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Everything posted by EY3BA11

  1. nope the crap a$$ 20" itp's that i have. Havent had a chance to go buy the extremes yet.
  2. Vic, bert said it was the oil line from the resivoir to the motor that sprung a leak. welp all i can say is EPIC. And the DS scores another battery!! ooof i thought i could milk the new one i bought one more trip but apparently not. It finally gave up the ghost on the last ride. We were packed up and headed home by 9am.. was only 104 on the thermometer when we left Virgin sand and we were the only tracks out there couldnt ask for any better. Waking up at 2:30AM was soooo worth it.
  3. everything is packed sandwhiches made and ice is freezin and 4.5hrs of sleep is gonna be real good. Im off to the shower then into bed 2:30 is gonna come early. WOOT!!
  4. i had to bump this because i have been having one of those weeks lol
  5. so im gonna come steal your battery and your wheels and tires then
  6. we talkin a double yellow center divider or double yellow with no divider? If no center divider i believe you cant make a left there..
  7. if thumpertalk has it in the warehouse and u call before noon today and order it should be there tomorrow or u can try champion on gibson
  8. much easier to get a broken down quad out in the middle of the summer
  9. :?: Thats right i said a morning ride in the middle of a death valley summer.. Who's in. So far it looks like dunefreak and myself. Get to dumont about sunup and ride till its too damn hot to ride anymore. I know i have been itching to go riding for quite some time now and it looks like now is the time So who else wants to go.
  10. jackster i have netflix for the ps3 and i have definatley got my moneys worth out of it.
  11. EY3BA11


    something is better than nothing..
  12. the only restriction on that 7.3 exhaust was the turbo.. was straight pipe from the turbo back. i got 700-800 cruisin around town but when i romped on it i could bury the needle..
  13. That 7.3 i was driving had no problem seeing 1400/1500 when a ricer came near lol
  14. im in the same boat as freak.. now that i have a it guy working for me in house... he can deal with the weekend crap.. I dont wanna be bothered at all anymore when in the dunes
  15. no but if they switch the towers to GSM all the CDMA based verizon phones will suck again
  16. i heard they were making all the vzw customers switch to gsm phones which means they are probably switching the towers over too.. Hopefully it will improve AT&T's service out there but hinder Verizons
  17. 5 over never hurt anything and there is no trailering speed limit in nv
  18. im next... time to head to the casino and hope lol
  19. Paulypaul pulled that 22 ft carson with a 1/2ton 5.3 for a season or 2. Vegas style is pulling an 18ft trailer with his 1/2ton nissan. Like pete said keep your foot out of it climbing potosi and keep your speeds decent 60-65ish and you will be fine.
  20. i havent put the big tent together in at least 8 years so if they want to use it best come grab it early and set it up in the driveway or something to make sure its good!
  21. i have a huge like 8 person jobber and a little 2 person jobber they are more than welcome too.
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