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Everything posted by britincali

  1. It actually works really good, it will spin the sh*t out of a 10 all day a 12 is nice but this one works bitchin
  2. They make em up to however many paddles physically fit, Ive seen bikes running 20 paddles.
  3. We could never attack saudi they are our good buddies Aint oil a wonderful thing.
  4. +1, I wasnt gonna go but a buddy of mine told me "its something you MUST see and feel". He nailed it and im glad he made me go
  5. The best bit for me was when they fire in the pits, your ears are bleeding, the nitro is burning your entire intake tract, your eyes are flooding with water, your dry heaving..... Then they rap the throttle once and your heart stops!!!! I almost collapsed ABSOLUTLY FUKIN AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Down the end of the track when they go by was a close second, even from 40ft away 310mph is terrifying!!!!
  6. I went friday and sunday, was BADASS!!!!!!!! Ill never be the same after hearing those top fuel monsters
  7. 14 is the only way to roll! :moon: On a serious note I would get a $60 AMS sandsnake 10 blade
  8. Fukin amazing, me and you actually agree on something
  9. It was running like a raped ape last time out so im just gonna slap a new copper headgasket on with the fixed head and run her till she blows
  10. I took it to a small machine shop here in town to remove the lip, I aint gonna be waiting on fedex for a 10 min job
  11. Glen at GSS In his defence tho this motor has had the head shaved twice and the barrel done once so its a shedload tighter than normal, I also use the really thin steel gaskets where his kits come with the thicker cometic ones, I also dint check clearence last time I put her together. Add all that together and contact becomes a big possibility.
  12. Looks like the dome/squish was machined a little of center, I dug up the old cracked piston and found the same thing. I dropped the head off at a buddies to have him machine the head a little, on a positive note I think this is why it was blowing gaskets :!:
  13. Me helping 12yr old james lewis down from the glenhelen hillclimb with his nitro CR500, that BTW he can pickup AND start on his own The little psycho with world champ robie peterson...
  14. LMAO!!! Still funny sh*t the 3rd time lookin at it! I only just noticed it dont have a bed
  15. Its not wheeling thats the problem its IDIOTS doing it, guaranteed they are 10 beers in saying "watch this" and go do a huge wheelie across the face while people are running it, when they get to the bottom they floor it for another lap. If they would just look and time it to where no one was mid hill during I aint got an issue. Making the hill into some kind of banked indy track aint cool when theres 50 other peeps going straight up. I love wheelies and I friggin love rails and the noise they make, there is a time and a place for it tho.
  16. Id switch Im with unitrin direct and pay $940 every 6 mos with the truck and G35 full coverage, my driving record is horrific.
  17. Well I dint say I got the deals financed yet :kitty: But we got some peeps on the road and burning gas
  18. We had the best sales weekend we have had in months, I hope its a sign
  19. Dont get me wrong I still love playing on comp but I mostly hit it early in the morning now.
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