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State of the Dunesport economy


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yep, I think the sport definitley hit it's "peak" back around 06 when it was very easy to purchase toys, then when the economy went in the toilet the crowds started thinning out. I think there are 2 types of people that we don't see out there anymore. There's the Dumont loving Joe Shmoe that got laid off and can't afford to go duning as much as he used to, then there's the "trendy duners", as I call them, that don't go anymore because the crazy factor isn't there as much as it used to be. These people usually get out of it when their friends do and sell their stuff.

It's kinda sad, but cool at the same time. Less crowds means less a$$hats out there. :D

I'm just happy to still have a job and be able to go almost once a month. :blink:

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I think a better representation of the crowd is a picture taken today. Tuesday the 30th was really sparse, but more people came in the afternoon/evening of the 31st. Still not very crowded as previous years.


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yep, I think the sport definitley hit it's "peak" back around 06 when it was very easy to purchase toys, then when the economy went in the toilet the crowds started thinning out. I think there are 2 types of people that we don't see out there anymore. There's the Dumont loving Joe Shmoe that got laid off and can't afford to go duning as much as he used to, then there's the "trendy duners", as I call them, that don't go anymore because the crazy factor isn't there as much as it used to be. These people usually get out of it when their friends do and sell their stuff.

It's kinda sad, but cool at the same time. Less crowds means less a$$hats out there. :D

I'm just happy to still have a job and be able to go almost once a month. :blink:

I am with you on this one Pete, I enjoy a fun crowd at Dumont and comp at night, but not to fools that show up and ruin it.

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At first I did not understand and thought too many people were there.

I see a similar thing on the east coast riding in the mountain trails.

I do notice that it is mostly the a$$hats that are leaving which suites me just fine.

I will continue to ride the mountains and raise my kids doing the same and hopefully my kids will still have places to ride when they are my age.

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Just left our local Yamaha dealer.

They have 4 new YFZ 450 FI's and said they haven't sold anything, no lookers,, nothing.

We were in Glamis this week.

Silll packed, but noticably fewer than in years gone by.

Still as many thieves & trench diggers roaming as ever.

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