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3rd Annual 70 Regatta race results and winners


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Track Races

Junior: #9 Parker Wood

Stock: #95 Daniel Rivers

Modified: #667 Alex Bircheff

Super Mod: #24 Aaron Hodges

Unlimited: #287 Joey Myrick

Timed Lap Races

Fastest Lap: #24 Aaron Hodges, 18.75 seconds

Slowest Lap: #5 Gunner Fuson, 34.83 seconds

Drags Races

Junior: #9 Parker Wood

Stock: #95 Daniel Rivers

Modified: #808 Bo DeCosta

Super Mod: #19 Aaron Cimino Jr

Unlimited: #55 Ron Baker

Show n Shine

Ugliest 70: Dan Best (Duner Dan)

Best of Show: Travis Reif (TCS T)

Best Theme: Joshua Flores (Tapout bike by full_throttle_flores)

Cleanest Factory 70: Lindsay Bircheff

Most Tricked out 70: Joey Decosta (Island Chain Racing)

Pics and lap times will be posted soon.

Sterdy 125 Motor raffle grand prize Winner

Andy Trent (dune rat)

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ok everybody, here are the lap times from the fastest lap time trails

They are posted in the order everyone went. The fastest lap time is in bold. I did my best to get the names right. I hope they are correct. It made it very difficult to keep track when some people had the same # as some others or when they had the same # on a different class bike. Come on people! freakin_nuts.giflaughing.gif

#43 POULE43

1) 24.30

2) 24.45

3) 24.17

#1 peewee the pinstriper

1) 23.43

2) 23.30

3) 23.17

#10 stugots

1) 24.61

2) 24.15

3) 25.41

#79 dunefreak

1) 23.28

2) 22.80

3) 22.99

#55 Durk hyperkid

1) 20.39

2) 20.39

2) 20.34

#6 Randog

1) 26.30

2) 24.94

3) 25.57

#43 POULE43 unlimited bike

1) 21.61

2) 21.28

3) 21.35

#17 full_throttle_flores

1) 22.65

2) 22.81

3) 23.11

#55 Ron Baker (ronster)

1) 20.23

2) 19.75

3) 19.64

#287 Joey Myrick

1) 19.31

2) 19.38

3) 21.26

#11 TCS T

1) 20.10

2) 19.72

3) 20.24

#7901 Gary Metz

1) 23.60

2) 22.99

3) 32.58

#9 Parker Wood

1) 26.01

2) 26.34

3) 25.66

#13 Travis Drew

1) 19.78

2) chain popped off

3) ---

#24 Aaron Hodges (cr80 solar powered atc lol)

1) 19.37

2) 18.75

3) 19.12

#19 Aaron Cimino Jt

1) 22.29

2) 22.68

3) 33.48

#84 702LTR450

1) 24.83

2) 23.46

3) 22.44

#517 mineurbiz

1) 26.94

2) 27.06

3) 26.27

#666 campidiot

1) 22.78

2) 23.39

3) 23.42

#13 Travis Drew

1) 20.03

2) 19.42

3) 19.47

#18 mush

1) 25.34

2) 25.39

3) 25.18

#667 Alex B

1) 22.90

2) 22.70

3) 22.98

#13 Travis Drew (another run at it)

1) 24.95

2) 22.54

3) 20.44

#69 tres hombre

1) 20.66

2) 20.59

3) 21.51

#6 Jovani Urravazar

1) 25.46

2) 22.43

3) 24.04

#121 Brandon Meyer

1) 24.30

2) 22.86

3) 23.35

#911 Brad Nicholson

1) 25.06

2) 24.00

3) 23.94

#5 Gunner Fuson

1) 36.30

2) 35.29

3) 34.83

#18 Donnkey

1) 23.85

2) 24.32

3) 31.30

Aaron and Brian towing each other LOL

1) 26.30

2) 25.77

3) 25.23

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