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Everything posted by sandawg

  1. ????????????????????? I found that when I bought the Go pro that when I followed the instruction sheet that everything worked just fine!
  2. So what you are saying is it is to hard for the cops to do there job. So 1 or 2 leo's are suppose to go into a camp with 10 or 20 people, maybe drunk or druged out?????? I don't think that is considered their job! i would have the cops drive around on sunday and look for campers that are on the way out and have a look at there camps . that is a start do the cops work on sunday???? Agreed but they are manning the exit to catch the cheap yahoos that snuck in to get money to keep the dunes open. and yes i have been in the mid of a riot 2 times once at the one at glamis and the riots in LA i lived on 79st and crenshaw a few block from the start of it. And your a LEO ?. it to hard or dangerous to do there job well that the job that they get paid to do. And if you were paid to keep the peace you would dive into the middle of the riot to get yourself shot or beat to death??????? Really? Just my feelings! Not trying to start an argument just talking about what is real, what is practicle and what the mission is of LEO"S. And that is to keep the peace and get to go home to their family's at night
  3. There is onlly one way to educate these dum as*s. We have to catch them in the act and talk to them or......All of us that care put a trash bag in their side by side or under their as* on there quads or in our rails and spend an hour or so on a weekend and pick up what is there. Every year we bad mouth the jerks that leave trash in our dunes. We are preaching to the brain dead. They are not on this forum for the most part. Think aout it. Can you spare an hour on your trip to pick up trash to save our dunes. Get with the rangers after you see a camp treat the dunes like sh*t and make sure they follow up with a licence number. A letter to the owner of the vehicle by the BLM lettting them know that they were caught messing up the dunes and when they return they will be cited. We all have traffic cameras in our living areas so citing perps that dump in the dunes with good intel will finally put an end to it.
  4. Anti union, pro union.....I do not think that a usefull discussion with serious disagreements are needed in this forrum. This can cause non repairable problems between members of DDR. Consider this in line with a non discussion topics like religion and politics. rock on DDR without this. IMHO. :no_no:
  5. There are some but they are not easy to find. After several years at Dumont I can still get lost at night without a full moon. I look for camps that have a good identifer and try to find them and them go to my camp. Since I camp on the bluff, if I over shoot my camp I'm in deep sh*t!! Take a few sample rides during the day and try to acclimate yourself to what direction you need to go to find your destination.Since I'm old and can't see sh*t at night and alcohol seems to affect my vision I tend to count on my camp mates to find me if I get lost coming back from Comp Hill in the dark. I count on them but they never seem to try and find me. Are they telling me something?????
  6. "Or is it as simple as to what you can afford? If money was no object we all know what we would have........" Personally I think you have answered your own question. You are in the same posistion that I have been all my duning days. You will be limited to a stock travel or a rare mid travel. If you want reliabiility just make sure you know the rail you consider. My current rail I bought for 4,200 and have had to put in over 4-5000 in up grades and replacement parts and repairs. If I were to try and sell it right now I would be lucky to get 6,000 for it. Just so you know there is an older fellow like me and he said he hasn't touched his mechamically for 7 or 8 years. He drives it hard but within his and the rails capability. He and I bouth have a ball with our VW rails. Good luck, Vw's have worked well in most cases for many many years.
  7. Careful, we'll get our hands slapped again! LMAO
  8. Thank You sir.....Can I have another????? It went wayyyyyyyy past frustrating and well on the way to temporary insanity.
  9. I hunted for a couple of weeks for the gremlin that was preventing my new motor and turbo rebuild for the problem. I finally found the problem. If you have one of these systems and ever run into dead cylinders, rough idle and other glitches. Check out the small wire connectors, there are a couple of them. It is possible since they are so small that the miniture male and female metal connectors are not meshing properly. It is possible to plug the two or three wire connectors and one of the male parts will slide by the female part and not make contact. The male part goes along the plastic preventing a connection.
  10. I'm starting to think about that weekend too Terry. Bob and Carolyn just might be there too. Not totally sure yet!
  11. Happy Birthday Monkie and so many more for you!!!
  12. I'm checking with Desert SKYZ. She had two of these and one died recently. She might be interested in adopting her if she isn't claimed. Checking today!
  13. Really sorry to see and hear that Bert. Not looking good. At least you got out there even if it was short and expnsive. I still can't even get mine out of the garage to check it out. Just one thing after another. As I've said several times before if there is anything I can do to help please call me.
  14. Dang Terry, All I do is fall down. You've got me on this one. Sorry to hear about the problems!
  15. I bought 2 stickers on line and was also sent 2012 stickers. I called them and they said since I had purvhased them after Sept1 they would replace them with the 2013. No problem.
  16. Live your life in the shoes of an L.E.O. Understand the politics of government agencys. Think about the fact that everyone has an opinion and there like As*holes. every one has one. It's like the military, they are taking orders from someone higher. Continue with the thread, it is interesting to hear what people think in spite if it's a fact or that is or a personal feeling.
  17. Hi Jill and Charlie, Sounds like tou enjoyed the spot of the Clif. I was unable to go out for Haloween because of Rail Parts problems. Sorry I missed you guys. Several more folks that I know are getting the same idea. See what;s going on at the fee station! Off subject but wanted to say HI!
  18. Members 2,452 posts Location:Henderson,NV. Interests:Duning, camping, etc, etc. Gender:Male Name:Terry Posted Today, 05:01 PM I did not go to Dumont this weekend but have read about the "Enforcement Issue" I called Larry Blaine @ BLM to find out what was up as this isn't the norm for Dumont. He told me that San Bernardo S.O. decided to do this without even notifying the BLM which is their right to do. Apparently they were looking for drugs and apparently found a pretty good supply of them in several vehicles that the K-9 hit on.
  19. All is not totally lost for us VW guys. At least we know the parts we need for emergencys are only an hour away. Now Phil, we need a map of how to get to your place. And no bitchin about us waking you up in the middle of the night!
  20. pm me with his addy or how to get to his house. I'm not sure! Only been there once.
  21. Several of you know Rocket (Bob) and Booster (Carolyn). They have been Dumont folks for many years and run Party Central on the big weekends. They have the fast and clean and very cool Red Sand Rocket with the big HP. Last month Carolyn had a knee replacement, She has had a rough time of it. Yesterday she started to have some chest pain so they went to the emergency room and they admitted her for a probable blood clot that has moved from her surgery leg to her left lung. I'm sure she/ they would appreciate seeing some posts on here since they do monitor the forum. Thoughts and prayers for her speedy recovery for both of her health issues would be great! I just got the e-mail at 4 this morning, Bob had just gotten home. Don't ask me why I happen to be up that time of the morning to see his message. Thanks to all, Pat
  22. It's oficial. I'm out.....wrong turbo again and it won't work anyway since the set up is custom and nothing fits a stock Turbonetics.... S.O.L.A...
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