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Major Props to Baja Designs! Great Service!


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I have been in the middle of a complete tear down and rebuild of my Sand Rail. One of the things we were modifying was my light bar so that it could be mounted further back. After we disassembled it, we realized that some of the ballasts had broken tabs.. Probably from vibration.. These were the older (2+ years) 8" HID's with external ballasts mounted to the light bar which was made by Baja Designs as well. I called Baja Designs to see if they had new Ballasts available which they did not. They asked that I email them some pics which I did immediately. I also did a quick search on ebay and found some of the same ballasts cheap and picked them..

Well, the next morning I get an email from Baja Designs asking that I send my lights and broken ballasts to them so that they could retrofit them to the latest lights with internal ballasts... I about fell out of my chair! I immediately packed them up and shipped them off.. 2 days later (today) I got the call that they were shipping them back to me.. All upgraded with new baskets and whatever else was needed to convert them. I guess that was almost everything except the glass and bulb. To top it off, they are not even charging me!! I cant believe it! That is a company that takes a lot of pride in quality and service! I will NEVER buy another brand of lights again! Now I need to figure out how I can afford a couple more so I can replace a pair of oval HID's that came with the car!

For those of you considering other brands of HID's, I would highly recommend Baja Designs! They are a great company and must have one heck of a loyal following.

Thanks again Baja Designs!

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