Medical Services

    Thanks for the well-wishes everyone, I will pass them on to him. Here's the link for all interested. Click on the membership tab across the header of the homepage.

    Charity, please don't misconstrue what I'm trying to say here. What I'm talking about is not children riding around in camp, which there shouldn't be any problem with. These tracks in question are too big to be "inside" of a normal group of haulers. They drop off a foot or more deep and have two, three, sometimes four foot high berms. You'd need a tractor to fill them back in. Alot of folks on DDR have been to Glamis and know what I'm trying to convey here. They have huge walls but believe it or not are damn near impossible to see until you are right on them. Doesn't matter if it's night or broad daylight, they pop up out of nowhere.

    And I agree with you to a point about the kids being ready before they hit the dunes. I just wouldn't take children that young to Dumont on a holiday weekend anyway. It's way too small and too much mayhem with the camp racers, high powered rails with inexperienced drivers trying to impress the Jones's, and whatnot. Atleast at Glamis you can find a set of dunes to suit your style and experience level without having to venture near the hill where all of the shennanigans take place.

    Guess that was the condensed version of pointing out that children riding around camp isn't what I was implying... :beercheers:

  5. Had some good friends come down to Glamis from Idaho, Utah, and NorCal for a week of good times and good rides. While eating breakfast this past Tuesday we were discussing the high cost of enjoying our hobby, and what the associated medical cost could be, including LifeFlight transportation. Not a half hour after this conversation took place an unfortunate accident took place and my good friend Scott nailed a kiddie track when he looked back to check on his daughter. Lazy a$$ parents that let their kids do this are a topic for another thread. :beercheers::grin: He broke his hip and pelvis in five places along with four ribs and had a collapsed lung. His daughter was quite shaken up over witnessing what happened to her father but they are both home and recovering.

    One of the things that came up in the conversation was the REACH LifeFlight insurance and what a lifesaver it would be to not have that added cost and stress while dealing with the trauma of a bad accident. I heard from Scott a few minutes ago and the bill for the LifeFlight had already come in by the time he got back home. From Brawley to San Diego was $37,375.75! :censored: His out of pocket cost will be the $45 that he paid for the annual family plan. :clap: If you are an ASA member it is $40 for the family plan.

    May be something that you might want to consider. Just sayin'...

    Now, if you are at the dunes with your children then take the time to teach them how to ride in the dunes. Why would you sit there while they mindnumbingly :dope: go in circle after circle, or figure 8 after figure 8 when you paid an access fee to enjoy the dunes? :old: Or atleast bring a Bobcat with you so you can undo the damage that your laziness caused so that others don't get killed of maimed. :beat:

  6. I thought it was being implied that Biffle was a RedNeck and just wanted to point out that the drivers, and fans, like all Americans, come from all over. Surely you Vegas folks have heard of the Busch brothers??? :banghead: And from Cali some folks by the names of Harvick, Mears, Johnson, Gordon, Gordon, etc., New Jersey-Truex Jr, the list goes on forever. Check out the link I provided.

    My whole point was that there must be alot of damn RedNecks in America because NASCAR is the No. 1 spectator sport - holding 17 of the top 20 highest attended sporting events in the U.S., and is the No. 2 rated regular-season sport on television. NASCAR races are broadcast in more than 150 countries and in 20 languages. NASCAR fans are the most brand loyal in all of sports, and as a result more Fortune 500 companies participate in NASCAR than any other sport.

    It's funny how there is still such a misconception about the fan base. NASCAR is second to the NFL in television viewership but beats MLB, NBA, NHL, combined! Not that it provides any clout but auto racing as a whole is the THIRD most populat sport WORLDWIDE. Must be alot of closet fans because no matter what type of forum we are members of folks portray NASCAR fans as backwoods or some other negative light. :banghead:

    I just thought I could act all butt hurt about being a RedNeck :hatdance: like other folks on here get to act when Obama, and whatnot get brought up in the conversation. :B

    My hair's turning white,

    my neck's always been red,

    my collar's still blue... :usa::usa::usa:

    Proud to be an American. And NASCAR is at the heart of it all. I rest my case. :banghead:

    This might intrest you...

  7. Great. Now every red neck will be heading to Dumont. J/K. That was actually very cool. Good Find. :lol:

    Yep, lots of RedNecks in Vancouver, Washington. :flipoff: Just because you can wheel a car around 200mph for four hours at a time doesn't mean you're from the South East. :lol:

    Biffle is a bad mofo, just hate that he drives for Roush. He's got the skills and style to do better with another organization.

  8. Thought this might help clear up any confusion...

    “The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!”

    President Eleanor Roosevelt

    And I always liked this one myself...

    “Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem.”

    President Ronald Reagan

  9. i'm not a basketball fan at all, but if you ask me i don't think that it'll last long.

