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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. That place kinda looks like Dumont.
  2. One time me and my brothers were at comp sitting back from the starting line watching the action.This guys lines up dead in front of us and roosts the hell out of us when he takes off. If the idiot would have pulled ahead another 5 feet no roost action would have taken place and everything would have been okay. He comes down the hill,lines up again and does the same effin thing. So to make a long story short my car wasn't running right at the time so I just backed up and my brother pulled his car into the spot the guy was taking off from. When the guy got right behind my brothers car he got the full roost of about 400 ponies and 33 blasters. The moral I guess would be pay attention to what's happening around you or it could be PAYBACKS ARE A BIATCH
  3. Usually if you have water in the crankcase oil it is from a bad water pump seal. Worst case scenario would be a cracked case. If you have a bad head gasket it will have steam coming out of the tailpipe and the coolant level will drop and you can smell exhaust fumes in the radiator.
  4. I know Sand Tires Unlimited makes those tires. They shave down stock tires and bond on the paddles.
  5. Taller tires have the same effect as putting on a smaller rear sprocket or a larger front sprocket. No matter what you do to your tires it will not effect the horsepower output of your motor . It will effect how the horsepower is used and at what RPM it is used. It takes more horsepower to spin a taller tire than a shorter tire for many reasons. The main reason is, as stated before, a change in gearing ratios.
  6. Sometime those little tires have to be made.
  7. It's a$$holes that do stuff like that at Glamis that have almost got the place shut down many times. That's why competition hill is closed at night on the big weekends at Glamis. Stupidity is everywhere. More than likely the people that did this are not Dumont regulars and if they are them. There's always got to be someone in the crowd that doesn't like other people to have a good thing. If I catch someone doing this kinda crap there will be HELL TO PAY.
  8. I was wondering how you were going to get both those bikes in the back of your truck. Amazingly enough you did it.
  9. You can still camp at Osbourne Overlook. There was quite a few people up there this past weekend. Glamis is really okay but I prefer Dumont. I always have and probably always will
  10. I don't know if TRES HERMANOS is going to make it or not at this point in time.
  11. Hey Joe Pete if you remember how I got stuck before well I did it again and when I did something got effed up in my car and now it doesn't run right. GLAMIS SUCKS
  12. It sounds and looks like everybody had alot of fun as usual. It looks like I should of went to Dumont instead of Glamis. It was the first and last time I plan on camping in the washes. The ride out to the big dunes from the washes in my opinion was treacherous at best. I'll stick with Dumont. We had a good time anyway. A bad weekend in the sand is still better than a good weekend sitting at home.
  13. Tim said we will be at wash 5.5. I'm guessing that is between washes 5 and 6. I'm going out early tomorrow morning and coming home early evening on Saturday but Joe will be leaving Sunday and Tim will be leaving Monday
  14. Looks like TRES HERMANOS will be representing DDR at Glamis this weekend. We'll have to tear it up out there.
  15. Don't know for sure yet. I'll have to see how I'm feeling tomorrow but probably.
  16. You guys SUCK. I want to go but thats a long haul for some brew.
  17. It looks right on to me. What do you see is wrong?
  18. My calendar shows that jeep throwing a big ole roost.
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