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Everything posted by tylerthehucker

  1. i agree. i ride a dirtbike and primarily go to dumont to find jumps and huck myself. (hence my screen name) i would NEVER jump anything with out having a spotter, much less ride alone. saftey is everybodys job and i wish everybody would realize that. ps. some sandrail drivers are a little too aggresive. i suppose they do it because what is going to stop them? nothing really. but a heads up to rail drivers to be a little courteous. and thanks to the ones that already are!
  2. i havent posted on here before, but have read alot about what everybody has to say and how people think. i myself have been going to dumont for a while now and enjoy the party atmosphere. In another thread, where people were talking about the expense of dumont trips, i noticed 2 things in common; gas and beer. every single poster would deffiantly be taking alcohol to dumont. and for most of them, large quantities. people go to dumont to have a good time. and if a good time for you is having quality family time then thats perfectly understandable, but dont take out your need to rid dumont of all 'unnaceptable behavior' on everybody else who is there for other reasons. if somebody feels the need to bring a stripper pole and all the drunken lunatics gather around it and are having a great time, whats so wrong with that? they arent driving around their sand rails or quads or whatever. and more importantly, they are collaborated in one area. Like someone else said, its your job to police what your children see. If you dont want them involved with that, eather dont go to comp at night, dont go on super busy weekends, or simpily drive around and scope out the rows of people. park near other people with children that are there for the same thing you are. similarly, i would not park next to people with children because i want to party and have a good time with everybody else like myself. so im more likely to park near them. thats just my two cents; just because you dont agree, does not make it wrong...
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