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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. Mine was the only new car both Tim and Joe's car were used.That was Tim's first time out with his car though. Joe's car will hopefully be fixed this weekend.
  2. Like I said earlier TRES HERMANOS will be there either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning.
  3. Man, There's only 2 kinds of music, Country and Western. :headbang: I'm being SARCASTIC. Listening to Country and Western is like :mc_smiley:
  4. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :mc_smiley:
  5. I like giving people rides in my car. I think it's funny when they sqeal and squeak. If they yell and tell me to slow down or something I will but I still think it's funny. I've had the crap scared out of me riding with someone else but I think we all have at some time or another.
  6. Is Eddie really a full blooded Just Kidding
  7. Don29palms


    Try Harbor Freight. They have all sorts of tarps. I don't know if they have a white one but it might be a place to start.
  8. Yeah and tell ISBB he can't go unless he's in a buggy.
  9. So what's the verdict. Are we going or what?
  10. Hey Nick I didn't mean any offense but what I was trying to say was sometimes it's not as fun when you have to wait for someone. I don't care whose leading on what I'll try to keep up as best I can. If I fall back SHAME on me. I'm good to try and follow anybody anytime.
  11. Dime Store Hood you have to name some names and maybe someone else won't have to endure your pain.
  12. You don't need to spend 65K to have a nice long travel.
  13. To answer the original question: I think that would be a great idea. Tres Hermanos is good to go!
  14. If you go to Gordons Well you'll end up riding in Glamis anyway so why not just start there or better yet get your buddies to come to Dumont.
  15. When I mentioned a ride just for buggies what I really should have said was maybe a slower ride for everybody to go on and a faster ride for the more experienced riders. I think it's fun to have a bunch of buggies together but I don't want to exclude anybody from the fun. That's what it's all about is having fun. When I had my Banshee it was alot of fun riding with another bunch of quads. And two wheelers in general I think can go thru the dunes faster than anybody. It's all about a good time and I'm all for it. The ride we went on where Paul was leading on the 700 was really cool. Any fast ride is. I'll be out at Dumont the Tuesday after Xmas until Jan 2 and I'm always good to go for a ride anytime during the day. I'm not much for riding at night.
  16. Sound like Chaparral Motorsports here in California. They sell Yamaha,Kawasaki,Suzuki,Honda and Polaris. They are a huge store but don't expect them to be customer friendly because they aren't.
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