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Everything posted by sandawg

  1. Is there no compassion in the world anymore? Kick us while we're down Sean! :no_no:
  2. Actually Bob you are correct. I have suffered so much verbal abuse from you and YNOT that it finally took it's toll on my mental condition. I put up a big tough front but am actually a very weak, sensitive, overally emotional person and just couldn't take it anymore. I had to get off the site for a while to let my mind and body repair itself. It will be a long journey but it had to be started. As I lay on the floor in the fetal position hoping for relief, I think at this point the only thing that I think would really help is to find a lady that is: Gorgoeus, Rich, Can't see, talk or hear. She should be oversexed, own a licquor store and have false teeth. I hope you guys feel good about yourselves after this horrible example of being bullies and a perfect example of elderly abuse! "Sigh"..........................................
  3. " Holy pooh howdy!" :no_no: ouch!!! ouch!! Oh my ...That's a classic, True "Hillbilly" there Bob! ouch!! Stop it please! As far as "Pulling my post" being brought up........????????? Want a "blow by blow" or a gopro video?? Hee Hee Hee!
  4. Bob called me right after you posted that and we did have a good laugh! And if you haven't heard the "Harley Story" yet that has given way to our doubts of Bob's true sexuality it will be told at the first campfire that you join us. I can't even bring myself to post that story on here. I do still have my morbid, sarcastic, dry sense of humor, it's just that it still hurts to laugh!
  5. Great job of Photo Shop Terry, How did you get your head out of there and that other persons in there. Sure looks like the apparatus you were in when I vivited you just after your surgery~ Cut the top off of the rail and you could still get in even tho you are healed up from your surgery and still need assistance getting your arse out of a sitting posisition.
  6. How do I explain those without sounding defensive like YNOT did ??? Yes it did happen but thanks to Rockets attempts to be a carpenter and building an extra step ( he made out of fire wood scrapts) to make it easier for Booster to get in and out of their toy hauler that stands about 5 feet off the ground. I stepped on the so called step and it collapsed and I hit the ground with no serious injuries, just some hurt pride and listening to Rocket b*tch about me breaking his work of art! I still think he told booster not to try and walk on the step and told her to watch when I tried to leave his trailer. Now for the Dumont flight out of his trailer. You would think someone that has a top of the line Toy Hauler could afford to put a shock or spring on the main door to keep it from getting caught in a 40 MPH wind gust and taking the person attempting to leave while hanging on, for dear life, to the door handle would have been slung out of the trailer and ending up with my back against the front tire of his rail some 5 feet or so from the launch spot. You guessed it. I'm still hearing about how I could ruined his door. A true friend in both cases don't you think??????? Thanks Rocket for being the caring person you surely are NOt!!!!
  7. You got me there Terry. With my normal luck most of my body damage has been a result of my participation rather than being self inflicted but not this one with the so called chairs or stools. Too much info and first hand knowledge for someone that has never visited a "Gay Bar" And the immediate denial.....wow! List of my stupid’s: Jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft= Broken tail bone and broken elbow Driving in a demolition derby= broken thumb football= separated shoulder basketball severely sprained ankle getting old failing eyes= tripping and falling too often So you may almost have me with the self inflicted thing but not quite.
  8. It's OK Rocket, you can tell the truth. I fell off a bar stool at your's and Terry's favorite Gay bar named the "Big Green Egg. They tricked me and didn't tell me about the orientation of the patrons, I don't frequent those places. I'ts like a girlie magazine.....I buy them only to read the articles and never look at the pictures. Terry missed his curfew at the "Home" and is on restriction. No computer for a few days.
  9. Another year older Nick, enjoy the hell out of it!!
  10. I am so pleased that I could bring some happiness to your boring, lonely old mans life.
  11. Who better to know about Greek sayings than someone that was raised during the period of the Roman Empire and was a server at the Last Supper. :clown:
  12. WOW....It seems the admins need to create a new "emotion" Smily that indicates a "Whipping Post" Put it on the list nex t to the old man one!!!
  13. What size motor are you going to build? Another VW?
  14. OK, so it isn't just me. Thanks for the comments. I've spent hours trying to find out why this has been happening and being told the site wasn't having issues.......... Confirmed.....I'm not totally nuts. At least... how it applies to this.
  15. Lately I am getting sent to a Dlink link page that looks like a search page when I try to access DDR via desktop shortcut. Have re done the shortcut several times. No matter what I try to do it won't get on the site all the time. I found a supposed fix to it on the web that tells me to set my IE9 settings to default. What puzzels me is that this is the only site I am having problems with. That's why I keep asking if the site was down. Pete says no so have to assume it's with my wireless set up or the DLink router I have. Sure would like to put this thing to rest so any help anyone can offer will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pat
  16. An absolute rule !!!!!! No livations until the toys are parked for the day. We agree on something.......Seen too many dumb stunts by drinking and duning and some severe injurys and a couple of unfortunate deaths. So much for the serious stuff......back to the "Gum Bumpin"
  17. Trust me we have better things to talk about than you, in spite of the fact that you do give us a lot of pretty juicy stuff to talk about. We were discussing how much booze to take to the dunes in October. Rocket always seems to run out and has to drink my stuff. And since you are thinking of camping with us we'll have to take your share too since your p retty "thrifty"
  18. Naw....I'd still have to spot him even with my little current problem Yup it's not the fall that hurtt it's the sudden stop at the end.
  19. Wait a minute....The dog pees on you and you say the dog is flipping ME off????????????????? Boy Oh Boy, was that a weak responce. I've got an idea! Since this is showing that we are somewhat at a stale mate, let's consider an alternative to settle this. The next time we are at the dunes together, I mean at the same time, we have a contest. We will notice the contest to the forum and see who can get the most female's to show up at a specific place at a specific time and the winner will be the one of us that can attract the most of the female's to our side. I won't tell Shelly if you don't. Hee Hee Hee........ No offers to pay the girls to show up for either side since your independtly wealthy and I am not. If it happens to end up in a tie we will have the wheel chair race from the junction of the Dumont dirt road to the Check point below where we camp. Now if you happen to be able to think on your won, what do you think Mr America??????
  20. Hey Pete, Think about this! The Little Dunes area would be a terrific area to use the existing trails and smaller dunes to have your non event rides. Especially on an off weekend so there wouldn't be any other folks there or very few. It would give a lot of people a chance to check out the mine and just be in a different area. The Little Dunes is a cool area to ride side by sides and atv's What y'all think 70 riders and Prez.
  21. You might have an idea there Jodi. When ever Ii'm around Terry he does leave a wet spot on his chair.
  22. That;s just great Pete, keep encoraging the dumb A**. Some friend you turned out to be!!!
  23. Oh Crap....I thought you had gone on your trip by now. Instead I have to listen to your constant ripping of an old man that 's just trying to get by. So your the 7 million dollar man now and think your indestructable. At least my parts are all origional and a little cracking or poping is normal. It let's me know I 'm still alive and kicking. Besides the cracking and poping is what wakes me up in the morning when I get out of bed. I've just found a good investment and am going to buy stock in WD 40. That;s what you will have to use now to lubricate your joints. I'll make a million!!!!!!
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