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Everything posted by SailAway

  1. Wow Kipper, I hardly know where to begin! So many great questions/comments all rolled into one post! It is depressing that a judge can hand down a decision like that and not be challenged. And it is frustrating to be facing lawsuit after lawsuit filed by the anti-access groups. But until we get to the very heart of the matter, which is changing the Endangered Species Act, we will continue to throw good money after bad. The hard part is... it's a long road to get that ESA changed and in the meantime we have lots of little battles starting up that we can't just ignore, like the one in Riverside and the one right here in Dumont. One of the easiest things to do is to write to your legislative representatives. It doesn't matter where you are from... political pressure to keep Dumont open can just as easily come from Michigan. YOUR representative has an obligation to the needs of his/her constituents... not just his/her district. Then write to the The Guvernator... Dumont is in his jurisdiction and you need to let him know you want him to protect your ability to keep riding there. I know this sounds like a pretty basic thing to do, almost too simple. But you'd be surprised what the impact is. My name, and the organizations I represent, are known at State and Federal levels. Why? Because I made those phone calls, sent those faxes and wrote those emails. Tell your representatives to support Richard Pombo's ESA rewrite. Write to the Barstow BLM and tell them how you feel about Dumont and that you want them to protect your ability to ride at Dumont. Attend the meetings of the Technical Review Team (that's where your fee question comes in). Stay in touch with the changes and stay involved. We only lose when we sit down and stop rocking the boat. Vicki
  2. I love that part of this Fox series. The BLM rep makes it clear IT'S THE CLIMATE STUPID (hiya Dano) and then mentions something like 1.8 million plants... 1.8 doesn't sound threatened to me. Sheesh that guy really irritates me! I nearly went out to meet up with them prior to the hike. But I was fresh out of Lyesol and couldn't stomach the idea. Vicki
  3. That was Glamis. At Dumont they species they are manipulating is the Fringe-Toed Lizard. It's a tool, nothing more. They have no genuine concern for survival of a species. Vicki
  4. Fox News out of Los Angeles did a three-part segment last weekend about the Imperial Sand Dunes (Glamis). The final segment (Sunday night) included a glimpse into one of the mouthpieces of the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) which is the same anti-access/closure organization that is now targeting Dumont. The reports are, for the most part, very unbiased. That's fine... all we ever wanted was to get the facts out there and let them speak for themselves. Take a look at the train that's coming toward Dumont... http://timspage.temecula.com/vid/GlamisOnFoxNews1.wmv http://timspage.temecula.com/vid/GlamisOnFoxNews2.wmv http://timspage.temecula.com/vid/GlamisOnFoxNews3.wmv
  5. I'll get it to you. There was one created for handing out last weekend. I just haven't put it into a pdf yet, but I'll do that today. Vicki
  6. A recent ruling from the Fish & Wildlife Service has some good information on Distinct Population Segments. Looks to me like the FWS was actually paying on this... Friends of Dumont Dunes will make sure they do the same for the Fringe-Toed Lizard. Vicki
  7. There are already rules, laws actually, that would cover these infractions. A drunken 9 year old? That's easy to cite. Even if it's just an out of control 9 year old, same as the 6 year old on the golf cart those are also easy to cite. Reckless driving comes to mind of course but the really easy one is these children driving unsupervised and quite possibly out without their proof that they have passed the lawfully required California certification. Enforce the current laws and none of that would have happened... no new laws needed. I believe that any age limit rules "we" would come up with would be purely subjective and is that what we want? Who would be the one in charge of deciding what the age should be and what would be the criteria for such a thing? I remember visiting a camp once when a buggy full of what at first glance appeared to be midgets pulled into camp with considerable skill. On closer inspection it wasn't a buggy full of midgets but rather it was a buggy full of 10 and 11 year olds who, at that early age, could outdrive more than just a few of the older drivers out there. Why? Because these were children of buggy builders and Glamis devotees who had been raised in the sand and on those machines. It would be terribly unfair to eliminate Rhinos from those 10 year olds just because someone is afraid something "might" happen if we don't. Right now the Consumer Product Safety Commission is trying to do exactly what is being suggested here, except across the board. What makes us any different if we follow that same path... what makes any of us think once we start down that slippery slope we'll be able to stop it before someone decides we need to make a new Dumont rule against anyone under 15 riding a Banshee... because they were struck once by a careless kid? Vicki
  8. Hey, if anyone heading to Dumont for Easter has a little time they can lend out there to help get some important Dumont information out, please let me know. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...t=0entry14435 Vicki
  9. If anyone that is going out this weekend can spare a little time, it would be great to take some information camp to camp or to the gathering spots or at the entry point. Please let me know if anyone is interested and I'll get the information to you. Vicki
