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Everything posted by dreamrr

  1. I had a great time on Sunday! Watched the crowds, rode my yfz450, and kicked some a$$ up comp in my rail! What more could you ask for! I also met quite a few people from the board. Everyone seemed very nice. I even barrowed a few tools from some DDR members at camp and when we blew a tire on the way back to Vegas Everywhere I looked, I saw a DDR sticker on a truck or rig. It's good to be home safe
  2. Just like it says. I need a wider hauler. I am tired of taking the paddles off every time.
  3. For now, my plan is to be there on Sunday. I can't break away for any longer that one day.
  4. Nice man..... WOW. That thing looks friggin fast!
  5. We should race! I will be in my Tatum with 550 horses behind me!
  6. dreamrr


    Very unique looking. I like it!
  7. When I say, "paid for by the dunes, not the duners", I mean paid for with the money they are already getting from us (the duners). I do not want to see any more fees. $20 per vehicle is too much as it is. I know things are expensive, but estimate how many vehicles come to dumont per year and times that by 20. Even with the cost of emergency vehicles, police, and bathrooms, that is a lot of profit. Where is that money going?
  8. This rail looks like some kind of bug! All I think about when I see the price tag on this rail is.... It is really really ugly, and he got really really ripped off.
  9. here is my order! Jessica Alba Jessica Beil Rachel Ray
  10. http://tatummotorsports.com/ Ours ran around 80 grand
  11. :fatdance: No.... I have the best bike
  12. I think that thing is sweet. I would drive one! It will probably get popular in Europe; they need small cars there.
  13. It's really big and ugly, but it would be fun to ride. I think it would sink in the dunes though!
  14. I'll see what I can do about getting a gift basket together from Scoundrels Pub II. Would you want something like that. The basket will be full of booze!
  15. What do you mean, "at the expense of the duners"? The entrance fee will go up if you put in dumpsters? $20 per truck is already way to high. The dunes have to be making a whole lot of money already, and you want more. The only thing I see different about the dunes since the entrance fees started is port-a-potties and more police. With all the money you make from us duners, you should be paving the road in. That road sucks... and it needs to be paved. So I say yes to dumpsters and yes to paving the road in, and that should be at the cost of dunes sir, not the duners! Because we already pay too much!
  16. I think I've seen you at armagosa riding with the dog! Do you do that?
  17. I love my elka's. But then again I have never tried fox floats.
  18. Do you happen to know if this is the fix for the engine just stoping out of know where, and periodic leakage?
  19. We have a cannondale Cannibal. I can't remember the last time we were at the dunes when we did not end up towing it back to camp. Like previously said, it is a great quad when it runs. The stock cannibal will beat my YFZ450 up comp with the right rider. But I just hate the problems! NOT RELIABLE
  20. Come by anytime. Ask for Blake and tell them your from DumontDuneRiders.com Thanks for your business man! -Taylor
  21. What happend? Get well soon! :north_pole:
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