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Everything posted by SandSoulja

  1. yeah the thing is superclean. it actually does have a little paint worn off but not bad at all. i have heard of 4th going out a few times but we'll see what happens i haven't even got to ride it yet i had to go to disneyland today )= tomorrow for sure though. can't wait to get it in the dunes!!
  2. I got a new used bike today and i am extatic! And it snowed in the high desert this evening wich is a trip. AND i dont get to ride my new bike till monday cuz i got dragged in to going to disneyland tomorrow. still though 2001 yz 426. guy was the first owner. super cool dude. he goes to glamis all the time and has NEVER been to dumont!! so i'm callin him up on the next trip and hes comin with us. k thats my rant for tonight. sorry for those who don't care.
  3. plus they seem to have messed up EVERY FREAKIN add i've ever put in there
  4. Yeah thats cool and all....but my daughter just moved up to #2 DIAPERS!!!! SUCKA and she fills em up like a pro
  5. we are gonna try to get out there for easter...still working it out.
  6. I think its a 525?? I saw a few out on prez day.. anybody know how they run? never saw one on the hill but they look friggin sweeeet. :moonwalk:
  7. My wife and I just had our first child our two month old baby girl...you know all the things to be afraid of there... I won't go into detail. Besides that i'm just terrified of her being a teenager!!! )=
  8. Apparently I haven't been clear enough... I'm pulling out of this fight..throwin' in the towel I may not like the fees, but I know a little something about damage control. I just don't have enough details to argue anymore. All iknow is that I loved going to dumont for FREEEEEEEEEEE!
  9. yeah,I wasn't comparing the two... Thanks for punching me in the face though...member how i said I'll "just shut up about it? pumped, easter, hanging out, cool people?"
  10. agreed 1320. I would actually not mind paying if I thought our money was being used to its FULL potential. But its not. we should each be paying 15 bucks or even 10 or 5, not 40. but blah blah. I don't have the energy to go to the TRT meetings and get all "homeowners association" on everybody. so i'll just shut up about it. I love going to dumont and I love hanging out with cool people out there...I just wish we weren't getting ripped off...thats all. I'm getting pumped about easter!!!
  11. Of course they know how I feel...me and a thousand others. No your right i don't go to the TRT meetings...I'm busy with other things like working to pay for our next dumont trip. All i know is were being charged way too much to go play in the desert. I don't even understand BLM land.. did they buy it? as far as I'm concerned thats OUR land. Yours and mine. Dumont five years ago was the only place you could go to have fun for free...and everything was just the same then...no plants were being saved or killed, nobody was complaining about not having bathrooms, or a watered road. no. they just said it was theirs and now we pay to be there.. you don't understand that I'm saying theres thousands and thousands of acres of desert and land out there, and people ride everywhere through the desert...why aren't they there? they go to where the money is... I'm saying why do they even care about a pile of sand in the desert? Because they can make money!!!!! They're not charging people to go ten more miles up the road and ride thier dual sports into the mountains....because theres no money there. Apparently you have alot of money to spend if you "Don't care about the fees" don't even get me started on animal habitat and vegetation.. god forbid we run over a weed. your right about one thing though..it takes alot less "energy" to just hand over your money, then say something about it... Alright man agree to disagree.
  12. I understand they are LAND MANAGEMENT. I just wish they'd go "land manage" (whatever that means) somewhere else... it just another branch of the government that somebody created to have another way to take our money. You don't think we've paid enough already with all the taxes we've paid when we bought our toy haulers and trucks and quads and rails?!?!?!...I would Pay for JUST medical attention. but not for ranger joe to come give me a ticket because I shot off a bottle rocket. we're literally in the MIDDLE of the desert, why do they care what we do? it goes back into dumont? what? they put up a few bathrooms, watered the road? We were doing fine with out any of their assistants before. No it doesn't ruin my weekand. I've made probably 10 trips this year and flashed my stupid season pass every time to that little lady at the fee booth, who probably never even heard of this place before she got a job collecting fees, and i have a great weekand everytime.. it just makes me mad that thats what it takes. that while me and every body else that sees the beautiful desert the way it is, not as some amusement park that we should have to pay to get into, are fighting to keep it free for families to enjoy them selves 50 miles from civilization, you're telling the government "thankyou" for charging us, we had a great time...and thanks for watering the road...wouldn't want to get dusty!" somebodys got to bicker for you...or you will just keepshoveling out your hard earned money. and making it more expensive for the rest of us. guys dont get me wrong..I LOVE GOING TO THE DUNES. And against my will i have paid my fees... and we would probably have a great time hanging out together..I'm not the kind of person who complains about everything...but I will stand up for what i think is right and wrong. And friends..this is not right.
