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90+ PLUS

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Everything posted by 90+ PLUS

  1. that car was for sale a long time ago wasnt it?
  2. that cat that missed the window ledge was hella funny
  3. i just kick some sand over the poop and walk away . just kidding i dont have any pets
  4. when im in school i hear this about 1000 times a day, " why cuz im black"?
  5. thats how all the fags in high school act. it sucks :freakin_nuts:
  6. haha me and my dad did that to see what you would say pete :freakin_nuts:
  7. my old raptor 660 was also stolen from our house last Oct. they broke a window in our garage and lifted up the door and pushed it out. paddles still on
  8. me and my dad will be there. with our car!!! we hope for the whole weekend this time.
  9. what kind o f LT kit is that?
  10. i wasn't him dude, he wasn't racing anyone. it was just me and him behind comp hill, he was leading and i was about 30 yrds behind him and the drop off came before he knew it i guess.
  11. whens the next one pete, is there gonna be another DDR ride before OCT??
  12. sounds like fun wish we could have stayed to meet some of you guys
  13. we were there for about 2 hours and my friend was riding and the dune was like a mirage and he flew off about a 15-20 foot drop off and landed on the front tires and broke his wrist. so then we left. we were there for about 3 hours. it sucked it was just starting to cool off.
  14. i saw a few them. i have some time to look cuz i wont have all my paychecks for a few more weeks
  15. i have alot of money saved up from my job all summer and i want to get a used dirtbike. so i know i am to big for a 125 and i have been riding for a long time (2 wheelers and quads). i am looking at either a 250f or a 250 2 stroke. i am 5' 10" about 180lbs and i am riding in the dunes and the desert, and a race every once and a while. which would be the better all around bike?
  16. we will be leaving in about 24 hours
  17. hey i've seen you at dumont before. my pic in this thread was taken early one morning when it was your car and my dads car were the only ones at comp hill. cool pic!
  18. our car wont make it but we are still going
  19. we are leaving at like 1-2 on saturday. what time are you leaving pete?
  20. last prez day the front left upper and lower a-arm/ spindle got broken when my dad landed a jump on that left tire . so thats fixed and waiting for them to come back from powder coating. and while that was being done my dad had a light bar w/ 9" vision x lights, GPS, new radio to talk to other cars and our rhino, sand invasion shield under the hood, CV's re-greased new pimp lights in the inside. and thats all i can remember right now but he got it all done up.
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