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Posts posted by superdave

  1. haha!! Actually he said he IS selling his quad now...but only to buy something bigger and more comfortable than his 450. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight- that's why. I think he's over it all together. :wedgie:

    he can buy my kfx. its comfortable and fast :D

  2. I had the bowl off ...but how does the pin for the float come out? :shake: i didnt take the float out, because the pin holding it in was pretty tight,didnt want to break something...does the pin just push out with force?

    ya its pressed in but not too tight. you wont break anything. just be sure to hook the needle back in on the float tang when you put it back together. :D

  3. just went out and got the mail. mine was there. 145 bucks for 2018 square ft. i never had a bill over 200 till last year thanks to rate increases. cant figure out how a company that continualy gains more customers needs rate increases. must be a government operation. :barf:

  4. I'll happily trade you my last power bill for yours. $700.00 for the month of May!!!!!!!!!!!! :laughing:

    either your living like an eskimo or trying to cool a castle. might be time to invest in a new efficiant a/c unit. :barf:

  5. the float has to be sticking. thats the top vent. shut off the fuel and run the motor to run all the gas out of the carb. try tapping the carb. maybe it will loosen whatever is stuck in there if anything. turn on the fuel and see what happens. you probably will have to pull the bowl back off and take out the needle to check it. make sure the seat is clear. if you had gas coming out of the bottom tube before, thats the bowl overflow, the screw on the side bottom there must have been open a little or not seating good.

  6. i would go but that weekend both days is course marking for the SNORE race on the 30th and i am helping out with that. at least with it being a night race the fun run is saturday morning of the race and i will be able to do that. gonna take the v force. had fun duning it last sunday and it is a blast in the desert. guess i will need a pit stop though. from what i gather its only good for about 35 miles on a tank of gas. i was planning on selling this beast but i dont know now. my old a$$ kinda likes it. :D

  7. nope. had no problems the last ride. im putting a post on kawie riders.com. someone on there probably has some ideas. i really loved duning that thing except for cornering but hell, all in all i love that machine. still like the banshee better though in the sand. :D

  8. those are pretty cool. a guy could do one up to look like his real rail and with the right camera angles nobody would know the difference. you could look like the sand king. :driver:

  9. Me, my wife, Charlie, Craig and my wife's god daughter got in around 1:30am. We stayed up til about 4:00am. Got about 2 1/2 hours sleep. Woke up when Pete and Steveo got in. The sand was beautiful and the razors were SHARP! :thumb: I managed to get stuck on one! It took a good 10 mins to get out. Well we had a blast. My son didn't feel too hot, kept getting sick but all is fine now. We had some good rides in. Dman and me were in our rails. Can't wait to do it again. Good times!


    that is one cute kid you have there jj. he is a real trooper :D

  10. man it was great to get out again. i was really impressed with the way the kfx 700 duned although i still like my banshee. i was flying solo and that was way cool. all my stuff was in my garage in pahrump so i went out saturday night and loaded up, went to terribles lakeside casino and ate dinner, played a little poker and some beer and won a 100 bucks :laughing: went to bed in my motor home there about ten thinkin im in good shape. didnt count on the damn dogs across the street to carry on all night. then the peacocks figured they would chime in when the dogs were quiet. sound like a giant cat, meeeeeeowwww. f*ckers. then out of the blue when i was almost asleep a gust of wind i guess rocked the motorhome. that kinda freaked me out. it was calm as hell all night. i was worried about those silly pahrumpians messin with me. i was glad as hell when the alarm went off and it was time to head to dumont. off weekends are the sh*t. i dont care how hot it is. :D

  11. So the list looks like....


    Bert (sanddunesaddict)

    a guy from work and few of his buddies

    Mike B

    Matt/ Smitty

    Aaron (SandYFZ) if he gets his bike running right

    Steveo- maybe



    JJ (lvnalolife)

    Craig (9 digit)

    Woody (wsky70)

    wingnut and his crazy friend Tom :drunk::blink:


    sandseeker (Brice) + ~6 others




    Did I miss anyone?

    ya me! just got new paddles for the kfx. be my luck it blows a belt first ride. ha ha
  12. yes i'm the fat guy at the starting line... :drinkbeer::blury:

    small world. ive talked to you a few times after some of the races. im good friends with joe jackson who does the radio for the races and vince bishop our checkpoint captain. see ya at the midnight special :D

  13. You going too, Bryan? :laughoff:

    Superdave told me today he's going as well. :laughoff:

    if nothing stupid happens im there. does anyone have some sand tires i could borrow for a kfx700? im gonna sell the bike so i dont want to buy any. just want to see how it does in the sand before i sell it. :D

  14. We are soooooooooo going to be there like always. Taking the black blazer out pipeline road to a spot we know well and be undercover. It hella good times.

    just remember the blm has closed all that off to all motorized vehicles. they have been out there writing tickets. im guessing with the race going on they might be around out there. :stick_smack:

  15. i think that might what had happened there a guy here in vegas and he wants 150 to do both so hopefully he will do a better job then who did it befor

    just remember to check the cylinders after boring. some guys include chamfering and some just bore it leaving it up to you to chamfer. make sure you ask when dropping them off for work. :D

  16. ok so we solved why it didnt run now i took the motor apart and the top end the rings spread and one snaped and broke and fell into the motor and f**k up the piston why did they do it? how can i prevent it from happening agin? now im going to bore it out ddr was a great help with the last prob so i turn to u guys agin ...thanks to the hole duning comunnity :banghead: :eatdrink021: :beercheers::laughoff::laughoff:

    if the top end had been done before its possible the ports werent chamfered good enough. that edge can catch a ring under a good load and cause that problem :(

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