  10. Now, as for the issue of number of passengers on golfcarts and/or side-by-sides (Rhinos, Arctic Cats, Rangers, etc.)... I want to say that I can absolutely understand the knee-jerk reaction I have been reading here. Many of us have seen kids piled on these things and wondered who was going to come limping back to camp with a broken arm. Of course, many of us have said the same thing about the new kid on the quad, or the ones trying to run down the face of a steep dune. But let's say Suzy witnesses, firsthand, a golfcart piled with teenagers heading out of camp and she feels the icy chill of concern pass over her. She has not, however, seen, firsthand, any indication that there are increased injuries or deaths due to overloaded multi-passenger vehicles. Still, Suzy says to herself, it's obviously a disaster waiting to happen. Better make a rule. Now... let's say Tom next to her is looking the other way and doesn't see the golfcart piled with teenagers. Instead, he sees the buggy doing a wheelie and he feels the icy chill of concern as he watches. He hasn't, however, seen anything firsthand indicating that wheelies have caused an increase in deaths or injuries. Still, Tom says to himself, it's obviously a disaster waiting to happen. Better make a rule. Is this what we want at Dumont? Vicki
  11. Wow! This is a GREAT discussion. There are actually two things being talked about now... may have to split them off in a bit but for now... First, I'd like to clarify something. Friends of Dumont Dunes is lucky enough to have two of its leadership board sitting on the Technical Review Team. John (aka Sandemon) is a FoDD board member and is the FoDD representative on the TRT. Terry (aka Ynot) is the Vice President of FoDD and is the Las Vegas representative on the TRT. I spoke to John last night about what was brought up to the newly formed rules committee, and first I want to assure everyone that no decisions have been made. In fact, the discussions have only just begun and decisions are a long ways off. That said, two things were brought up by the BLM as having been raised by dune users: 1) Roping off/saving spaces. 2) Golf cart passenger limits. I also recreate at Glamis and there is a "no saving spaces" rule in place there. It's not a very good rule because it has been used by strong-arm law enforcement officers to roust harmless families who aren't saving spaces but are merely protecting their belongings. There is no differentiation, no description, no minimum or maximum space allowed, nothing. That leaves it up to the law enforcement officer and honey, I don't know about anyone else but I'm sure not comfortable with that. So... if I read these comments right, saving spaces (and espcially DUNE space of all things) is a very real problem, to quite a few people it seems. I would say the best thing to do then would be to come up with something that would actually be a workable solution. We can't put our fingers in our ears and pretend this isn't going to be addressed one way or another... FoDD can recommend that it be dropped but if the BLM gets enough user complaints they'll use their imagination and make a rule. Probably one we won't like very much. Now... I'm not saying that we will have to live with one, but if we did have to live with a rule regarding saving spaces, what should it be? Marking spots? Designating a certain square footage per trailer/motorhome? Vicki
  12. Man, you hit it right on the nose. This is about money, nothing noble, nothing sacred, no passion, no love of the desert or respect for wildlife. $$$ Vicki
  13. Other than joining FoDD, the next thing would be for everyone to become as familiar as possible with what's going on. Read the petition... yeah, it's hard to stomach, but knowing thine enemy always helps design the best strategies. And stay out of the already-closed areas so that "they" don't add that fuel to the fire. Knowledge truly is power... the more we know, the better we can fight. FoDD will set up an information meeting before too long and we'll have the Fish & Wildlife Service representative attend to help explain this process to us. The FWS, by the way, isn't on "their" side any more than they're on our side. And they are also tired of the frivolous lawsuits because they create a vicious cycle... FWS resources get tied up fighting foolish lawsuits, leaving no resources for species conservation so more lawsuits are filed due to lack of species conservation. Vicki
  14. Anything is possible... these particular anti-access turds don't care who they roll over. But I will say, their focus is on the desert southwest, as confirmed in an email sent out by one of the mouthpieces for the CBD several years ago. He went on a "fishing expedition" with his "conservation" chronies (like The Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club, etc.) and asked for any suggestions on OHV areas to "hit." No, I'm not kidding. Vicki
  15. Tsk. Forgot to add something again... I received an email from a board member of the American Sand Association promising their help wherever needed. And that is even though, by the ASA's leadership's own admission, they are truly a "Glamis-focused" organization. We have also been offered help by CORVA and I'm sure we'll be hearing from ORBA and Cal4Wheel Drive. Why? Because we are all part of the same big war. Just because Friends of Oceano Dunes if focusing on the issues there, or the ASA is focusing on the issues at Glamis, what is great about the battles they are involved in is, when they win, we all win... because while the battles they are fighting may be located at Glamis and Ocean, they are just a small part of a really big war. Dumont has now been pulled into that war in a major way. Vicki