    I don't even think it will get off of the ground but I believe he's trying to send a message like Massachusetts just did. Folks are fed up with some things and would like change they can believe in. :beat::beat:

  10. ...I thought I would post this up for your intellectual pleasure. Some will get a kick out of it and some will get their panties all in a bunch. It is what it is and I welcome your comments. :beat::beat::beat:

    I made a couple of calls to make sure this isn't some sort of prank, and sadly, it's indeed legit. A former pro wrestling promoter is starting an all-Caucasian pro basketball league which hopes to start in June in 12 cities, among them Augusta, Ga. The All-American Basketball Alliance announced its plans in a news release Sunday evening, hours before Martin Luther King Day. Excerpt: "Only players that are natural born United States citizens with both parents of Caucasian race are eligible to play in the league."

    Meet Don "Moose" Lewis, the commissioner of the AABA who incredibly, somehow did not acquire the nickname "Bubba" or "Skeeter." He told the Augusta Chronicle that the reasoning behind the league's roster restrictions is not racism.

    "There's nothing hatred about what we're doing," Lewis said. "I don't hate anyone of color. But people of white, American-born citizens are in the minority now. Here's a league for white players to play fundamental basketball, which they like."

    Lewis said he wants to emphasize fundamental basketball instead of "street-ball" played by "people of color." He pointed out recent incidents in the NBA, including Gilbert Arenas' indefinite suspension after bringing guns into the Washington Wizards locker room, as examples of fans' dissatisfaction with the way current professional sports are run.

    "Would you want to go to the game and worry about a player flipping you off or attacking you in the stands or grabbing their crotch?" he said. "That's the culture today, and in a free country we should have the right to move ourselves in a better direction."

  11. Note to Brian: that is one bad a$$ DS. I've seen many many builds and conversions over the years and yours is definitely a looker.

    We need to restore the Almighty DS back to the top of the King of the Hill heap. Sandbomber had them all in his hand for a couple of years.

    All hail Bombardier!

  12. SOOOOO.....is anyone going out for MLK weekend.....LOL

    Been there done that! I posted the follow up to answer ol' Slick Rick here but "somebody" moved it to it's own thread for a trip report! :beat: Sometimes Pete don't let us play :beat::beat: . It's all good.

    Nice riding until the ruts jarred your gizzard upside down. Got in a good day and a half until that happened.

  13. i guess drag racing is only for dudes under 150lbs lol

    I know what your trying to say and concur for the most part, but they do have a SUMO class for us guys who actually own the bikes. Jockeys are normally hired for obvious reasons but they do let us big boys partake if we choose.

  14. see that big red heart below my handle ace, that's my love for you.

    Awww, now I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. OOPS, sorry, that's just my extra strength coffee kicking in. :P

    p.s.. alot of things have changed since the 60's. we don't commonly use "negro" anymore, just say "black" or "african american."


    –noun 1. Anthropology. a member of the peoples traditionally classified as the Negro race, esp. those who originate in sub-Saharan Africa: no longer in technical use.

    –adjective 2. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of one of the traditional racial divisions of humankind, generally marked by brown to black skin pigmentation, dark eyes, and woolly or crisp hair and including esp. the indigenous peoples of Africa south of the Sahara.

    3. being a member of the black peoples of humankind, esp. those who originate in sub-Saharan Africa.

    Nowhere in there does it say we don't commonly use negro anymore. It's what they are. More white people have been on safari in Africa than these folks who call themselves "African-American" and they're not claimming any hyphenated distinction. I'm Scottish-Irish-French-Canadian but having never been to Scotland, Ireland, France, or Canada I just claim to be red blooded all AMERICAN by birth and Southern by the grace of God.

    And they're not Black, they come in many different shades from high yellow to red bone to black, hence "Colored". I just wish they'd make up their effin' minds so we could get the paperwork right. :DDR: Changes every three to five years on what they prefer to be called. :headbang1:

  15. I really wanted to add something insightful and informative but with YFZ, Junkie, Rick and several others already on my a$$ for growing up in a city that was 80% Negro and understanding how they live and treat others but not having a right to express my opinion because it's different than their own then all I have to add is: :MBdance: :B :atv: :flatbiller:

    And NO, I am not running for President as suggested in the other thread. :thumbsdown:

    Hearsay is ignorance. You're not a racist if you know the truth. :dunno:

  16. Awesome weekend for duning. :atv::thumbsdown::mc::atv: Smooth as silk on Friday, started getting rutted and torn up by Saturday evening, and today was still choppy but it was fun nonetheless. Must also say that the road in and out were the best I have EVER seen them. 25mph and almost felt like pavement. Now a litttle bit of water to hold the dust down and to help it pack better and longer would be very beneficial. Good deals going on from most of the vendors.

    Good dunes, good peeps, no political debate=great weekend.

    Back to work on Tuesday so then we can pick up on the misunderstanding and misconceptions about the War of Northern Aggression and Mr. R E Lee. :atv::dope::whoop::old::MBdance: :rant_on: :dunno:

  17. My what a sensitive bunch some of us have become. :flatbiller: If you think the system is fine with all of the handouts and welfare to those too fuggin' lazy to work :B then I'm dumfounded. :thumb:

    I work hard for my living and don't care to see Osama hand it over to his type. Just me...

    You pay my salary anyway seeing as to how I'm a Gubment employee so if you're content then I'm satisfied for you.

    Semper Fi

    Let's ride Nuggas! :old::mc::blury::dope: :freakin_nuts:

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