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Everything posted by SandSoulja

  1. For the most part republicans have a bad habit of whining about liberal press....but considering...they've done pretty good against it the last two elections. so that idea is kida outta my mind...msnbc actually has some good republican shows...
  2. lost my interest right there... i do agree with you on all the points and i think obama is not the right man...but I'm good with out racial bashing... actually i wish mcain was black...that'd be my vote for sure.. THE ONE REASON I'M DOUBTING MCcAIN IS THAT I DONT KNOW IF I CAN HANDLE THAT STUPI FUGGIN WHISTLE SOUND HE MAKES EVERY TIME HE SAYS A "S"
  3. I'm gonna eenie meenie minie mo that chit
  4. that park and ride is right where we get on the freeway...
  5. my band added a new song and i swear its waaay better than the other... its called "a love so strong" so go take a listen by clicking on my signature and if you have a space then add us while your there. thanks peeps
  6. hey... i live there... chit... Don't trip potato trip....yalls can camp in my backyard. seriously though...i heard that the marines gave up on that shiz
  7. YES!! KICK A$$ TOPIC. My beautiful daughter is healthy and happy and almost 9 months old. and everytime she sees me walk in the door she does this mini freak out thing and smiles as big as she can...and if i thought about it hard enough i could cry about it. My beautiful wife has turned into an amazing mother and life partner... and puts up with my: duning, poker playing, BAND, buddies, video games, grumpy after work episodes, farts, burps, stinky a$$ after baseball etc. etc. We're about to move into our own place! and considering we had our baby a bit early in mosts eyes...we will be free from parenthood before we're 45!! I'm in a band with my BEST friends and my brother. and i've never had more fun with a group of dudes in my life...besdies for summer night drags. got a bunch of new friends off of this crazy place, that i would always help out in time of need. that and i just won my fantasy baseball leauge!
  8. haha those are hilarious... craigslist pulls out all the whackos from the meth labs
  9. :kissass: :stir: pretty much
  10. alot of partially smoked cigs... weird
  11. my dad used to wear some shirts with bad words on them and look at me i came out fine........
  12. brothers don't shake hands.....brothers GOTTA hugg!!!! (namethatmovie)
  13. supporting radical habbits. or someother stupid chit. agreed. i just didn't like how he came at f-word (wich i have no association with or have ever even bought a product) like he was sooo above that. even insulted thier intelligence with his sarcastic name bashing.
  14. i totally hear ya. AND i understand it and agree....I'm saying lets look at the whole picture.
  15. how bout SKIN? is that BRO chit sending a good enough message for you? how bout SRH?
  16. p.s. if you wanna get all technical with this crap OGP it'd be real easy for those enviro-mental idiots to put two and two together with the big bud light sign on the side of your car... I'm not saying I give a chit...but don't start going after people about what they're advertising when you could "technically" be said to be promoting drinking and driving. I'm not taking the "sexy" side on the SSSS thing by any means...in fact my daughter will be old enough to relize whats going on in a few years, and i dont want anything less than a safe family enviroment for her to ride in... but lets go easy on the company bashing hypocrisy.
  17. dang, you think so? I'm sure the f-word industrie guys would be real upset to hear that...cuz thats exactly the customers they were looking for...stock brokers and surgeons... man when did this chit get all holier than though?
  18. seriously. i cant stand radio...my ipod is almost like my heart...except for all the vital/living crap. pete you do any dropkick murphys?
  19. cant remember if i've posted this before.
  20. suprisingly they've been very helpful. but round here you still have to make chit happen.
  21. i dont know if your joking or not....but we should be able to take a little off the price.
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