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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. Very cool, I bet he doesn't plan on going back to Dumont any time soon.
  2. Sure thing, when I get home I will snap some pics. It was very easy and total cost was under $400 for everything.
  3. Solar wil be a big help in reducing the gas useage in recharing the batteries during the daytime by running the generator. I am also replacing all the lights inside with led lights. I have been getting them off EBAY and they put out great light. They are a couple bucks apiece.
  4. Looks like I am headed to Gordons Well. My friend really wants to go out but he can't make the trip to Dumont due to work. Hopefully I can make it out there before the season is over.
  5. What mount are you using? My videos are not that bouncy. I got a new billet mount I am going to try out this weekend.
  6. Got it all up and running! It was the panel, it was too small. Got a 60 watt panel out of Arizona and mounted it on the roof. Now the batteries are charged up at 14 volts under a charge.
  7. Like terry said- Put a bunch of ice in there on your drive over to the dump station. As it moves around in the tanks it will scrape the sides and possibly clean the sensors for you.
  8. Just curious to see who is heading out for the weekend. I plan on getting there Friday morning, leaving San Diego around 4 am.
  9. I 'll take 2 please. XXL both black (unless charcoal is an option, then 1 black 1 charcoal) Let me know where to send the $$ LOL, all these XL, XXL shirts. We are some out of shape duners!!!
  10. Motorhomes go up in flames quickly. I always leave my wallet and cell phone in the same spot so if I need to get out quickly I can get those things and get out. They are also a bomb waiting to go off with all the propane and fuel onboard. If this ever happens to you don't try to fight the fire just get a safe distance away. Thats what insurance is for.
  11. HA HA Dave, I know that place better than you!!
  12. Looks like Talladega Bowl. I LOVE that spot!!!! Hit that jump many many many times.
  13. Duned with Mike in Glamis last year. This car is very clean and moves along nicely. Mike- I hope you get what you want, but I hope we can dune again someday.
  14. I will give it a shot. I am thinking the panel isn't big enough. I think it is like under 1 amp at full power. Its more of a trickle charger panel I guess. But I will see if making adjustments will kick on the controller. Thanks
  15. Well, post up them pics! Car looks good but we need the details on here-- Transmission is by ? Boost on motor Size Tires Pump gas or race Things like that, If you want to sell a car you need to invest some time in the post to make us drool a little. Good luck!
  16. Trading up, Been duning for 20 years. Started off on a 110 ATC back in the day. Slept in a tent yada yada......... Bought toys and traded up and had to invest a little more each time to upgrade. By no means am I a baller out there but I worked for what I have and own them outright. Some people did the refi-thing and borrowed against their homes, and today you are seeing them for sale. Patience grasshopper and one day you will have the things you desire. But for now just enjoy what you have. If your smiling out in the dunes then your doing ok!
  17. Lol, the road to the right is Shaft Rd.
  18. My motorhome has never had the solar charging system hooked up correctly. I just replaced the 2 6 volt batteries and I don't want to keep buying them every couple years. I went ahead and redid the entire system. I bought a new solar panel ( just enough to recharge the batteries after a night of using the heater) not to run a tv or anything like that. I bought a new charge controller as well. I ran 10 gauge wire through out the entire install. I got eveything hooked up and the charging light does not come on and the readout on the display is 10.4 volts. The solar output is Zero! My question is-- Do the controllers come on at a specific low voltage? Mine has some adjustments that can be made internally. It does have the temp sensor for the battery and that is hooked up the to Neg side of one of the 6 volts. Here is the link to the charge/controller I have- http://www.solar-electric.com/sb2000.html The panel is ran directly to the controller and the controller directly to the batteries. With a 30 amp inline fuse at the battery. I put my multimeter on the solar panel ( disconnected from controller) = 22.43 volts Rehook it back up and checked voltage at controller= 12.53 volts but readout says 10.4 Maybe my panel isn't big enough to trigger the controller? Just want to get this figured out before presidents day.
  19. There is new firmware for the HD Go Pro. It is some new editing stuff. Go to their website to download it.
  20. I have one with a 32gb card class 10. Mine seem fine. I only made 2 small videos so far. Predisents it will get a workout for sure.
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