  13. P.S. its because of guys like you that the BLM is able to raise the prices like they do..or even charge.. becasue everytime they do you just roll over and say...oh well its still a better deal than going to the movies... this isn't the movies man this is gods beautiful earth and wonderful pile of sand that he created just for you and I to ride our motorcycles on and spend time with friends and family... In fact demanding fees for fun should be considered blasphemy. Okay i'm done. And i don't mean anything against you personally, its just that whole attitude that drives me a little crazy.
  14. oh god...dont make me sick!!! who do they think they are just going out in the middle of the desert and taking our money to ride there?!?!?!?!?!!?!? I don't think we should have to pay one cent. I live in the mojave desert...and that would be like me going in the desert field behind my house and charging people to ride on it... everybody acts like "its for a good cause, and it benefits us and our families".... i call B.S. They didnt give a rats A$$ about dumont five years ago is because the sport hadn't blown up yet...then when they relized how many people were starting to go out there....they had to cash out on it!!!! and if thats not the reason they're out there (money) then tell me what is? It's not because they care about our riding spot that we have all loved for many years....its because they want to get in our wallets for every little thing we do.... pretty soon I wouldn't be surprised if we had to pay a fee for paying a fee!!! And back to your quote... you act like they are doing us a FAVOR by letting us have such a great time with our families for only $40 or whatever the price be... step back and look at the big picture man... My dad and I spent hundreds of weekands out at dumont for FREE those were the best years of my life...God forbid we let some other father and son have that same great weekand with out paying your little fees. and i'm bickering for everybodys sake...not just mine... I understand everybody pays just like i sometimes do.. And i'm just as pissed off for them as myself.
  15. Though i do sell these things... they are not neccasarily "plugs" these are what we take to the dunes..they're our toys too. so don't think I'm just on here to sell stuff.. I simply wanted to see some of the pics people took...unrelated to business. and thankyou for the welcome, hope to add some good posts!!!
  16. Heres your answers my friend 1. its a 660cc engine? how much power? how much torque? yes it is a 660 engine, 3 cylinder. they have about 45 HP and i'm not sure what the number is on the torque but its got plenty 2. what does one weight? they wiegh from about 1000 to 1400 ILBs 3. whos engine? Honda, suzuki, diahtsu, mitsubishi, suburu 4. straight axles? cv's in the front. straight in the rear 5. Transfer case ? 2hi, 4hi, 4lo? different options... "real time 4x4" (always in 4x4 no transfer case), but most have a transfer case with hi and lo range 4x4 6. fuel injected? yes 7. location of engine? It looks like tractiuon might suffer if all the weight is in the front? mid engines and rear engines... you'd be surprised of the traction even with the mid-engine 8. How do they climb/ get around the dunes? decent.. they won't "dune" like a quad.. but If you can drive it right you can swoop it around the bowls and over hills...you just have to know how to use momentum on your side... I have a lot of fun in them because it's sort of a challenge to go duning BECAUSE it doesn't have all the power of all of our toys now days.
  17. We had a lot of pics taken of us in this rig over prez weekand anybody have any of them on here????
  18. Yeah that was us too, that truck is crazy
  19. They're waaayyyy fun to cruise around in.. this one doesn't even have the dump bed.. but we have some fun with those too!
  20. okay j/k but i thought it was funny when we were driving through comp on prez day one night with our MiniMogs and some one yells "GET A RHINO!!" we actually have a rhino...but this is nice to get out of the weather in...
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