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90+ PLUS

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Everything posted by 90+ PLUS

  1. i forgot my camera so i have no pics. but my friend '$pocketchange$' made a lil video of us. video
  2. these are sweet i have 2 of them and 4 boxes of extra parts
  3. thats pretty cool! i was going to do that but i think it was a hundo or a few to enter i need to go there tomorrow i have a free race this month. what was his time???
  4. jager bottles do work the best because the glass is thick. but sobe bottles work great. it should be filled about half to 3/4 of the way to the top. and the hole should be about the size of a tooth pick or a little smaller.
  5. there is nooo way we have 450 at the sand and weighs 1980lbs and we would get left if we raced him
  6. that car is 2 of our car.. how much hp does it have? i saw it run it looks really good!
  7. paint looks good your car doesnt have air bags on it does it bob?
  8. wow those look strong. what ever you do dont get SoCal Fab
  9. yep. does your rhino sit really high or does the pic make it look higher
  10. thats alot for thoes tires i go the same ones for $180ea. but they are 285 not 305 but they are the same thing right?? one is just more low profile i think. my rims is what broke me $360 each
  11. what about dreamrr or however he spelled it
  12. that car looks sick anyone know what kind it is? it looks like a racer sand car to me
  13. thats crazy. i heard it was more of a pro 2 truck than a trophy truck
  14. i heard it caught on fire but it didnt look like it in the pics
  15. o yeah there was like 100 of them that was really sweet
  16. i couldnt make it to the meet and greet because the rhino blew up but who was rollin the trophy cart??
  17. live through another year. lol im in pretty good shape but i want to build more muscle start saving for a race truck!!
  18. it was cool. but rhino broke the first day so i didnt make it to the meet and greet our 550hp car beat our friends twin turbo LS1 up the hill really tired the pics,, some video coming too our friends desert dynamics the rhinocerous
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