  16. That's why the bad guys are petitioning on behalf of the lizard as a "Distinct Population Segment" which means they aren't trying to have it listed across the board, but (at this point in time) only at Dumont. And ISBB is right, the lizard is one of the "species of concern" at Glamis as well... if and when the management plan for that dune area is finally implemented, there will be a large chunk in the middle of the dunes held aside as an "Adaptive Management Area" and permits will be required to ride in there. That AMA is supposed to be beneficial to not only the "hot topic" at Glamis, the Piersons Milk Vetch, but also beneficial to the Fringe Toed Lizard and the Andrews Dunes Scarab Beetle, two species the CBD has previously targeted. But I digress... where ever else this little beauty lives is not at issue in this newest petition to have it listed. The CBD is focusing only on the ones that habitate at Dumont. Vicki
  17. Just like Friends of Oceano is focused on the Oceano dunes, the ASA is a Glamis-focused organization, actively fighting the legal issues as well as pursuing the biological issues. DUNERS is also a Glamis-focused organization, focusing on duner safety and on-the-ground programs for the community. Friends of Dumont Dunes is (obviously) focused on Dumont only, just as tightly as the ASA is focused on Glamis. And the board members of FoDD are well-versed in the fight against the anti-access groups like the CBD. Uniting the various organizations to fight these bastards is a nice idea but not very likely, or even very necessary. Just like you go to see a podiatrist when you have a foot problem, you should turn to the area's organization when you need to address specific problems, like this current CBD threat. Now... a group of podiatrists will very likely share information and "network" with each other to face common problems, and that's what happens with the OHV groups. Networking helps keep them all in touch with the issues that are facing the areas outside their focus, but does not create such a distraction as to lose the focus needed to make a difference in the area they represent. Vicki
  18. This is a news release from the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD). For those who don't recognize that name, the CBD is one of three organizations that successfully sued and closed over 49,000 acres at Glamis. Temporary closures that have been in place since 2000 and there appears to be no end in sight. These guys sue to make money and are completely unconcered with the species they are suing for. They use the Endangered Species Act as a tool to shut out public access from public lands. This is a very real threat. Did I say this is a threat? That's far too mild. We knew they were coming for us, but that doesn't make this any less scary. Now is the time to start getting involved before Dumont loses half its riding area to these theives. Vicki
  19. Last year over Easter week we had the guys from Black Rhino Performance come into our camp during a photo shoot. Although my husband had seen a Rhino out at Olds during the season, this was my first time up close and personal. Before that time I really couldn't understand why in the world I would want to give up my golf cart and get a Rhino. The cart was sold and the Rhino bought within a month of that Easter week. One of my deciding factors was watching one launch off the top of a dune, fly a$$ over teakettle two or three times, then land on its wheels with the engine still running. The driver picked up the floor mat that had come loose and went on his way. As I recall the roof was dented and the roll bar was slightly damaged but the driver was only a little sore with no serious injuries. By the way, he was wearing the harness-type belts and a helmet because he was "duning" versus just strolling around. They really are tough little machines, but that won't do any good if the driver is just plain foolish. To me, making a jump like that without the proper safety equipment on is just plain foolish. Vicki
  20. Yeah, I think we will have several other registration areas next year. Like at the dumpsters and yes, the little dunes. We seemed to have quite a few people dropping off trash and getting raffle tickets but they hadn't made it over to the registration booth. The BLM did a great job of catching some people unawares out at the "hot spots" at Dumont, handing out bags and raffle tickets and sending them our way. Cat, there was lots of chatter about the cleanup in the days immediately following, on lots of different boards... here's a couple posts from me on another board. And Next year will be even BETTER! Vicki
  21. Okay, so now that we're back on track with this topic what can we do to get some of these non-involved types more involved? Lost to be involved with, but let's focus on the example of the cleanup... Friends of Dumont Dunes put up signs and banners, handed out flyers, and posted on message boards. And we got a heck of a turnout for our efforts. But still there were people either not aware or not interested. Making people more aware is a relatively easy fix (radio spots, handing out flyers on preceding weekends). But how do we make them interested? Vicki
  22. Yeah, but the blenders will be in full swing at our camp.
  23. And speaking of kids... don't forget that immediately following the cleanup we'll be having a Junior Duners session. Vicki
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