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Grand Canyon


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This was the US Forest service trail 385 accessable from Hi 94. Small brown signs, maybe 6"x8" are along the main roads designating the trails you can turn off on.

We took our GMC 4x4 to the rim.

Pic taken from our flite over the Canyon.

Many 4x4 tour services mis-lead tourists.

Their ads tout Air conditioned, comfortable Hummer excursions, but they show up in an open air old Dodge flat bed with K mart lawn chairs fastened to the chassis.

It was 104 deg the day we went.

Take your own vech.


The Bright Angel Trail

I visited the Grand Canyon in the past, but my wife never has.

We took the fixed wing flite over it, and visited the South rim.

Visiting the South Rim, in our humble opinions, is the easiest & best way to see it first time, and first hand.

The Bright Angel Trail (sometimes spelled Brite BTW) is accessable at the south rim just behind the Bright Angel Hotel.

A U.S. senator Cameron once claimed the trail his, and charged a whopping $1 in

1890's dollars to access the trail.

So,,,, something had to be done to break up his corrupt act.

The Santa Fe railroad then extended it's line a few hundred yards, and along with Fred Harvey built the El Tovar Hotel, and promptly put the Senator and his hotel out of business.

The National Park Service re-took control of the trail and bulldozed his hotel, and the access toll was dropped.

You really fill your heart with the canyon by just walking a few feet down the trail.

At mile 1.5 is a rest station, and some opt to just hike this far.


Our 7 year old, about 100 yds down the Bright Angel Trail.

Check out how beautiful it is. This is plenty far to experience the canyon from inside.

It's hot and high altitude, so even this short hike is tough.

Tiny Chipmunks try and get free handouts. The local hospital (located just outside the gate, east side) treat Heat stroke number one, and Chipmunk bites number two.

They bite deluxe, don't feed them. They don't know where the finger ends and the food starts.

The mule trips are booked 2 years in advance, so you have plan that out.

40 years ago, the mule trip was $250, one can imagine what it costs now.

We didn't enquire, but it is a teriffic ride for sure.

9.2 miles to the Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the canyon for an overnite stay.


We snapped this pic of the mules decending into the Grand Canyon from our flite over the canyon.

You access the South Rim from Arizona State Highway 64 traveling North from US Highway 40.

It's all right there for you. The Grand Canyon Airport if ya want to take a flite, and the Nat. Park South Rim entrance is just a few minutes down the road.

Absolutely walk through the El Tovar Hotel, you're welcome to. It's just a short walk from the Bright Angel Hotel and Bright Angel Trail.

Out front is a breath taking view of the Canyon.

If ya take the trail, read up, study up, and be equipped.

Flites over the Canyon are popular, so be sure to pre-book a flight reservation.

The Fixed wing flights are cheaper than the helicopters.


One other thing we stumbled upon that really took us back:

It was the fantastic Grand Canyon Museum, located in the Bright Angel Hotel.

It's free, and it is something else.

Displays with interesting items of everything about the Grand Canyons human history.

Very well put together. A+ in our book.

It also features in addition to other Grand Canyon subjects, one of the best Fred Harvey collections. It will certainly catch your attention.

Fred Harvey was known for running hotels and restaurants in the west, and he runs both the Brite Angel and El Tovar at the South Rim.

Ya think no-way would one be interested in that, but it is done so well.

Visitors are taken back as they wander through.

My ex mother-in law starred with Judy Garland in "The Harvey Girls" movie.

I made an attempt to buy her awesome Harvey Girls Costume from the movie when MGM had its huge wardrobe sale some decades ago.

Debbie Reynolds had lots more money than me so I had to lump it and concede the sale to her. The shills were running up the price too.

Dorothys ruby slippers and the Harvey costumes were high on her MGM hit list. But that's another thread for another time.

A genuine Harvey "uniform" is on display, and does it ever look cool.

I mentioned to Alice it was a time when chix did what ya told them too. She said that's not a funny statement.

Lots of other genuine artifacts are on display too.

A few pix from our flight over the canyon. The Grand Canyon Airlines plane does a lazy, gentle figure 8 from rim to rim. Flights booked solid with international travelers with money to burn.



Edited by Duneraider
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you post some great trip reports ross. you should print these out and keep them for your kids to have. my mom (who past 2 years ago) had a travel journal in our trailer growing up. i think it is so cool i can pick it up and remember some of the the trips and adventures that had faded in my memory. its a great way to remeber all the fun family times..

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Nice report and pics. I remember going as a kid and a teenager and being taken aback by how magnificent it all was. Took my kids for the first time this past April, camped for a week. Awesome family time but was thouroughly pissed at how dirty, nasty, and commercialized it has become. I think out of the 30,000+ people there that we were the only English speakers.

I wish most of all that they (we) could do something about the air quality there. Was never like that when I was growing up.

A little info for those who may want to book the mule ride to the bottom, if you weigh over 200lbs you cannot go. Sometimes they forget to ask you and you're assed out when you get there. You do get your money back though...

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Thanks for the comments.

It is a very expensive area as mentioned.

Even the McDonalds and Wendys outside the gate was $$.

Everything on the menu was at least $5. More like $7 per item.


We simply parked the trailer in the big Parking lot, turned on the A/C, and made food, and then took the 4x4 up the trails.

We skipped the expensive campgrounds and drove to Parker, our final leg.

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It is way cool getting to take your kids across the country like that :D

My best memories from growing up were when we traveled in a motorhome to all of the 49 states and across Canada. I turned 7 in Maine. I learned more about the US in that trip then I ever could have in a book. Took us 6 months to do the whole trip, both my parents were teachers so they home schooled us for the first 3 months of school.

You are giving your kids memories that will last them a lifetime. :ahhhhh:

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I want to take my kids there soon for sure, funny story is My dad tok me there about 15 years ago and was so happy we came and when i got off the car i loooked at him and said WOW a big hole, he was a bit pissed but what do you expect from a 9 year old kid..lol

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